Friday, April 22, 2022

Weekly Update

 B Week (April 25-29)

Upcoming Events - April/Mid May
Mon, 4/25:  GaTE Marketplace 4:00-6:00
Tues, 4/26: AEA will be at PES (North Faculty Lounge)
Wed, 4/27:  AFT will be at PES (North Faculty Lounge)
Wed, 4/27: Happy Birthday, Nanacy Camara
Fri, 4/29: Principal Appreciation Day
Sat, 4/30: Happy Birthday, Dominique Parker
Sun, 5/1: Happy Birthday, Randa Taylor
Mon, 5/2: Choir Performs for PES Students
(8:30-2nd/3rd, 9:30-PreK/Kind/1st, 10:30-4th/5th)
Wed, 5/4: Happy Birthday, Julie Young
Thur, 5/5: Happy Birthday, Maddie Garrett
Fri, 5/6: CNP Workers Appreciation Day
Fri, 5/6: Nurses Appreciation Day
Sun, 5/8: Happy Birthday, Christy Leslie

Thank you to all for making our Open House such a huge success! Your classrooms looked amazing and the preparation you put in did not go unnoticed! Our students were so excited and it meant so much to our parents!

Lunch Visitors

Parents will be able to eat lunch with their child beginning April 25th, with designated days based on student last name.  Parents must come through the front office and sign in, and sign out when they leave.

Monday:  A-E
Tuesday:  F-J
Wednesday:  K-O
Thursday:  P-S
Friday:  T-Z

 Parents must sit at the Visitor Table with their child only.  Please remember, parents may not return to your classroom, recess, etc. when lunch is over.

GaTE Marketplace

Assemblies - Tuesday
Our assemblies for February and March student recognitions will be on Tuesday in the South Gym.  

Kindergarten - 8:30-9:00
1st Grade - 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade - 10:30-11:00
4th Grade - 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade -  12:30-1:00
5th Grade - 1:30-2:00

Third Grade Writing Proficiency

According to Act 2016-352, all third grade students will be assessed on cursive handwriting proficiency.  Our testing window will be May 9-13.  Before May 9th, we will provide literacy teachers with the assessment materials.  All handwriting assessments, rubrics, and class grade sheets will be due back to the principal no later than May 18th.  Please look for more information soon.

Wednesday Collaboration

Teachers will meet in their grade level collaboration rooms for planning.

Thursday - Faculty Meeting

We will have a faculty meeting in the Media Center from 2:15-3:15.

Paine Precepts

M:  Keep looking up.  There may be a rainbow waiting for you
T:  Sometimes on your way to a dream you get lost and find a better one. 
W:  If Plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool!
T:  Keep looking up. That's the secret of life. - Snoopy
F:  Once you choose hope, everything is possible.

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