Friday, October 20, 2023

Weekly Update


A Week - October 23-27

South PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)
October Character Trait: Integrity

Protecting Instructional Time

We have a limited number of days and hours to teach our students!  We frequently discuss the challenge of not having enough time to provide our students with the experiences to learn all standards at a deep level.  This reminds me of how precious each minute of the day is and one of the most important things we can do for our students is to protect all instructional time.
Here are some ways we can do this:
1) Be intentional with our planning to ensure we are utilizing all instructional time with purposeful experiences. 
2) Stick to classroom routines to ensure we are maximizing instruction from bell to bell.                                        
3) Schedule snack time in conjunction with something else such as read-aloud, etc. 
4) EVERYONE in the building should limit interruptions during teacher's instructional time!  This include announcements, deliveries, visits, hallway conversations, etc.
5) Let's try to make every moment count!  You have my personal commitment to do better at this!

Programs - Sibling Attendance

Some questions have come up about whether siblings may attend programs (such as music programs).  We are hearing of some inconsistencies, so I wanted to reiterate our expectation.  We will have many opportunities for school-wide programs where all students participate.  When we have grade-level  programs, siblings should not be in attendance because it takes them away from instruction.  This in turn impacts their teacher, because he/she has to catch them up.  If a parent asks if a sibling may leave classroom instruction to attend a sibling's program with them, they will have to check them out and check them back in (since they are removing them from classroom instruction).  Thank you for understanding and ensuring we are consistent with this expectation.  This is another way we protect student instructional time. 


Paine Practice...Best Practice

Mrs. Talsma engaging her students in unpacking their learning target!

Mrs. Seeley rotates around the room assessing student understanding...demonstrating WITHITNESS!

Our counselors did an incredible job recognizing students in our quarterly grade level assemblies!  We are so proud of all of our students!

Our first grade Pajama Music Program was amazing!!!

Ms. Barker integrated the study of life cycle of plants (pumpkins) with their work on modeling groups for multiplication and division in math.

Wednesday District PD

Dr. Berry will be leading us in our district PD on Proficiency Scales. We will meet in the North Training Room.  Be sure to bring your pacing guides and the copies of proficiency scales shared with us at the last meeting.

Fall Festival -  Thursday afternoon

Red Ribbon Week 

Family News

Please continue to keep Alyssa Vickers' mother and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers!

We wish Heather Cates the best as she embarks on a new opportunity!  We will miss her!

We welcome Emily Headrick as our newest Kindergarten Teacher!  We are blessed to have her at Paine!

Paine Precepts - Integrity

  • “Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” -Henry David Thoreau
  • “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” – William Shakespeare
  • “Be always sure you’re right, then go ahead.” – Davy Crocket
  • “Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself.” -William Shakespeare
  • “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.” -Albert Einstein

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Weekly Update

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