Saturday, February 29, 2020

Weekly News

B Week

Class(es) of the Week: O'Dell  (Kinder)
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
PACE Character Trait:  Forgiveness
Paine Power Word:  Purpose
Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.

Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 


  • Our parking signs are in and we have a maintenance request in to place them strategically in our parking lot.  As soon as signs go up we will communicate our parking plan to parents. Please make sure your decal is in the window of your car.
  • We have received some feedback about the Germbuster spraying.  We will be meeting this week to see if we can make some adjustments to the schedule to make it more convenient for everyone.

STEM Across America Activities


GATE Marktplace will be on Monday and Tuesday after school.  

Wednesday Collaboration 

We will meet in the Collaboration Room on Wednesday.  We will participate in a professional learning activity.

Thursday Afternoon

    We will not have a faculty meeting or precept team meeting due to STEM Night.  This will provide us with time for final preparations.

    STREAM Night - Thursday, March 5th

    Our STREAM Night will be Thursday March 5th.  Please make plans to attend this important event.  We will have the Book Fair open from 4-6, a pizza dinner from 5-6 and STREAM Night Sessions from 6:15-7pm.  

    DR. SUESS Precepts this Week

    M:  Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.
    T:  You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.
    W:  Only you can control your future.
    T:  Think and wonder. Wonder and think.
    F:  It's not about what it is.  It's about what it can become.

    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Family News

    Please continue to keep the following individuals in your thoughts and prayers:

    Rachelle Taylor - An addition was made to her treatment plan. We are praying for minimal side effects and for healing.

    Mary Rountree's husband, Charles - Charles went to the doctor today and they found a mass in his neck (in the same spot as last time).  He will have a CT scan next week.

    Lisa Lothspeich's grandson, Ford - We are so thankful for the army of people praying for Ford and lifting our family up during this time.

    Jennifer Hunt's husband, Jonathan - Jonathan had a mass removed from his neck this week and they are waiting on information regarding next steps.

    We have some exciting Paine Family News:
    Kimberly McGinnis and her husband are expecting in October 2020.... and guess what?

    Monday, February 24, 2020

    STREAM Across America Week

    Next week will be an exciting and busy week at Paine Elementary.  We will kick-off STEM Across America on Monday, March 2nd (Dr. Suess' Bday).  Instead of just celebrating reading during this special nation-wide event we are throwing in some FUN science, technology, engineering, art and math activities.  

    GATE Marktplace will be on Monday and Tuesday after school.

    Our STREAM Night will be Thursday March 5th.  We will have the Book Fair open from 4-6, a pizza dinner from 5-6 and STREAM Night Sessions from 6:15-7pm.  

    Family News

    Please keep Jennifer Hunt's husband, Jonathan, in your thoughts and prayers.  He is having surgery on Tuesday to remove a mass from his neck.

    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    South Out - Mrs. Shumate

    Shout out to Mrs. Shumate and her second grade classes for the creation of their autobiographical poems. Mrs. Shumate integrated technology into this unit by providing students with an automated template to create their poems.  This was one type of poetry studied among many including:  acrostic, concrete, five-senses, diamante, couplet, and cinquain.  Students were so engaged in this purposeful writing.  The final products are posted outside of the classroom, where students are encouraged to guess who each poem is about!

    Weekly News

    A Week

    Class(es) of the Week:  Tweed (1st)
    Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
    PACE Character Trait:  Creativity
    Paine Power Word:  Exemplary
    Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.

    Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

    PST Schedule

    Wednesday, February 26th - 1st Grade
    Thursday, February 27th - All other Grades

    Wednesday Collaboration (South Side)

    Collaboration will be on the Sorth Side this week.  Be sure to put collaboration summary notes in Google Classroom.

    Thursday Afternoon

      Math Teachers in grades 2-5 will participate in a webinar on Reflex Math.  This is the math fluency software we are piloting the remainder of the year.  We are checking on the number of teachers we are able to include in the webinar, and may add some first grade teachers if there is capacity.  If not, we will train Kinder and first grade teachers.

      Paine STREAM Precepts this Week

      M:  S(Science) - Everyone you ever meet knows something you don't. - Bill Nye
      T:   T(Technology) - Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. - Steve Jobs
      W:  R(Reading) - Reading is essential for those that wish to rise above the ordinary. -Jim Rohn
      T:   E(Engineering) - A person's mind,once stretched with a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions. - Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr. (Civil War Veteran and Supreme Court Justice).
      F:  A(Arts) & M(Mathematics) - Mathematics is the art of human understanding. - Unknown

      Friday, February 14, 2020

      Family News

      Ford Bertram (Lisa Lothspeich's 4-year-old grandson) was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL, B-Cell) on Thursday, February 13th.  Ford's family would like to thank our Paine Family for the continued prayers and support.  On Friday, February 14th, Ford had a platelet transfusion, a spinal tap to check his spinal fluid, an extraction of bone marrow from his hip, placement of a central line, and he started chemotherapy. The family is thankful for the prayers and faithful as they begin Ford's long-term treatment plan.

      Family News

      Ellington “Elle” Kate Parker was born Thursday, February 13th at 8:46am. She weighs 6 pounds 11 ounces and is 19.5 inches long.  Congratulations, Dominique!  She is beautiful!

      Monday, February 10, 2020

      TAC Questions & Responses

      Question 1
      It feels that students on IEPs and extra needs are grouped and not spread out equitably between teachers.  Is it possible to make sure that teachers are not overloaded and the needs dispersed equitably between each class?
      Response 1
      We will continue to review student needs as outlined in IEPs in the spring/summer as we formulate classes.  Our goal is an equitable distribution of students at all levels to ensure an inclusive and diverse environment.  We have achieved equitable distribution of special needs in our upper grades and will take a closer look at our younger grades for next year.  Achieving this may require teachers to coordinate schedules (when they teach math, reading, etc.).

      Question 2
      South gym air ducts and windows are dirty.  Why are these not cleaned and dust removed?
      Response 2
      We must obtain a lift from the maintenance department to clean the ducts, and students cannot be in the gym.  This cannot be done in the summer because our gyms are occupied.  We will work with our head custodian to determine how this can be completed on a more consistent basis.
      Question 3
      The carline always has trash and the garbage can is overflowing.  Why are custodians not maintaining this area?
      Response 3
      This area will be outlined specifically (rather than lumped in with “other” duties) to ensure it is not overlooked.  We are currently revamping custodian schedules to allow time for our Germbuster spraying.  We will also encourage students to taking more ownership in keeping our school clean.  At a future faculty meeting we will discuss the possibility of a grade level “sponsoring” an outside area of the school for a designated period of time.  They would ensure no trash is left in the area and communicate any issues. 
      Question 4
      Why are both MES and CES students participating in the Trussville Bicentennial but PES isn’t?
      The Trussville Bicentennial is a six-month long event.   Each school was asked to sign up to participate in one of the monthly events, and PES was scheduled for February.   The second event was held on Saturday, February 8th and our choir represented our school by performing at this event.  We will also participate in a future event by supplying student artwork for display.

      Family News

      Please keep the following Paine Family Members in your thoughts and prayers:

      • Rachelle Taylor's doctors are adding a treatment to her current treatment plan on Wednesday. 
      • Tim Waldrup's wife, Cindy has been in the hospital.
      • Mary Rountree's husband, Charles finished his last treatment.
      • Lori Phillips' mother
      • Buffy Blands' mother-in-law and father (who is having some medical issues)
      • Lisa Oliver's daughter 
      • Susan Denham's daughter

      Saturday, February 8, 2020

      Shout Out - Ms. Barker

      This week, Ms. Barker's students created fraction strips to analyze the sizes of unit fractions.  They used a ruler to create their fraction strips, ensuring all pieces in a strip were the same size.  So, in addition to studying fractions they applied measurement skills and multiplication/ division.  Ms. Barker questioned students as they made connections between fractional amounts.  For example, they internalized that an eighth is half the size of a fourth, a half is twice the size of a fourth, etc.
      Students constructed fraction strips to analyze
      and compare unit fractions.

      Ms. Barker leads a discussion
      about the sizes of various unit fractions.

      Trussville Bicentennial Celebration

      Our Paine Performers sang at the Trussville Bicentennial Celebration on Saturday, February 8th.  They did a beautiful job of representing Paine Elementary at this historical celebration.  Thank you to our music teachers, Mrs. Rogers and Ms. Duren for doing such an outstanding job with our choir!  We are Paine Proud!

      Weekly News

      A Week

      Class(es) of the Week:  Dahlke & Parker (2nd)
      Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
      PACE Character Trait:  Creativity
      Paine Power Word:  Modify
      Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.

      Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

      Paine Elementary Food Drive

      Please encourage your students to help others in need by participating in our food drive this week.  

      ACCESS Testing (for ELL Students)
      This week, Mrs. Meredith will be at Paine Elementary administering the state ACCESS test to our ELL students.  These tests will be administered in the North Old Front Office Area.  Please make sure all students are on Zone Zero and completely quiet in the nearby hallways during this testing. Teachers on north side, please be extremely quiet when checking mail boxes, etc.   Also, we will not be able to make any announcements while testing is in progress.  The schedule is listed below. 

      DLL (Dyslexia Learning Lab)

      Site Visit on Tuesday

      We will have visitors in our building on Tuesday morning from 7:30 - 10:30.  They will be here to see Sonday System lessons in Kindergarten and 1st Grade during the IE Block.  

      Germbusters Update

      We are working on our schedule for our new disinfectant machine (which we are calling Germbusters).  As soon as we have it ready, we will do a separate post so you will know when your room will be sprayed each week.  

      Important:  We did find out on Friday that there is a "possibility" the mist could damage chromebooks, so please make sure your chromebooks are closed and secured in your storage carts before you leave on the day your room is scheduled to be sprayed.  Please use traditional means to wipe down your chromebooks periodically.  

      4th/5th Assembly

      Our 4th and 5th Grade Assembly has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 11th at 8:30.  The first PE Class on the north side will be in the South Gathering Space.

      Wednesday Collaboration (North Side)

      Collaboration will be on the North Side this week.  Be sure to put collaboration summary notes in Google Classroom.

      Thursday Afternoon

      If necessary, we will have a brief faculty meeting, then grade level teams will meet.  Grades 2-5 should work on ACAP preparation.

      February 14th - Valentine Parties

      We are allocated two classroom parties per year...Christmas was our 1st one and Valentines is our other party.  Please make sure your party does not exceed one hour.

      Paine STREAM Precepts this Week

      M:  S(Science) - To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, require creative imagination and marks real advance in science. - Albert Einstein
      T:   T(Technology) - The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. - Edward Teller
      W:  R(Reading) - Reading is a passport to countless adventures. - Mary Pope Osborne
      T:   E(Engineering) - Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was. - Theodore Von Karmen (Aerospace Engineer)
      F:  A(Arts) & M(Mathematics) - Music, Mathematics and Art are considered the pinnacle of human creativity. - Unknown

      Friday, February 7, 2020

      Paine Counselors Rock!

      Our PTO provided lunch for our counselors Thursday to celebrate  School Counselors' Week.  (We will also celebrate them during teacher appreciation week, because they serve many roles!)  We want to thank Christy Naylor and Ellen Ormond for being there to support and encourage our students (and us)!  We are so blessed to have the most caring and amazing counselors at Paine Elementary!

      Thursday, February 6, 2020

      Electrostatic Disinfectant Machine

      The information below was communicated in a recent edition of "In the Loop".  We are so thrilled to have this resource at our school.  We received our machines yesterday and Mr. Tim attended training.  We are developing a schedule to cover each room one day per week (after school).  If there is an outbreak of sickness in a particular room, we will cover as needed.  We will provide you with the schedule in the next day or two so you know what evening your room will be sprayed.

      Creating a Healthier and Cleaner Facility for TCS

      Electrostatic Disinfectant Machine

      Trussville City Schools will soon begin using the new electrostatic disinfectant machine to create a cleaner and safer facility for our students, faculty and staff.

      • Same disinfectant, just a different way of delivery
      • Can be sprayed on all hard surfaces with no residue
      • Will not be sprayed with students in room
      • TCS School Nurses input and Parent Advisory input
      • Kills Norovirus, all Flu Strains, MRSA, and many more pathogens
      • Uses chlorinated sanitizing and disinfecting tables…not bleach
      • EPA registered uses: amusement parks, beverage and food processing plants, schools, universities, hospitals, neo-natal units, physicians/pediatricians offices, nursing homes, child care centers, shelters, cafeterias, eating establishments, hotels, Intensive Care units, operating rooms, dental facilities, etc.
      • Many school systems are currently using the Electrostatic Disinfectant Machine
      • Comes in a handheld and backpack model
      • Can be sprayed, used in mop buckets and in sinks
      group picture of school nurses and administrators previewing the new disinfectant machine
      The disinfectant machine comes in a handheld device which is pictured or a backpack device

      ACAP Preparation - Important

      The state has released an updated version of the online tools training for the ACAP.  This is extremely important for students to be able to use the tools effectively, and without distraction.  

      All teachers should become familiar with the tools for all tests.  You may be asked a question at some point during the test, and if you haven’t utilized the tools yourselves, you will not be able to assist your students.  We want you to be able to assist students witho0ut having to open the door and ask for help, which in turn can cause irregularities to happen and distract all students. 

      Many tools have been removed, and added for students that require accommodations.  I highly recommend all teachers become familiar with the tools for all tests. Special education teachers need to also become familiar with all tools.  Your students need to be familiar with them as well, i.e.,  the pace it reads text aloud, etc. 

      Our STEM Lab teachers have been working with students on some of the tools.  However, it is extremely important that the online tools also be practiced in your classroom during your designated ACAP time.  

      Here is the main link to the state website for tools:

      Wednesday, February 5, 2020


      Trussville Bicentennial Celebration

      The second of six Trussville Bicentennial Celebrations will be held at the Trussville Civic Center on Saturday, February 8, 2020, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. These celebrations will be held each month, January through June.

      Paine Elementary will be represented by our Paine Performers (Choir).  They will be singing at approximately 10:00 am.  We invite everyone to come out and join us for the celebration!

      A history fair will include relics from the city’s past, historians will be on hand, and people will tell of their memories in Trussville.  ACTA Theatre will perform a short play based on Trussville’s past and present. The play will be performed at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. 

      Parking Decals

      The parking decals are actually for the "outside" versus inside.  You can either stick it to your driver's side back window on the outside or tape it on the inside. 

      Monday, February 3, 2020

      Shout Out - Kindergarten Crew

      There will be a new Shout Out segment in our blog highlighting some of the amazing instruction occurring at Paine Elementary!
      SHOUT OUT to our Kindergarten Crew for the incredible teaching and learning occurring in their IE Block.  Teachers rotate and work with small groups on exactly what they need while other students are engaged in activities selected to grow and develop each student.  Students are working on Ticket to Read and Dreambox, making words, writing, sorting, creating math graphs, etc.  The most impressive thing is that our teachers have established high expectations for students during this block and it is paying off.

      Sunday, February 2, 2020

      Paine 5th Grade Math Team

      Paine Elementary hosted a regional math tournament on Saturday, February 1, 2020.  Students from Trussville City Schools did extremely well.  We are so proud of all TCS students who participated!  A special "shout out" to Paine Elementary's 5th Grade Math Team! One of our groups took 3rd place and one of our students`took 2nd Place on the individual test!  These students will be eligible to participate in the state tournament.  We are PAINE PROUD!

      3rd Place 5th Grade Team from Paine Elementary:
      Noah Jordan, Maddox Turner, Nathan Dion,
      Braxton Benefield, and Lucian Nelson

      2nd Place Individual Winner for 5th Grade:
      Lyla Hatley, Paine Elementary

      Thank you to Mrs. Bramlett for coordinating the event and
      Mrs. Bryant for preparing our team!!!

      Saturday, February 1, 2020

      Family News

      Please keep Chrissy Mauldin in your thoughts and prayers.  She is having surgery on Tuesday and will have to be out for 2-3 weeks.  

      Family News

      Please keep Kim Dahlke and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her grandmother passed away last week.  

      Family News

      Please keep Christy Leslie and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her grandmother passed away this week.

      Thank you for the continued prayers and support for Rachelle Taylor.  We are so thankful she got a good report this week.  Please continue to lift her up.

      Please keep Lisa's Lothspeich's grandson, Ford, in your thoughts and prayers.  He is in the hospital with a hip bone infection. 

      Also, Heather Matos' daughter is recovering from surgery, so please lift her up as well.

      Please let us know if you would like to include something in our Family News!

      Weekly News

      B Week

      Class(es) of the Week:  5th Grade Math Team
      Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
      PACE Character Trait:  Creativity
      Paine Power Word:  Delineate
      Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.

      Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

      Team Member of the Month Nomination

      Please click on the link below to nominate a member of our faculty/staff for Team Member of the Month for demonstrating the PACE character trait, KNOWLEDGE.  Please submit nomination by Monday afternoon at 4:00.

      Important Reminder about Specials

      Please send ALL students to specials on time.  Please do not keep a student to finish an assignment.  We have standards to teach in our specials and our teachers only have 30 minutes per week with students.  Thank you.

      Parking Lot Update

      Parking decals will be placed in your boxes on Monday.  Please go ahead and secure in the driver's side back window of your car (inside).  The numbers have been assigned alphabetically, but remember spaces are not numbered.

      Our signs are here and we have a maintenance order in to put them up.  Once the signs are up, we will communicate our new parking layout to parents (via the parent blog).  We will also have a Paine Pride faculty/staff designated parking space on both north and south side (more information to follow).

      Student Assemblies (for December & January)  

      Assemblies will begin at 8:30 am in the North Gym (see schedule below).  Since we are combining months, we will not read the excerpts aloud for Paine Pride and Reader Leader (to ensure the assembly lasts no more than 30 minutes).

      Tuesday, February 4th (Grades 1 and 3)
      *1st Grade:  Specials at 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35
      Thursday, February 6th (Grades 4 and 5)
      Friday, February 7th (Grades K and 2)
      *2nd Grade:  Specials at 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35; 

      Wednesday Collaboration Schedule for February

      • February 5th - Collaboration Room
      • February 12th - Collaboration on North Side
      • February 19th - Collaboration Room 
      • February 26th - Collaboration on South Side
      Thursday Afternoon Schedule for January

      • February 6th -   Precept Team Meetings/Leadership Team Meeting
      • February 13th - Grade Level Teams to work on ACAP, etc.
      • February 20th - District PD
      • February 27th - TBD:  Precept Team Meeting or ACAP Collaboration

      Paine Pack

      Please make sure you have either distributed to students or turned in your Favorite Book communication by Monday afternoon.

      Paine STREAM Precepts this Week
      M:  If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything. - Marva Collings
      T:   If something is important enough, you do it, even when the odds are not in your favor. - Elon Musk, Engineer and Inventor
      W:  If you're not struggling, you're not learning. - Jo Boaler, Math Educator
      T:   There is no substitute for hard work.  - Thomas Edison, Inventor
      F:   The important thing is to not stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing. - Albert Einstein, Scientist

      Weekly Update

        A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...