Saturday, October 28, 2023

Weekly Update


B Week - October 30-November 3

North PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)

Paine Fall Festival

We had the best Fall Festival on Thursday!  Many thanks to everyone who worked SO hard to make this such a great community experience for our students, families, and staff!  Our students loved seeing teachers in their book character costumes and your booths were so much fun!  It was the best Fall Festival yet!   A very special thanks to our planning team:  Hannah Lutz, Destin Rice, Maggie Burns, Angela Santiago, Anna Seeley, Beth Lang, Lauren Weller, Lesley Rogers, Kimberly McGinnis & Sara Taylor.  We also want to recognize Tim Waldrup, Lori Phillips, and our PTO for helping to make it such a great success!

Paine Practice...Best Practice

A group of our choir students participated in the AMEA Music Festival on Friday!  Thank you Mrs. Knuppell & Mrs. Rogers for enriching all of our lives with music!

Ms.Cribb's students are SO engaged when Leo the Lion wakes up! Did you know he has a British accent in Ms. Cribb's room?

Dr. Brumlow's math students are experiencing productive struggle as they reason through an engaging investigative task!

Mrs. Calvin is leading students through an Open Court Lesson. Every component of this lesson was so purposeful!

Teacher of the Year Nominations

It is that exciting time of year again...the teacher of the year selection process!  Please use the link below to nominate one of our amazing teachers!  The PES Teacher of the Year will be announced in November.  Please have nominations submitted by the end of the day on Friday, November 3rd.

PST Meetings

We will have PST Meetings on Monday-Wednesday this week during planning time.  Our APs will let you know of your time if you need to meet on a student.

EnRICh Update (3-5)

EnRICh sessions will now begin on Thursday, November 9th.  We will have applications ready for students to complete during the IE block on Tuesday.  We plan to have preliminary rosters ready by Friday.

Wednesday Collaboration

Grade levels will plan.  You may either meet in the North Training Room or in Grade Level Chair Rooms this week.  Please let admin know where you will be meeting.  Please use this time to plan for now until Thanksgiving and update lesson plans.

Thursday Early Release Time

Please use this allocated time (2:15-3:15) this week to work in your rooms and catch up on grading, plans, etc.

Paine Precepts - Gratitude

  • “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” AA Milne
  • “When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.” Vietnamese proverb
  • “Always have an attitude of gratitude
  • Gratitude turns what we have into enough. – Melody Beattie
  • “Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr
  • Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    Family News

    Please keep the following Paine Family Members in your thoughts and prayers:

    • Scott Burnett's wife Delaney had to be taken to the hospital this afternoon; they are running tests.
    • Alyssa Vickers and her family; the service for her mother is on Monday.
    • Hunter Birdyshaw and his family; his grandfather's funeral service was today.

    Congratulations to Meleigha and Hunter Swatek on the birth of their precious baby boy.  Lawton Russell Swatek was born on 10/23/23 at 8:00.  He weighs 7 pounds and is 21 inches long. 

    Congratulations to Matt and Abby Margavio.  They are expecting a baby girl!

    Congratulations to Anna Snuggs and her husband, Eric.  They are expecting a baby in the spring!

    Saturday, October 21, 2023

    Family News

    Please also keep Hunter Birdyshaw and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  Hunter's grandfather passed away today.

    Family News

    Please keep Alyssa Vickers and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Her precious mother passed away today.

    Friday, October 20, 2023

    Weekly Update


    A Week - October 23-27

    South PE will be outside this week 
    (weather permitting)
    October Character Trait: Integrity

    Protecting Instructional Time

    We have a limited number of days and hours to teach our students!  We frequently discuss the challenge of not having enough time to provide our students with the experiences to learn all standards at a deep level.  This reminds me of how precious each minute of the day is and one of the most important things we can do for our students is to protect all instructional time.
    Here are some ways we can do this:
    1) Be intentional with our planning to ensure we are utilizing all instructional time with purposeful experiences. 
    2) Stick to classroom routines to ensure we are maximizing instruction from bell to bell.                                        
    3) Schedule snack time in conjunction with something else such as read-aloud, etc. 
    4) EVERYONE in the building should limit interruptions during teacher's instructional time!  This include announcements, deliveries, visits, hallway conversations, etc.
    5) Let's try to make every moment count!  You have my personal commitment to do better at this!

    Programs - Sibling Attendance

    Some questions have come up about whether siblings may attend programs (such as music programs).  We are hearing of some inconsistencies, so I wanted to reiterate our expectation.  We will have many opportunities for school-wide programs where all students participate.  When we have grade-level  programs, siblings should not be in attendance because it takes them away from instruction.  This in turn impacts their teacher, because he/she has to catch them up.  If a parent asks if a sibling may leave classroom instruction to attend a sibling's program with them, they will have to check them out and check them back in (since they are removing them from classroom instruction).  Thank you for understanding and ensuring we are consistent with this expectation.  This is another way we protect student instructional time. 


    Paine Practice...Best Practice

    Mrs. Talsma engaging her students in unpacking their learning target!

    Mrs. Seeley rotates around the room assessing student understanding...demonstrating WITHITNESS!

    Our counselors did an incredible job recognizing students in our quarterly grade level assemblies!  We are so proud of all of our students!

    Our first grade Pajama Music Program was amazing!!!

    Ms. Barker integrated the study of life cycle of plants (pumpkins) with their work on modeling groups for multiplication and division in math.

    Wednesday District PD

    Dr. Berry will be leading us in our district PD on Proficiency Scales. We will meet in the North Training Room.  Be sure to bring your pacing guides and the copies of proficiency scales shared with us at the last meeting.

    Fall Festival -  Thursday afternoon

    Red Ribbon Week 

    Family News

    Please continue to keep Alyssa Vickers' mother and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers!

    We wish Heather Cates the best as she embarks on a new opportunity!  We will miss her!

    We welcome Emily Headrick as our newest Kindergarten Teacher!  We are blessed to have her at Paine!

    Paine Precepts - Integrity

    • “Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” -Henry David Thoreau
    • “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” – William Shakespeare
    • “Be always sure you’re right, then go ahead.” – Davy Crocket
    • “Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself.” -William Shakespeare
    • “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.” -Albert Einstein

    Saturday, October 14, 2023

    Weekly Update

    B Week - October 16-20

    North PE will be outside this week 
    (weather permitting)
    October Character Trait: Integrity

    October Calendar

    Paine Practice...Best Practice

    Jenni Peters leads our teachers in learning more about dyslexia.

    Ms. Ashley Wilks reads to our 1st Graders before school.

    Grade Level Assemblies-Monday & Tuesday

    We will have our grade level assemblies to recognize students for the 1st 9 weeks.  The schedule for the assemblies is listed below:

    Monday:  K-8:30, 1st-9:30 2nd 10:30

    Tuesday:  3rd-8:30 4th-9:30 5th-10:30

    Dropping Off/Picking Up Students to/from PE/Specials

    It is imperative that students are dropped off and picked up on time when they go to PE and Specials.  It throws our schedule off when someone is late picking their students up.  It also makes it difficult for our specialists to teach the amazing lessons they have planned.

    Turn Trussville Pink - Wednesday

    Please include in parent communication.  Paine Elementary will be wearing pink on Wednesday to recogize and honor those who have battled breast cancer.  Let's turn Paine Pink on Wednesday!

    Wednesday Collaboration

    We will meet in the North Training Room.  Grades 3-5 will work on EnRICh plans and then classroom lesson planning.  Grades K-2 will work on classroom lesson planning.  Please bring your teacher editions for your upcoming lessons.

    Thursday Afternoon Early Release Time

    Grade levels will finish setting a math and literacy goal based on their recent data analysis, review intervention data, plans & student groups, and continue with lesson planning.  You will meet in grade level chair classrooms.

    United Way

    The United Way Campaign for TCS will run from October 16th through October 27th.  Please look for communication from Dr. Martin providing more information on United Way.  Please consider donating to United Way.  It is a crucial organization that helps so many  people. 

    Plans for Red Ribbon Week 

    Courtyard Usage on October 23rd

    Our first grade will be having their Fifties Day and will need the Couryard on 10/23.  If you have recess on the courtyard that day, would you find another location.  Please let the front office know where your class will be.

    Paine Precepts

    Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody. - Kid President
    To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world. - Dr. Seuss
    People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did.  But, people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
    Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud. - May Angelou
    It's cool to be kind. - Unknown

    Wednesday, October 11, 2023

    Paine Family News

    Congratulations to Alyssa Sellers and her beautiful family!  They are expecting a baby!  We are so happy for them!!!

    Family News

    Please keep Alyssa Vickers and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  She was notified yesterday that her mother is not doing well and Alyssa has traveled out of town to be with her.  Sending love and prayers! 

    Tuesday, October 10, 2023

    Family News

    Congratulations to Kourtney Nilsen (4th Grade Sped Teacher) and Travis Whitehead's wedding this weekend! We are so happy for you!

    Congratulations to Hannah (5th Grade Teacher) and Will Foust....they are having a girl!

    Friday, October 6, 2023

    Weekly Update

    A Week - October 10-13

    South PE will be outside this week 
    (weather permitting)
    September Character Trait: Integrity

    Enjoy your day on Monday!
    We have our parent conferences on Tuesday!

    Paine Practice...Best Practice

    Ms. Kerr's message to her 5th grade students during their math test!
    Mrs. Andrews' Art Student are able to reflect on what they learned in Art

    Our 5th Grade Leadership Luau organized by our Counselors!

    HTHS Leaders speak to our 5th graders about Leadership!

    Message from PES Counselors

    Please do not send children unattended to the counselors. It is a safety concern. Rather, please email or text a counselor and they will come as soon as they are available.  

    Important Lunch Room Reminder

    Teachers, it is strictly prohibited for us to bring fast food in it's original packaging in the lunchroom.  This is a state requirement.  Please make sure we are adhering to this important state guideline!

    Thursday Rotation Updates

    Our PES Leadership met last week and made some changes to our Thursday Rotation Calendar.  Originally, we were going to shift rotations in conjunction with the end of the 9 weeks but this does not align with our goals.  Rather, we will follow the schedule below for Grades 3-5.  (Grade 2 is still TBD).

    EnRICh - Thursdays from 1:00 to 1:50 - November 2 through January 25
    We will begin EnRICh on Thursday 11/2 and it will run for 10 weeks (November-January). 
    Note: We may make a few adjustments and begin earlier for Musical Theatre, Math Team and/or Science Olympiad, based on deadlines/competitions.

    ACAP Review & Preparation - Thursdays from 1:00-1:50 - February 1 through April 4.
    We will shift our Thursday rotations to ACAP preparation and review (for grades 2-5).  This rotation will begin on Thursday 2/1 and will run until Thursday 4/4.

    EnRICh Preparation for Showcase - Thursday from 1:00-1:50 - April 25th
    After state testing, we will meet on Thursday 4/25 to prepare for the community showcase.

    Stream Studio Activities - Thursdays in May from 1:00-1:50

    Wednesday Collaboration/PD

    We will meet in the North Training Room for mandatory Dyslexia training for all certified teachers.

    Thursday Afternoon Early Release Time

    We will meet from 2:15 - 3:15.  More information will be provided early next week.

    Makeup Pictures on Friday

    Make-up pictures will be made on Friday, October 13th from 8:05-9:00.  Please include in your parent communication.

    Plans for Red Ribbon Week 

    Please go ahead and include in your parent communication so everyone has time to prepare.

    Paine Precepts


    • “The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
    • “When I do good, I feel good.  When I do bad, I feel bad.” – Abraham Lincoln
    • “Every time I’ve done something that doesn’t feel right, it’s ended up not being right.” – Mario Cuomo

    Weekly Update

      A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...