Sunday, February 14, 2021

Weekly News

 Hope you are enjoying your well-deserved, long weekend! 

"There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest.  

Use both and overlook neither." - Alan Cohen

IE Block Intervention

Intervention is a game changer for our students who have learning gaps.  It is crucial that we target those gaps and intervene.  Please make sure the students identified in PST as getting daily intervention are at the intervention table everyday.  The Alabama Literacy Act requires daily intervention for our readers with consistent deficiencies.  Also, if a student is receiving Tier 3 intervention outside of the classroom, it is required that they also receive Tier 2 intervention. Please remember the IE Block is protected time and your small intervention group should be at the table by 8:10 and intervention should last until at least 8:40.  If you are having any issues with your IE Block schedules we will be happy to assist you.

Wednesday Collaboration

There will be no collaboration on Wednesday this week.  We will meet on Friday instead (with flexible scheduling to accommodate any vaccination appointments).

Thursday Afternoon

Our Math PLC will meet in the collaboration room from 2:15-3:15.

Lunch in the Classroom

We have received some feedback from several parents regarding concerns about movies being shown in the classroom while students are eating lunch (during the designated days in the  classroom).  The pandemic has resulted in increased "screen time" and decreased "socialization time", so please refrain from showing movies during this time.  Rather, make sure lunch in the classroom is a time for students to eat and talk/socialize with peers.  

Recess Safety

Reminder:  Students should be supervised closely at recess.  Due to the lack of structure, there are more behavior issues during this time.  Also, if you see any safety issue or problem with playground equipment please inform the office immediately.

ACAP Testing Dates (Tentative)

Please mark your calendars.  Paine's tentative testing week is April 12-16.  The following week will be make-ups.  That is only 6 weeks away....can you believe it?  

We will be talking more about ACAP prep on Friday.

TCS Schedule Change/Vaccination Update

Please make sure you have read all of the details in the recent email to TCS Employees:

TCS collaborated with UAB Medicine to provide COVID-19 vaccinations for our employees, and a survey was sent out last week to gather names of employees who are interested. We have been notified that the first dose will be administered February 19 and the second dose will be March 12 (both are Fridays) - for TCS employees who registered.

For the school system to be flexible with its employees who registered to be vaccinated at UAB Hospital, students will not report to school buildings Friday, February 19, 2021, and Friday, March 12, 2021.  Students will be learning from home.  

This is a calendar change to system-wide virtual learning for two (2) days only.  This ensures flexibility for our employees who have signed up for a UAB COVID-19 vaccination appointment.  

On February 19 and March 12, students will be instructed at home through our existing virtual platforms using their Chromebooks, and this affects everyone!

  1. All TCS employees will report to their work location and/or report to their immediate supervisor for any special instructions on the virtual days.  (See detailed information for Paine below.)
  2. Flexibility will be given by each principal or supervisor for the registered employees to leave campus for their appointment at UAB and receive their vaccination.
  3. Teachers will instruct their students using Schoology and plan office hours to respond to students who may need help. 
  4. Guidance will be provided from the TCS Department of Curriculum and Instruction to any teachers who need assistance.  
  5. Teachers will communicate instructional expectations to their students for the virtual days no later one day before. 
  6. Teachers will remind all students to take their Chromebook home the day before.
  7. Curbside pickup meals for virtual students will continue.
  8. Curbside pickup meals for students who are traditionally in-school on Fridays will be available for pickup at HTMS Thursday evening, February 18, and Thursday evening, March 11. 
  9. The YMCA will be partnering with TCS to offer childcare at Paine Elementary for children of TCS employees.  Should you need this childcare, sign up via this YMCA link.

Friday PD/Collaboration at Paine

All classroom teachers (face-to-face and virtual) will participate in one of the following Zooms to enhance our utilization of SuccessMaker (all grades) and discuss ACAP Preparation (2-5).  Please join one of the following sessions based on your grade level.  We will have duplicate sessions to accommodate any vaccination times (for example: if someone is scheduled to go to UAB in the am, they could join the afternoon session).  The Zoom link will be sent in an email.

Grades K&1:  8:00-9:00 or 11:45-12:45
Grades 2&3:   9:15-10:15 or 1:00-2:00
Grades 4&5:   10:30-11:30 or 2:15-3:15

Look for an EXCITING blog post middle of the week!

Paine Precepts

T:    Help others even if they are not helping you. - Grace Self, Camara 
W:   If you open up, others will, too! - Bailey O'Dell, Camara
T:    Time means more than money, if you help someone. - Lily Hoomes, Camara &  Be someone's friend, just to make their day. - Leila Bee, Camara

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