Saturday, October 14, 2023

Weekly Update

B Week - October 16-20

North PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)
October Character Trait: Integrity

October Calendar

Paine Practice...Best Practice

Jenni Peters leads our teachers in learning more about dyslexia.

Ms. Ashley Wilks reads to our 1st Graders before school.

Grade Level Assemblies-Monday & Tuesday

We will have our grade level assemblies to recognize students for the 1st 9 weeks.  The schedule for the assemblies is listed below:

Monday:  K-8:30, 1st-9:30 2nd 10:30

Tuesday:  3rd-8:30 4th-9:30 5th-10:30

Dropping Off/Picking Up Students to/from PE/Specials

It is imperative that students are dropped off and picked up on time when they go to PE and Specials.  It throws our schedule off when someone is late picking their students up.  It also makes it difficult for our specialists to teach the amazing lessons they have planned.

Turn Trussville Pink - Wednesday

Please include in parent communication.  Paine Elementary will be wearing pink on Wednesday to recogize and honor those who have battled breast cancer.  Let's turn Paine Pink on Wednesday!

Wednesday Collaboration

We will meet in the North Training Room.  Grades 3-5 will work on EnRICh plans and then classroom lesson planning.  Grades K-2 will work on classroom lesson planning.  Please bring your teacher editions for your upcoming lessons.

Thursday Afternoon Early Release Time

Grade levels will finish setting a math and literacy goal based on their recent data analysis, review intervention data, plans & student groups, and continue with lesson planning.  You will meet in grade level chair classrooms.

United Way

The United Way Campaign for TCS will run from October 16th through October 27th.  Please look for communication from Dr. Martin providing more information on United Way.  Please consider donating to United Way.  It is a crucial organization that helps so many  people. 

Plans for Red Ribbon Week 

Courtyard Usage on October 23rd

Our first grade will be having their Fifties Day and will need the Couryard on 10/23.  If you have recess on the courtyard that day, would you find another location.  Please let the front office know where your class will be.

Paine Precepts

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody. - Kid President
To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world. - Dr. Seuss
People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did.  But, people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud. - May Angelou
It's cool to be kind. - Unknown

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