B Week
Class(es) of the Week: O'Dell (Kinder)
PACE Character Trait: Forgiveness
Paine Power Word: Purpose
Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.
Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised.
- Our parking signs are in and we have a maintenance request in to place them strategically in our parking lot. As soon as signs go up we will communicate our parking plan to parents. Please make sure your decal is in the window of your car.
- We have received some feedback about the Germbuster spraying. We will be meeting this week to see if we can make some adjustments to the schedule to make it more convenient for everyone.
STEM Across America Activities
STEM Across America Activities
GATE Marktplace will be on Monday and Tuesday after school.
Wednesday Collaboration
We will meet in the Collaboration Room on Wednesday. We will participate in a professional learning activity.
We will meet in the Collaboration Room on Wednesday. We will participate in a professional learning activity.
Thursday Afternoon
We will not have a faculty meeting or precept team meeting due to STEM Night. This will provide us with time for final preparations.
We will not have a faculty meeting or precept team meeting due to STEM Night. This will provide us with time for final preparations.