Saturday, April 9, 2022

Weekly Update


B Week (4/11-4/14)

Upcoming Events - April
Tues, 4/12:  Tax Vote
Wed, 4/13: ACAP Math
Fri, 4/15:  Teacher Flex Day/No school for Students
Mon, 4/18: Open House 4:30-5:30 - PreK, Kinder, Matos
Mon, 4/18: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 3rd Grade
Mon, 4/18: Happy Birthday, Julia Bickley
Tues, 4/19: Happy Birthday, Tamra Higginbotham
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 4:30-5:30 - 1st Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 6:00-7:00 - 5th Grade
Wed, 4/20: Administrative Assistants Day
Wed, 4/20: ACAP Science (4th grade)
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 4:30-5:30 - 2nd Grade
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 4th Grade
Mon, 4/25:  GaTE Marketplace 4:00-6:00
Fri, 4/29: Principal Appreciation Day
Sat, 4/30: Happy Birthday, Dominique Parker.

ACAP Testing Week - Important

We have our Math ACAP Testing this Wednesday.  Please remind your parents of our testing schedule and the importance of our students being on time, getting enough rest and eating a good breakfast.  Please encourage students to do their very best!  We will be doing make-ups and small groups the remainder of the week.

During Tuesday morning announcements we will again provide words of encouragement for students who will be testing the next morning.   Right after announcements please show students the ACAP video "one more time" to encourage and motivate them to do their best on the math test.


Please communicate to students if they give these tests their very best effort we have a special video for them to view when testing is complete...the BLOOPERS from the making of the video.

Monday Specials - Important Change

We will be switching Monday and Wednesday specials this week.  This is so students are not having to miss the same special two weeks in a row due to testing.  Example:  If your students typically have Music on Monday and Art on Wednesday, they will go to Art this Monday (and will miss Music this week).

Wednesday (Testing Day) PE Schedule

There will be no specials on Wednesday due to testing. We will try to have outside PE if weather permits.  If we are able to do this, we will be using the north field and south playground from 11:30 until the end of each day.  If you have recess scheduled on the south playground during that time, please use one half of the gym for recess instead.  Wednesday PE times are listed below.  

11:30-12:00    5th Grade

12:05-12:35    Kindergarten

12:40-1:10  3rd Grade

1:15-1:45      2nd Grade

1:50-2:20     1st Grade

2:25-2:55     4th Grade

Wednesday Collaboration

We will not have meetings this week due to state testing.

Duty Schedule Adjustments

We are still having some issues with afternoon dismissal, and to ensure appropriate behavior when lining up and exciting the building, as well as safety, we will be making some necessary adjustments.  Please look for a follow-up post with additional information. 

Thursday Afternoon - Floors

If you signed up to have your classroom floors scrubbed, before you leave on Thursday please make sure you put all desks/chairs stacked in the area where your large rug usually sits.  Also, please make sure your rugs are rolled up and put on top of the desks (to make sure they do not get wet).

Friday - Flex Day for Teachers!

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