Saturday, April 30, 2022

Flex Day Form


Please use the link below to request your flex days for this summer.   Completion of this form is a requirement on your year-end checklist.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Weekly Update

             A Week (May 2-6)

Upcoming Events - May
Sun, 5/1: Happy Birthday, Randa Taylor
Mon, 5/2: Choir Performs for PES Students
(8:30-2nd/3rd, 9:30-PreK/Kind/1st, 10:30-4th/5th)
Wed, 5/4: Happy Birthday, Julie Young
Thur, 5/5: Happy Birthday, Maddie Garrett & Mary Rountree
Sun, 5/8: Happy Birthday, Christy Leslie
Mon, 5/9: CNP Workers Appreciation Day
Mon, 5/9: Nurses Appreciation Day
Tues, 5/10: Kinder Orientation (22-23 students) from 5:30-6:30
Thur, 5/12: Kinder Orientation (22-23 students) from 5:30-6:30
Fri, 5/13: 5th Grade Extravaganza
Fri, 5/13: Last Day for Students to Check Out Books
Mon, 5/16: Happy Birthday, Cathy Lollar
Tues, 5/17: Happy Birthday, Tim Waldrup
Wed, 5/18: Books Due Back to Library
Thur, 5/19: Happy Birthday, DeeDee Brasher
Fri, 5/20: Happy Birthday, Amanda Hatcher
Mon, 5/23: PreK-2 End of Year Parties
Mon, 5/23: Happy Birthday, Beverly Baxter, CNP
Tues, 5/24: 3-4 End of Year Parties
Tues, 5/24: Happy Birthday, Leah Morrison
Wed, 5/25: Last Day for Students (1/2 Day)
Thur, 5/26: Faculty & Staff Breakfast Celebration
Thur, 5/26: Happy Birthday, Donna Browning & Leigh Riley
Fri/5/27: Happy Birthday, Carly Payne
Mon, 5/30: Happy Birthday, Kimberly McGinnis
Thur, 6/9: Kinder Orientation (22-23 students) from 10:00-11:00

Teacher Appreciation Week

Below, see all of the great things our PTO has in store for teachers this week:

We have searched under the stars and over the moon and we CAMP find any teachers better than you.  We in-TENT-sly want to say thank you for all that you do!

Monday: We need S'MORE teachers like you! Go by the Wellness Room for a Yummy treat.
TuesdayThank you for leading us down the trail of success!  Look for more yummy treats in the Wellness Room.
Wednesday: We love our AMAZING teachers! Stop by the Wellness room for a gift!
Thursday: Thank you for helping us BLOOM this school year! Come to the Flower Truck (between 8:30-10:30) and pick your flowers!
Friday: Don't feed the bears, but we'll feed you! We appreciate you bear-y much! PTO will be providing lunch.  It will be served in the Wellness Room.

Choir Performances

Our choir will be performing for Paine Students on Monday in the courtyard.  This is a performance you don't want to miss!   We will call for teachers to bring their classes at their designed time (see below).  Please ask students who not to use the courtyard to cross to the other side of campus until all programs are over at approximately 11:00 am.  Also, if you have recess on the courtyard Monday morning, please find an alternate location and let the office know where you are.

5th Grade Extravaganza

Our end of the year celebration for our 5th graders will be help all day on Friday, May 13th.  It will be at Faith Community Church (front parking lot).  

Year End Parties

The dates for year end parties are listed below. You may ask your room mom to help with your party.
Monday, May 23rd - PreK-2
Tuesday, May 24th - 3-4

Library Update

The last day students may check out books is Friday, May 13th.  All books should be returned to the library by Wednesday, May 18th.  Students may utilize your classroom libraries after the 18th until last day of school.

ATOT Teacher Evaluations

We will work to complete all remaining ATOT Teacher Evaluations this week.  This is a 20 minute observation for those on the cycle this year.  

Family News

We would like to congratulate Jessica Bryant.  She will be the TCS Math Coach next year!  We are going to miss her in 5th grade, but we will still see her and she will be working with all of our math teachers!

We would like to welcome Tim Waldrup back next week!

Paine Precepts


  • “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.” – Julie Andrews
  • “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas A. Edison
  • “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth
  • “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – Newt Gingrich
  • “Be like a postage stamp, stick to something until you get there!” – Josh Billings

Monday, April 25, 2022

Important: Report Card Timeline Changes

Revised Report Card Timeline

Please see the revised report card timeline.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Wednesday May 18, 2022- Gradebooks lock 12AM. Teachers in grades (3-5) will submit final grades and print the grade verification report from the teacher gradebook before locking occurs.  Teachers in grades (K-2) will submit final grades in their gradebooks before locking occurs.

Friday, May 20, 2022- Ms. Lollar will unlock 3-5 gradebooks for teachers that have notated a correction needed of their verification sheets. Teachers should have corrections made by 3PM on Friday and new grade verification sheets turned in to replace the incorrect versions. K-2 teachers should turn in verifications to the office by 12PM. K-2 teachers should make notes on the verifications if corrections are needed to be made in the gradebook. Ms. Lollar will open K-2 gradebooks for teachers that have made these notes by 3PM on Friday.

Monday, May 23, 2022- All K-2  gradebook corrections and re-submitting final grades should be completed before Monday @ 9AM.  Ms. Lollar will then audit all verifications and reports to make sure that she has everything needed from teachers to print report cards. Ms. Lollar will begin to print report cards as soon as her audit is complete. Report cards will be given to administration on Monday evening.

Report cards go home on Wednesday.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Aims Web Testing

Aims Web Testing Begins this Week

We will begin our AimsWeb Testing this week.  The reading test will be completed first.  A testing team will come in and test Kindergarten students first and then will move on to 1st Grade.  This testing will be completed in the grade level collaboration rooms, so Kinder and 1st should meet in the grade level chair's classroom for Wednesday collaboration.  While the testing team is here, they will also pull 2nd and 3rd graders to complete ORF.  We will need to be as flexible as possible to ensure the testing team can get everyone tested.  Please remember if a student requires testing accommodations under a 504 or IEP, it is up to us to let the team know not to pull the student (if someone else needs to administer the test, etc.).

We recommend 2-5 teachers administer the computer Aims Web testing beginning this week. Please coordinate with your partner teacher to ensure students are not taking reading and math on the same day.  All testing must be completed by May 6th.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Weekly Update

 B Week (April 25-29)

Upcoming Events - April/Mid May
Mon, 4/25:  GaTE Marketplace 4:00-6:00
Tues, 4/26: AEA will be at PES (North Faculty Lounge)
Wed, 4/27:  AFT will be at PES (North Faculty Lounge)
Wed, 4/27: Happy Birthday, Nanacy Camara
Fri, 4/29: Principal Appreciation Day
Sat, 4/30: Happy Birthday, Dominique Parker
Sun, 5/1: Happy Birthday, Randa Taylor
Mon, 5/2: Choir Performs for PES Students
(8:30-2nd/3rd, 9:30-PreK/Kind/1st, 10:30-4th/5th)
Wed, 5/4: Happy Birthday, Julie Young
Thur, 5/5: Happy Birthday, Maddie Garrett
Fri, 5/6: CNP Workers Appreciation Day
Fri, 5/6: Nurses Appreciation Day
Sun, 5/8: Happy Birthday, Christy Leslie

Thank you to all for making our Open House such a huge success! Your classrooms looked amazing and the preparation you put in did not go unnoticed! Our students were so excited and it meant so much to our parents!

Lunch Visitors

Parents will be able to eat lunch with their child beginning April 25th, with designated days based on student last name.  Parents must come through the front office and sign in, and sign out when they leave.

Monday:  A-E
Tuesday:  F-J
Wednesday:  K-O
Thursday:  P-S
Friday:  T-Z

 Parents must sit at the Visitor Table with their child only.  Please remember, parents may not return to your classroom, recess, etc. when lunch is over.

GaTE Marketplace

Assemblies - Tuesday
Our assemblies for February and March student recognitions will be on Tuesday in the South Gym.  

Kindergarten - 8:30-9:00
1st Grade - 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade - 10:30-11:00
4th Grade - 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade -  12:30-1:00
5th Grade - 1:30-2:00

Third Grade Writing Proficiency

According to Act 2016-352, all third grade students will be assessed on cursive handwriting proficiency.  Our testing window will be May 9-13.  Before May 9th, we will provide literacy teachers with the assessment materials.  All handwriting assessments, rubrics, and class grade sheets will be due back to the principal no later than May 18th.  Please look for more information soon.

Wednesday Collaboration

Teachers will meet in their grade level collaboration rooms for planning.

Thursday - Faculty Meeting

We will have a faculty meeting in the Media Center from 2:15-3:15.

Paine Precepts

M:  Keep looking up.  There may be a rainbow waiting for you
T:  Sometimes on your way to a dream you get lost and find a better one. 
W:  If Plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool!
T:  Keep looking up. That's the secret of life. - Snoopy
F:  Once you choose hope, everything is possible.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Weekly Update

 A Week (4/18-4/22)

Upcoming Events - April
Mon, 4/18: Open House 4:30-5:30 - PreK, Kinder, Matos
Mon, 4/18: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 3rd Grade
Mon, 4/18: Happy Birthday, Julia Bickley
Tues, 4/19: Happy Birthday, Tamra Higginbotham
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 4:30-5:30 - 1st Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 6:00-7:00 - 5th Grade
Wed, 4/20: Administrative Assistants Day
Wed, 4/20: ACAP Science (4th grade)
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 4:30-5:30 - 2nd Grade
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 4th Grade
Mon, 4/25:  GaTE Marketplace 4:00-6:00
Tues, 4/26: AEA will be at PES (North Faculty Lounge)
Wed, 4/27:  AFT will be at PES (North Faculty Lounge)
Fri, 4/29: Principal Appreciation Day
Sat, 4/30: Happy Birthday, Dominique Parker.


Lunch Visitors

Parents will be able to eat lunch with their child beginning April 25th.  We are anticipating a high volume of visitors so there will be designated days based on the first letter of the student's last name. This will ensure we have space in the lunchroom and enough parking.  We will look at the number of visitors after the first week to see if any adjustments to the schedule are warranted.  We will send communication out to parents on Monday via mass email. We will also have this schedule available for parents at the Open House.
Monday:  A-E
Tuesday:  F-J
Wednesday:  K-O
Thursday:  P-S
Friday:  T-Z

 Parents must sit at the Visitor Table with their child only. 

Welcome - Matt Ryan
We would like to welcome Matt Ryan to Paine Elementary.  He will be with us for the next three weeks completing the TCS Assistant Principal Internship.

ACAP Testing - 4th Grade Science

Our 4th Grade Students will take the Science ACAP on Wednesday.  We will be on a typical schedule.  We just ask that no one travels down the 4th grade wing in the morning, and students remain quiet in the other hallways.  Please remember:  We will be doing makeup testing all week in designated areas of the building so the hallways should remain quiet.

Team Member of the Month

Please use the link below to vote for Team Member of the month for COOPERATION.  Please vote by Monday afternoon.  Team Members of the Month will be announced on Tuesday morning.                  TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH LINK

Wednesday & Thursday

There will be no collaboration meetings on Wednesday and no faculty meeting on Thursday due to Open House this week.

Library - Flex Time

Until further notice there will be NO flex time in the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  You may send students at any time on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.

Family News

Congratulations to Anna Seeley and her husband, Austin on the birth of their beautiful baby boy.  We also want to congratulate Angie Seeley who is now a Gigi!  Carter McKay Seeley was born at 12:13 pm on Thursday.  He weighs 6 lbs 7 oz and is 20 inches long.

Paine Precepts

M:  "Remember you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.” — Snow White, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
T:  "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” – Roald Dahl
W:  “Never doubt yourself, it will only hold you back.” – J.M. Barrie
T:  "Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” – Matilda, Roald Dahl
F:  "When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming.” – Dory, Finding Nemo

Saturday, April 9, 2022

PST Referrals & Updates

 April PST New Referrals and Monthly Updates are due by Thursday, April 14th  before the end of the day.

April New Referral Google link (for students who have NOT been brought up to PST this year):

April Grade Level Update Google links (for students who have been referred to PST this year):


1st Grade:

2nd Grade:

3rd Grade:

4th Grade:

5th Grade:

Weekly Update


B Week (4/11-4/14)

Upcoming Events - April
Tues, 4/12:  Tax Vote
Wed, 4/13: ACAP Math
Fri, 4/15:  Teacher Flex Day/No school for Students
Mon, 4/18: Open House 4:30-5:30 - PreK, Kinder, Matos
Mon, 4/18: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 3rd Grade
Mon, 4/18: Happy Birthday, Julia Bickley
Tues, 4/19: Happy Birthday, Tamra Higginbotham
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 4:30-5:30 - 1st Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 6:00-7:00 - 5th Grade
Wed, 4/20: Administrative Assistants Day
Wed, 4/20: ACAP Science (4th grade)
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 4:30-5:30 - 2nd Grade
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 4th Grade
Mon, 4/25:  GaTE Marketplace 4:00-6:00
Fri, 4/29: Principal Appreciation Day
Sat, 4/30: Happy Birthday, Dominique Parker.

ACAP Testing Week - Important

We have our Math ACAP Testing this Wednesday.  Please remind your parents of our testing schedule and the importance of our students being on time, getting enough rest and eating a good breakfast.  Please encourage students to do their very best!  We will be doing make-ups and small groups the remainder of the week.

During Tuesday morning announcements we will again provide words of encouragement for students who will be testing the next morning.   Right after announcements please show students the ACAP video "one more time" to encourage and motivate them to do their best on the math test.


Please communicate to students if they give these tests their very best effort we have a special video for them to view when testing is complete...the BLOOPERS from the making of the video.

Monday Specials - Important Change

We will be switching Monday and Wednesday specials this week.  This is so students are not having to miss the same special two weeks in a row due to testing.  Example:  If your students typically have Music on Monday and Art on Wednesday, they will go to Art this Monday (and will miss Music this week).

Wednesday (Testing Day) PE Schedule

There will be no specials on Wednesday due to testing. We will try to have outside PE if weather permits.  If we are able to do this, we will be using the north field and south playground from 11:30 until the end of each day.  If you have recess scheduled on the south playground during that time, please use one half of the gym for recess instead.  Wednesday PE times are listed below.  

11:30-12:00    5th Grade

12:05-12:35    Kindergarten

12:40-1:10  3rd Grade

1:15-1:45      2nd Grade

1:50-2:20     1st Grade

2:25-2:55     4th Grade

Wednesday Collaboration

We will not have meetings this week due to state testing.

Duty Schedule Adjustments

We are still having some issues with afternoon dismissal, and to ensure appropriate behavior when lining up and exciting the building, as well as safety, we will be making some necessary adjustments.  Please look for a follow-up post with additional information. 

Thursday Afternoon - Floors

If you signed up to have your classroom floors scrubbed, before you leave on Thursday please make sure you put all desks/chairs stacked in the area where your large rug usually sits.  Also, please make sure your rugs are rolled up and put on top of the desks (to make sure they do not get wet).

Friday - Flex Day for Teachers!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Updated PE Schedule for ACAP Days

There will be NO specials on Wednesday and Thursday this week due to testing.  Please see the updated schedule below for PE times on those 2 days.  

Wednesday PE Times

11:30-12:00    5th Grade

     12:05-12:35     Kindergarten

 12:40-1:10    3rd Grade

1:15-1:45      2nd Grade

1:50-2:20      1st Grade

2:25-2:55      4th Grade

Thursday PE Times

10:30-11:00    1st Grade

11:00-11:30     4th Grade

 11:30-12:00      5th Grade

      12:05-12:35     Kindergarten

12:40-1:10     3rd Grade

 1:15-1:45     2nd Grade

Friday, April 1, 2022

Weekly Update


 A Week (4/4-4/8)

Upcoming Events - April
Tues, 4/5: Grades must be entered today for progress reports
Tues 4/5: Be sure rooms are ready for ACAP
Wed 4/6: ACAP ELA Part 1
Thurs, 4/7: ACAP ELA Part 2
Thurs, 4/7: Progress reports go home
Sun, 4/10: Hannah Puryear's Birthday
Wed, 4/13: ACAP Math
Mon, 4/18: Open House 4:30-5:30 - PreK, Kinder, Matos
Mon, 4/18: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 3rd Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 4:30-5:30 - 1st Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 6:00-7:00 - 5th Grade
Wed, 4/20: ACAP Science (4th grade)
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 4:30-5:30 - 2nd Grade
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 4th Grade


ACAP Testing Week - Important

Over the next 3 weeks our students in grades 2-5 have an opportunity to show what they have learned this year.  You have worked so hard to prepare them all year, so I know they will do great!  Please remind your parents of our testing schedule and the importance of our students being on time, getting enough rest and eating a good breakfast.  Please encourage students to do their very best!

During Tuesday morning announcements we will provide words of encouragement for students who will be testing the next morning.  Right after announcements please show students the ACAP video (5th grade may want to show it after specials & pe).  


Please communicate to students if they give these tests their very best effort we have a special video for them to view when testing is complete...the BLOOPERS from the making of the video.

Important Reminders

  • There should be no activity/traveling through the building beginning at 8:10 until you receive word that morning group testing is complete.
  • There will be an announcement over the intercom when morning group testing is complete (somewhere around 11:00).  That is when we can begin lunch, recess, etc.
  • We will be conducting small group testing every afternoon, so travel through the hallways should be limited and students should remain supervised and quiet.
  • Please avoid hallways that have "testing" signs.
  • If you typically have recess in the mornings, please change that to afternoon on main testing days.

Thank you to Mrs. Naylor and Mrs. Howard for all of the work you have put in to ensure we have a smooth process for testing.  Thank you to all Paine teachers and staff who participated in the creation of our testing video this year.  You all did the most amazing job!!!!   

Remember: Do not show the video until after Tuesday announcements.  Teachers in grades K & 1, please feel free to show them to your classes at the same time for their enjoyment and to tell them a little about what the other grades are doing.

Wednesday (Testing Day) PE Schedule

There will be no specials on Wednesday due to testing. We will try to have outside PE if weather permits.  If we are able to do this, we will be using the north field and south playground from 11:30 until the end of each day.  If you have recess scheduled on the south playground during that time, please use one half of the gym for recess instead.  Wednesday PE times are listed below.  

11:30-12:00    5th Grade

12:05-12:35    Kindergarten

12:40-1:10  3rd Grade

1:15-1:45      2nd Grade

1:50-2:20     1st Grade

2:25-2:55     4th Grade

Wednesday Collaboration & Thursday Afternoon

We will not have meetings this week due to State Testing.

ACAP Information Sent to Parents

The following information was sent to parents via mass email on Friday, 4/1.  Please include these details in your parent communication as well.

The Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program, also known as ACAP, will take place at Paine Elementary School throughout the weeks of April 4th, 11th, and 18th. The ACAP Summative Assessment will be administered to all students in grades 2-5.  

Testing Reminders for Parents

  • All students in grades 2-5 will need wired headphones for the first day of testing on Wednesday, April 6th.
  • If possible, reschedule any routine health appointments that interfere with the testing schedule. Students will have to make up the assessment upon return.
  • Avoid check-ins and check-outs. If a student checks in after 8:15, they will not be able to test with their homeroom. Please avoid mid-morning checkouts as well, as it is not advised to remove a student from a testing session once they have begun.
  • Please make sure your students arrive on time to school each day.
  • Encourage students to each a balanced breakfast and get plenty of rest the night before.
Lunchroom Updates

As we prepare to open our lunchroom to visitors the week of 4/25 we will reinforcing our lunchroom rules.  We have created new posters for both lunchrooms.  We are asking students to be a CHAMP in the lunchroom.  Please go over these rules with your students and reinforce them.  Students will be seated at the opposite end from the teacher chair.  Teachers will sit at the end of their table and leave space by you for any students who is not following our lunchroom rules.  Please remember:  No outside food may be brought into the lunchroom.

If a student has parent come for lunch, the parent and student (only that student) will sit at the Visitor table.  They may not sit at the classroom table.  Closer to 4/25, we will be sending out a schedule of designated days for students to have a parent visit for lunch.  This is to ensure we can accommodate all visitors.  Please do not communicate anything about this yet.  We will send out via mass email soon.  Our main goal right now is to get students used to our new lunchroom rules and seating arrangements over the next two weeks.


District PD

District PD 4/21 & 5/19:  Teachers will have these days to be sure all of your Educator Effectiveness requirements have been met for the year and time to complete year end task.

Family News

Congratulations to Dominique Parker!  She is expecting a baby girl in October!  We are so happy for Dominique and her family!

Please keep Lisa Salem's son in your thoughts and prayers.  He had a serious accident and is recovering.

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...