Saturday, February 1, 2020

Weekly News

B Week

Class(es) of the Week:  5th Grade Math Team
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
PACE Character Trait:  Creativity
Paine Power Word:  Delineate
Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.

Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Team Member of the Month Nomination

Please click on the link below to nominate a member of our faculty/staff for Team Member of the Month for demonstrating the PACE character trait, KNOWLEDGE.  Please submit nomination by Monday afternoon at 4:00.

Important Reminder about Specials

Please send ALL students to specials on time.  Please do not keep a student to finish an assignment.  We have standards to teach in our specials and our teachers only have 30 minutes per week with students.  Thank you.

Parking Lot Update

Parking decals will be placed in your boxes on Monday.  Please go ahead and secure in the driver's side back window of your car (inside).  The numbers have been assigned alphabetically, but remember spaces are not numbered.

Our signs are here and we have a maintenance order in to put them up.  Once the signs are up, we will communicate our new parking layout to parents (via the parent blog).  We will also have a Paine Pride faculty/staff designated parking space on both north and south side (more information to follow).

Student Assemblies (for December & January)  

Assemblies will begin at 8:30 am in the North Gym (see schedule below).  Since we are combining months, we will not read the excerpts aloud for Paine Pride and Reader Leader (to ensure the assembly lasts no more than 30 minutes).

Tuesday, February 4th (Grades 1 and 3)
*1st Grade:  Specials at 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35
Thursday, February 6th (Grades 4 and 5)
Friday, February 7th (Grades K and 2)
*2nd Grade:  Specials at 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35; 

Wednesday Collaboration Schedule for February

  • February 5th - Collaboration Room
  • February 12th - Collaboration on North Side
  • February 19th - Collaboration Room 
  • February 26th - Collaboration on South Side
Thursday Afternoon Schedule for January

  • February 6th -   Precept Team Meetings/Leadership Team Meeting
  • February 13th - Grade Level Teams to work on ACAP, etc.
  • February 20th - District PD
  • February 27th - TBD:  Precept Team Meeting or ACAP Collaboration

Paine Pack

Please make sure you have either distributed to students or turned in your Favorite Book communication by Monday afternoon.

Paine STREAM Precepts this Week
M:  If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything. - Marva Collings
T:   If something is important enough, you do it, even when the odds are not in your favor. - Elon Musk, Engineer and Inventor
W:  If you're not struggling, you're not learning. - Jo Boaler, Math Educator
T:   There is no substitute for hard work.  - Thomas Edison, Inventor
F:   The important thing is to not stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing. - Albert Einstein, Scientist

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