Saturday, February 27, 2021

Weekly News

Dear Paine Family,
I like to begin the weekly blog post with a reflection on the previous week, but this week there are no adequate words.  What I do know is that when our precious friend and colleague became ill one of her main concerns was her students.  That speaks to the incredible teacher and person she is.  Please continue to pray for Jana and her family, her friends and colleagues, and students.  Our Paine Family will be there for the LoPresti family, and each other, as we continue to care for and teach our precious students each day.  Please let us know if you need anything.

Read Across America

The following is the information sent to teachers from Mrs. Ramer last week:

We are excited to announce our 2021 Read Across America (RAA) plans for our readers here at Paine.  Some things will change due to COVID restrictions, but hopefully together we can still build excitement and foster a love for reading through our amended RAA activities.  Below you will find a list of things that will be available for our students to participate in for the 2021 National RAA Initiative.


1.       Dr. Seuss Themed daily reading suggestions.

2.       Daily Dr. Seuss book themed dress up days.

3.       Scholastic Virtual Book Fair (I’ll send the instructions/link and a parent email out next week.)

4.       Please also consider inviting guest readers via video presentations or Zoom to read to your students. 


We will not have a parent night, in person guest readers or the “Green Eggs and Ham” breakfast (the special breakfast tends to bring a larger breakfast crowd.)  No in person events or gatherings this year.  Please use the links below to plan fun activities with your students as you see fit for your class.  Please share the Dr. Seuss Dress Up Days information with your parents through your weekly communication.  Also, please forward the email you will receive from me next week regarding the Scholastic Virtual Book Fair.

 Spring Pictures

Spring pictures for all face-to-face students will be on Friday, March 5th.  We will adhere to  the same health and safety guidelines followed for Fall Pictures.  Please include in your communication to parents.  More information will be provided on a date for virtual students and makeups.

Wellness Room Signup for March

The signup link for the Wellness Room is located on the left side of the blog.  The yellow slots are reserved for the teachers who will need coverage, and the white slots are for teachers who will not need coverage.  In our Wednesday collaboration most teachers (who will need coverage) asked that we go ahead and book their slots for March.  Please click on the March tab at the bottom to find your time.  Let us know if there are any issues with your time.   Teachers who will not need coverage, please go ahead and book a time in the Wellness Room for March.  Once everyone has booked their time we will see if there are enough slots left for a second booking for the month.

ACAP Preparation Lessons

If a member of our admin team, counselors, or media specialist are scheduled to do the ACAP Preparation Lesson for your class (grades 2-5), please have students do the following before we arrive so we can maximize this learning experience for your students.

1.  Students should be logged into their Chromebooks and have headphones on their desks if available.
2.  Students should have already joined our ACAP Preparation Schoology Course (TB2P-TSWS-TNNTQ) and be ready to get started.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will continue our PD on utilizing SuccessMaker for students.  Please bring your laptop.

Thursday Afternoon

Our Math PLC will meet from 2:15 to 3:15 in the South Collaboration Room.  Our focus will be Number Talks.

Paine Precepts

Generosity - Do it! When you see a homeless creature, lend it a wing until they can grow their own. - John Parker, Darnell HR
All of you can rise up from sadness and bullies...and still have strength. - Henry Hrbacek, Darnell HR
The harder you try the better your outcome. - Hudson Vines, Darnell HR
Don't lie because it will just get you into more trouble.  The truth is right.  - Bryant Gardner, Darnell HR
Be yourself.  You don't have to be anyone else because you are unique. - Ava Price, Darnell HR
Live what you love! Love what you live! Do what you dream about! = Haylee Russell, Darnell HR
Hold on tight; don't let go cause you have something more to show. Loving, caring...that's a blast! And that is something that will last. Pushing, pushing past your goal; that will simply change your soul. - Kenzie Pritchett, Darnell HR
Make gratitude your attitude and be a light in the dark. - Jessica Whitaker, Darnell HR
You are perfect the way you are.  Just because you are different, that is not a bad thing, because you are perfect the way you are. - Jude Davis, Darnell HR
It doesn't matter how fast you do it; it's about how much time you put into it. - Carson Williams, Darnell HR

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Weekly News

We are so excited about our new Wellness Room!  

Please refer to the following guidelines for usage.

      • Room must be booked using shared electronic schedule.
      • Slide sign to occupied when in use and vacant when leaving.
      • When occupied by someone else, do not enter.
      • Sanitize items used and clean up before leaving.
      • Turn off massage chairs after use.
      • For faculty use only; no children allowed in room.

The signup link for the Wellness Room is located on the left side of the blog.  The yellow slots are reserved for the teachers who will need coverage.  The white slots are for remaining teachers who will not need coverage.  You may sign up during a time when you do not have students.  Please only sign up for 1 time in March until everyone has signed up.

ACAP Preparation Lessons

If a member of our admin team, counselors, or media specialist are scheduled to do the ACAP Preparation Lesson for your class (grades 2-5), please have students do the following before we arrive so we can maximize this learning experience for your students.

1.  Students should be logged into their Chromebooks and have headphones on their desks if available.
2.  Students should have already joined our ACAP Preparation Schoology Course (TB2P-TSWS-TNNTQ) and be ready to get started.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will participate in important PD on  ACAP Preparation Lessons (2-5) and Extending our Use of SuccessMaker.  Please bring your laptops.

Thursday Afternoon

Special Education teachers will have their monthly meeting in the Media Center.  Everyone else will work in your classrooms.

Family News

Please continue to pray for our precious friend and colleague, Jana LoPresti.  She started her treatments this week.  Her family has created a Facebook Page called Jana's Journey, where they are providing regular updates.  

Paine Precepts

No man can pick up the world alone, but together anything is possible. - Odin Woodley, Camara HR
Finding success is like finding the best. - Kennedy Freeman, Camara HR
Accept people and they will accept you. - William Talton, Garrett HR
The sky is blue, but you don't be blue. - Brayson Brown, Garrett HR
If you don't get good grades the first time, try harder next time. - Lilliana Moore, Garrett HR
Don't be a soft cookie.  Don't crumble because of your failures.  Instead, know what not to do in the future. - Ava Alvis, Garrett HR
Accept the unacceptance even if your heart doesn't want to. - Kennedy Kosmos,Brandon HR
You were made special in your own way, so why try to be someone else when you are special just the way you are.  Be you and only you! - Adalina Gilles, Garrett HR
Bring the light in someone's darkness. - Chris James, Garrett HR
Try not to run over someone else's day. - Liam Bugaj, Garrett HR

Friday, February 19, 2021

Family News

Congratulations to Taylor Knuppel and her husband, Mitch!  

They are expecting a baby in October, 2021!  

We are so excited for this precious family!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Weekly News

 Hope you are enjoying your well-deserved, long weekend! 

"There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest.  

Use both and overlook neither." - Alan Cohen

IE Block Intervention

Intervention is a game changer for our students who have learning gaps.  It is crucial that we target those gaps and intervene.  Please make sure the students identified in PST as getting daily intervention are at the intervention table everyday.  The Alabama Literacy Act requires daily intervention for our readers with consistent deficiencies.  Also, if a student is receiving Tier 3 intervention outside of the classroom, it is required that they also receive Tier 2 intervention. Please remember the IE Block is protected time and your small intervention group should be at the table by 8:10 and intervention should last until at least 8:40.  If you are having any issues with your IE Block schedules we will be happy to assist you.

Wednesday Collaboration

There will be no collaboration on Wednesday this week.  We will meet on Friday instead (with flexible scheduling to accommodate any vaccination appointments).

Thursday Afternoon

Our Math PLC will meet in the collaboration room from 2:15-3:15.

Lunch in the Classroom

We have received some feedback from several parents regarding concerns about movies being shown in the classroom while students are eating lunch (during the designated days in the  classroom).  The pandemic has resulted in increased "screen time" and decreased "socialization time", so please refrain from showing movies during this time.  Rather, make sure lunch in the classroom is a time for students to eat and talk/socialize with peers.  

Recess Safety

Reminder:  Students should be supervised closely at recess.  Due to the lack of structure, there are more behavior issues during this time.  Also, if you see any safety issue or problem with playground equipment please inform the office immediately.

ACAP Testing Dates (Tentative)

Please mark your calendars.  Paine's tentative testing week is April 12-16.  The following week will be make-ups.  That is only 6 weeks away....can you believe it?  

We will be talking more about ACAP prep on Friday.

TCS Schedule Change/Vaccination Update

Please make sure you have read all of the details in the recent email to TCS Employees:

TCS collaborated with UAB Medicine to provide COVID-19 vaccinations for our employees, and a survey was sent out last week to gather names of employees who are interested. We have been notified that the first dose will be administered February 19 and the second dose will be March 12 (both are Fridays) - for TCS employees who registered.

For the school system to be flexible with its employees who registered to be vaccinated at UAB Hospital, students will not report to school buildings Friday, February 19, 2021, and Friday, March 12, 2021.  Students will be learning from home.  

This is a calendar change to system-wide virtual learning for two (2) days only.  This ensures flexibility for our employees who have signed up for a UAB COVID-19 vaccination appointment.  

On February 19 and March 12, students will be instructed at home through our existing virtual platforms using their Chromebooks, and this affects everyone!

  1. All TCS employees will report to their work location and/or report to their immediate supervisor for any special instructions on the virtual days.  (See detailed information for Paine below.)
  2. Flexibility will be given by each principal or supervisor for the registered employees to leave campus for their appointment at UAB and receive their vaccination.
  3. Teachers will instruct their students using Schoology and plan office hours to respond to students who may need help. 
  4. Guidance will be provided from the TCS Department of Curriculum and Instruction to any teachers who need assistance.  
  5. Teachers will communicate instructional expectations to their students for the virtual days no later one day before. 
  6. Teachers will remind all students to take their Chromebook home the day before.
  7. Curbside pickup meals for virtual students will continue.
  8. Curbside pickup meals for students who are traditionally in-school on Fridays will be available for pickup at HTMS Thursday evening, February 18, and Thursday evening, March 11. 
  9. The YMCA will be partnering with TCS to offer childcare at Paine Elementary for children of TCS employees.  Should you need this childcare, sign up via this YMCA link.

Friday PD/Collaboration at Paine

All classroom teachers (face-to-face and virtual) will participate in one of the following Zooms to enhance our utilization of SuccessMaker (all grades) and discuss ACAP Preparation (2-5).  Please join one of the following sessions based on your grade level.  We will have duplicate sessions to accommodate any vaccination times (for example: if someone is scheduled to go to UAB in the am, they could join the afternoon session).  The Zoom link will be sent in an email.

Grades K&1:  8:00-9:00 or 11:45-12:45
Grades 2&3:   9:15-10:15 or 1:00-2:00
Grades 4&5:   10:30-11:30 or 2:15-3:15

Look for an EXCITING blog post middle of the week!

Paine Precepts

T:    Help others even if they are not helping you. - Grace Self, Camara 
W:   If you open up, others will, too! - Bailey O'Dell, Camara
T:    Time means more than money, if you help someone. - Lily Hoomes, Camara &  Be someone's friend, just to make their day. - Leila Bee, Camara

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Weekly News

Last week was National School Counselor Week, and we celebrated our incredible counselors at Paine Elementary!  Thank you Christy Naylor and Ellen Ormond for all you do for Paine students and colleagues. You are the best!


We also celebrated our Team Members of the Month for December and January. Congratulations to Hannah Lutz for demonstrating generosity and to Angie Seeley for showing responsibility.  We are so proud of both of you!

AimsWebPlus Reading Data Update

Students in K-3 participated in the winter AimsWebPlus reading assessment in January.  Reports were sent home to parents on Friday.  (Reports for virtual students will be mailed on Monday.)  This month, teachers, academic coaches, and admins will be conducting Zoom meetings with parents to develop a reading improvement plan, or modify an existing plan, for students who continue to demonstrate consistent reading deficiencies.  Thank you all for your continued work to address any reading deficiencies and close the gap for these students.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will continue to work together on data nalysis, IE Block Planning, Success Maker, goal setting, etc.

Thursday Afternoon

All Special Education teachers will meet with Dr. Gilbeau in the media center.  We will postpone our Math PLC Meeting (more information to follow).

Friday - Valentine Celebrations

Please remember to follow all guidelines, specific health and safety protocols outlined in the recent blog post.

Paine Family News

Happy News!  Mica Nichols and her husband are expecting a baby!  Congratulations, Mica!  We are so
happy for you!

Please keep Kelly McGough in your thoughts and prayers on Wednesday as she undergoes surgery on both of her thumbs.

Please continue to lift Jana LoPresti and family up in prayer as doctors determine her treatment plan this week.

Paine Precepts

M:  If you don't give respect to others, don't expect respect from others. - Seth Jones, Camara HR
T:   If your day is bad, remember it is a great and wonderful tomorrow. - Jax Rutledge, Camara HR
W:  If someone is being mean to you, kill them with kindness. - MJ Royster, Camara HR
T:   Don't be a bad boy; you might be a sad boy. - Hunter White, Camara HR
F:   Don't say you will do it tomorrow when you can do it today, because you don't know what tomorrow will bring you. - Carson Jones, Camara HR

Friday, February 5, 2021

Family News

Paine Family,
As you know, our sweet friend and colleague, Jana LoPresti has been in the hospital and doctors have been running tests.  Today, she found out that she has early stage ovarian cancer.  Please lift Jana and her family up in your daily prayers.  We ask for strength, comfort, and wisdom as they determine her treatment plan.  Sending our love, support, and prayers!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Family News

Please keep Jana LoPresti in your thoughts and prayers at this time.  She is in Grandview Hospital with a lacerated spleen.  

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...