Friday, October 2, 2020

Update: Virtual to Traditional Learning Transition Plan (Grades 2 & 4)

Important:  The following is to update our faculty.  Monday, we will send a communication piece to parents of students in the following homerooms.

We continue to receive requests for students to move from virtual learning to face-to-face learning.  We have determined it is time to transition two of our virtual teachers to face-to-face learning (while they maintain some virtual responsibilities for a period of time).  Due to our current class sizes in 2nd grade and 4th grade, combined with the number of students projected to return, we have developed a transition plan, which will be implemented the day after Fall break.

2nd Grade

Mrs. Parker will be moving to traditional face-to-face teaching. She will be co-teaching with Mrs. Wilks.  For this transition, their "joint" classroom will be in the South Gathering Space.  Mrs. Wilks will bring her homeroom students into this room, and 2nd grade students moving from virtual to Option A will be added to this room (placed in Mrs. Parker's homeroom).  This space will allow us to initially place students a full 6 feet apart.  Once we have two full classes in this large room, we will likely move them back to their regular classrooms.  When Mrs. Hunt (Wilks' switch teacher) is teaching in the large classroom, Mrs. Parker will be co-teaching with her.  Mrs. Parker will retain responsibility for creating the 2nd grade virtual lessons (until she has a full face-to-face class).  

Mrs. Benson's virtual Kindergarten students will merge into Mrs. Bland's homeroom, and her 1st Grade students will merge into Mrs. Wall's homeroom.  Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Tweed will be the two 2nd grade virtual teachers.

4th Grade

Our transition plan for 4th grade mirrors the 2nd grade plan.  Mrs. Nichols will be transitioning to face-to-face, co-teaching with Mrs. Felts.  Our North Collaboration Room will be transformed into a large classroom for this year.  Mrs. Felts' homeroom will move into this room, and 4th grade students moving from virtual to Option A will go into this room (placed in Mrs. Nichols' homeroom).  Initially, we will be able to place students a full 6 feet apart in this large space.  Once we have two full classes in this large room, we will likely move them back to their regular classrooms.  When Mrs. Jenkins (Felt's switch teacher) is teaching in the large classroom, Mrs. Nichols will be co-teaching with her.  Mrs. Nichols will keep her virtual students (until she has a full face-to-face class).  

Mrs. Taylor will remain as the other 4th grade virtual teacher, and will take over Mrs. Nichols' current responsibilities with virtual lesson creation).  

Mornings - 4th Grade South

South 4th grade students will no longer go to the Gathering Space in the mornings.  Students will sit in their hall and the overflow will go around the corner.  The 4th grade teacher on duty should be where they can see down both aisles.  The 3rd and 5th grade students on red hall will do the same...line up in their hall with the overflow going around the corner.  The teacher on duty should also sit where he/she can see all students.

Collaboration Room

For the remainder of this school. year, we will transform Room R01 (Red Hall) in the South Building to our Collaboration Room.  This room is on the front hall (Mr. Freeman's former room).  We will have plenty of space for grade levels to collaborate in this room and sit six feet apart.  This is where we will meet on Wednesdays (and you are free to meet in this room any other day during your planning time).

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