Saturday, February 27, 2021

Weekly News

Dear Paine Family,
I like to begin the weekly blog post with a reflection on the previous week, but this week there are no adequate words.  What I do know is that when our precious friend and colleague became ill one of her main concerns was her students.  That speaks to the incredible teacher and person she is.  Please continue to pray for Jana and her family, her friends and colleagues, and students.  Our Paine Family will be there for the LoPresti family, and each other, as we continue to care for and teach our precious students each day.  Please let us know if you need anything.

Read Across America

The following is the information sent to teachers from Mrs. Ramer last week:

We are excited to announce our 2021 Read Across America (RAA) plans for our readers here at Paine.  Some things will change due to COVID restrictions, but hopefully together we can still build excitement and foster a love for reading through our amended RAA activities.  Below you will find a list of things that will be available for our students to participate in for the 2021 National RAA Initiative.


1.       Dr. Seuss Themed daily reading suggestions.

2.       Daily Dr. Seuss book themed dress up days.

3.       Scholastic Virtual Book Fair (I’ll send the instructions/link and a parent email out next week.)

4.       Please also consider inviting guest readers via video presentations or Zoom to read to your students. 


We will not have a parent night, in person guest readers or the “Green Eggs and Ham” breakfast (the special breakfast tends to bring a larger breakfast crowd.)  No in person events or gatherings this year.  Please use the links below to plan fun activities with your students as you see fit for your class.  Please share the Dr. Seuss Dress Up Days information with your parents through your weekly communication.  Also, please forward the email you will receive from me next week regarding the Scholastic Virtual Book Fair.

 Spring Pictures

Spring pictures for all face-to-face students will be on Friday, March 5th.  We will adhere to  the same health and safety guidelines followed for Fall Pictures.  Please include in your communication to parents.  More information will be provided on a date for virtual students and makeups.

Wellness Room Signup for March

The signup link for the Wellness Room is located on the left side of the blog.  The yellow slots are reserved for the teachers who will need coverage, and the white slots are for teachers who will not need coverage.  In our Wednesday collaboration most teachers (who will need coverage) asked that we go ahead and book their slots for March.  Please click on the March tab at the bottom to find your time.  Let us know if there are any issues with your time.   Teachers who will not need coverage, please go ahead and book a time in the Wellness Room for March.  Once everyone has booked their time we will see if there are enough slots left for a second booking for the month.

ACAP Preparation Lessons

If a member of our admin team, counselors, or media specialist are scheduled to do the ACAP Preparation Lesson for your class (grades 2-5), please have students do the following before we arrive so we can maximize this learning experience for your students.

1.  Students should be logged into their Chromebooks and have headphones on their desks if available.
2.  Students should have already joined our ACAP Preparation Schoology Course (TB2P-TSWS-TNNTQ) and be ready to get started.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will continue our PD on utilizing SuccessMaker for students.  Please bring your laptop.

Thursday Afternoon

Our Math PLC will meet from 2:15 to 3:15 in the South Collaboration Room.  Our focus will be Number Talks.

Paine Precepts

Generosity - Do it! When you see a homeless creature, lend it a wing until they can grow their own. - John Parker, Darnell HR
All of you can rise up from sadness and bullies...and still have strength. - Henry Hrbacek, Darnell HR
The harder you try the better your outcome. - Hudson Vines, Darnell HR
Don't lie because it will just get you into more trouble.  The truth is right.  - Bryant Gardner, Darnell HR
Be yourself.  You don't have to be anyone else because you are unique. - Ava Price, Darnell HR
Live what you love! Love what you live! Do what you dream about! = Haylee Russell, Darnell HR
Hold on tight; don't let go cause you have something more to show. Loving, caring...that's a blast! And that is something that will last. Pushing, pushing past your goal; that will simply change your soul. - Kenzie Pritchett, Darnell HR
Make gratitude your attitude and be a light in the dark. - Jessica Whitaker, Darnell HR
You are perfect the way you are.  Just because you are different, that is not a bad thing, because you are perfect the way you are. - Jude Davis, Darnell HR
It doesn't matter how fast you do it; it's about how much time you put into it. - Carson Williams, Darnell HR

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