Monday, February 10, 2020

TAC Questions & Responses

Question 1
It feels that students on IEPs and extra needs are grouped and not spread out equitably between teachers.  Is it possible to make sure that teachers are not overloaded and the needs dispersed equitably between each class?
Response 1
We will continue to review student needs as outlined in IEPs in the spring/summer as we formulate classes.  Our goal is an equitable distribution of students at all levels to ensure an inclusive and diverse environment.  We have achieved equitable distribution of special needs in our upper grades and will take a closer look at our younger grades for next year.  Achieving this may require teachers to coordinate schedules (when they teach math, reading, etc.).

Question 2
South gym air ducts and windows are dirty.  Why are these not cleaned and dust removed?
Response 2
We must obtain a lift from the maintenance department to clean the ducts, and students cannot be in the gym.  This cannot be done in the summer because our gyms are occupied.  We will work with our head custodian to determine how this can be completed on a more consistent basis.
Question 3
The carline always has trash and the garbage can is overflowing.  Why are custodians not maintaining this area?
Response 3
This area will be outlined specifically (rather than lumped in with “other” duties) to ensure it is not overlooked.  We are currently revamping custodian schedules to allow time for our Germbuster spraying.  We will also encourage students to taking more ownership in keeping our school clean.  At a future faculty meeting we will discuss the possibility of a grade level “sponsoring” an outside area of the school for a designated period of time.  They would ensure no trash is left in the area and communicate any issues. 
Question 4
Why are both MES and CES students participating in the Trussville Bicentennial but PES isn’t?
The Trussville Bicentennial is a six-month long event.   Each school was asked to sign up to participate in one of the monthly events, and PES was scheduled for February.   The second event was held on Saturday, February 8th and our choir represented our school by performing at this event.  We will also participate in a future event by supplying student artwork for display.

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