Saturday, February 25, 2023

ACAP Information

 ACAP Information from our Counselors

Note:  We will not have any lunchroom visitors on ACAP testing days.  Please communicate this to your parents.

Please communicate to your parents that each student will need plug-in headphones for testing.


Relaxing waves video to play in the background while reading:

We are attaching a test preparation checklist as a resource. Please read it slowly and carefully as there is a lot of information that needs to be followed exactly. In the checklist are very specific dates (trainings, etc.) that need to be followed exactly to ensure we are prepared for testing. The checklist will need to be completed fully by Friday, March 17th and turned into Mrs. Naylor or Mrs. Kidd.

2nd-5th Grade Teachers- your students will be receiving DRC ACAP Prep every Tuesday for the next 3 weeks during their skills time. They will be learning the platform and how tests will be worded, etc. It is vital that your students bring their chromebooks to Skills for the next 3 weeks.

In your checklist, we are including additional resources that you can use in your classroom to prepare for testing. There is a link to Schoology resources that you can use per content area (instructions in checklist).

In your checklist are dates for chromebook system readiness checks. In this form, there are step by step instructions on HOW to talk your students through this process. It is REQUIRED that you complete this form so that we know what classes are having chromebook issues.

Link to PES Chromebook Check REQUIRED Form:

Attachment to this email for your weekly newsletters- HEADPHONES (wired earbuds) graphic (all students will need a working pair of headphones or wired earbuds for testing). Also, the digital device policy is attached. Please include these two items in your weekly newsletters to parents!

Seating chart attached- see checklist  for due date.

Testing Checklist is attached but also a copy is being placed in your box.

Remember, we got this! We are here with any questions, concerns, fears, worries, and great ideas! Let’s make this the BEST testing season yet!!!

Caroline, Christy, and Sara

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