Saturday, February 20, 2021

Weekly News

We are so excited about our new Wellness Room!  

Please refer to the following guidelines for usage.

      • Room must be booked using shared electronic schedule.
      • Slide sign to occupied when in use and vacant when leaving.
      • When occupied by someone else, do not enter.
      • Sanitize items used and clean up before leaving.
      • Turn off massage chairs after use.
      • For faculty use only; no children allowed in room.

The signup link for the Wellness Room is located on the left side of the blog.  The yellow slots are reserved for the teachers who will need coverage.  The white slots are for remaining teachers who will not need coverage.  You may sign up during a time when you do not have students.  Please only sign up for 1 time in March until everyone has signed up.

ACAP Preparation Lessons

If a member of our admin team, counselors, or media specialist are scheduled to do the ACAP Preparation Lesson for your class (grades 2-5), please have students do the following before we arrive so we can maximize this learning experience for your students.

1.  Students should be logged into their Chromebooks and have headphones on their desks if available.
2.  Students should have already joined our ACAP Preparation Schoology Course (TB2P-TSWS-TNNTQ) and be ready to get started.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will participate in important PD on  ACAP Preparation Lessons (2-5) and Extending our Use of SuccessMaker.  Please bring your laptops.

Thursday Afternoon

Special Education teachers will have their monthly meeting in the Media Center.  Everyone else will work in your classrooms.

Family News

Please continue to pray for our precious friend and colleague, Jana LoPresti.  She started her treatments this week.  Her family has created a Facebook Page called Jana's Journey, where they are providing regular updates.  

Paine Precepts

No man can pick up the world alone, but together anything is possible. - Odin Woodley, Camara HR
Finding success is like finding the best. - Kennedy Freeman, Camara HR
Accept people and they will accept you. - William Talton, Garrett HR
The sky is blue, but you don't be blue. - Brayson Brown, Garrett HR
If you don't get good grades the first time, try harder next time. - Lilliana Moore, Garrett HR
Don't be a soft cookie.  Don't crumble because of your failures.  Instead, know what not to do in the future. - Ava Alvis, Garrett HR
Accept the unacceptance even if your heart doesn't want to. - Kennedy Kosmos,Brandon HR
You were made special in your own way, so why try to be someone else when you are special just the way you are.  Be you and only you! - Adalina Gilles, Garrett HR
Bring the light in someone's darkness. - Chris James, Garrett HR
Try not to run over someone else's day. - Liam Bugaj, Garrett HR

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