Saturday, January 11, 2020

Weekly News

A Week

Class(es) of the Week:  Burns (5th)
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
PACE Character Trait:  Knowledge
Paine Power Word:  Interpret
Please utilize PowerPoint (from link on blog) to teacher Power Word.

Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Team Member of the Month

Please vote for our Team Member of the Month for displaying the PACE character trait of JOY.  Votes will be accepted through Tuesday afternoon, 1/14 at 4:00 pm.

Mid Year STAR Testing

The window for STAR testing closes this Wednesday, January 15th.  All students should take the test within this window. 

Attention:  1st Grade Teachers
The STEM Lab Teachers will give all first grade students the STAR EL (Early LIteracy) during STEM time this week.

School Board Appreciation Month

January is School Board Appreciation Month.  The theme this year is TCS Charting the Course for Student Success.  We will be making a mural in the shape of a cruise ship to hang in the board room, and PTO is putting together a small basket for each board member.  In addition, we are inviting our Paine Performers to sing a song at the upcoming board meeting.  If your class would like to make thank you cards for our board members, please get them to the front office by Friday morning.  We will deliver everything to the central office Friday afternoon.  The next board meeting is Tuesday, January 21st.

Internet Speed Issues

Our technology department has been working diligently on the internet speed issues reported by users.  TCS is working with our internet provider on resolving this, but the internet may go up and down while they are troubleshooting.  Our technology department apologizes for any inconvenience as they work on a resolution. 

Wednesday Collaboration

Collaboration will be on the north side on Wednesday, January 15th.  Please go to our Google Classroom and provide a brief summary (couple of sentences) of what your team worked on.

Thursday Afternoon District PD at Cahaba

Our next District PD will be on Thursday, January 16 from 2:20 - 3:15.
The meeting is being hosted by Cahaba Elementary School. Sign in will take place when you complete the feedback form at the end of the session. 

We need for everyone to select their session by completing the google form by Tuesday, January 14th by clicking on the link below:

Sessions Being Offered:
1.  ReadWorks in the Classroom - Explore how teachers are effectively using ReadWorks in the classroom with feedback.

2.  Google Classroom - Learn how teachers are using Google Classroom to save time, support communication with students, and more.

3.  Hyperdocs for Beginners - Hyperdocs are organized documents teachers create to support learning where all resources are in one place saving time and empowering learners.

4.  Hyperdocs in the Classroom - Did you attend one of the hyperdocs sessions last time and want more time to create independently or with others?  Here is your time.

5.  Interactive Whiteboard - Do you use the interactive touch features of your interactive projector?  The session will focus on what you can do with the SmartBoard software to support learning.  Must have SmartBoard software installed on laptop before the session.

6. Students Sharing Learning through Video using Flipgrid (Beginners) - This session is for those new to Flipgrid.  Learn how teachers have used flipgrid in their classroom for students to practice reading, share what they have learned, give feedback to each other, and more.

7.  Students Sharing Learning through Video using Flipgrid - Did you attend the Flipgrid session last time and want more time to create independently or with others?  Here is your time. 

8.  Students Sharing Learning through Video using Screencastify (recommended for 3-5) - Did you attend the Screencastify  session last time and want more time to create independently or with others?  Here is your time.  This session is for both beginners and those that attended previously.

9.  Writing and Publishing with Google Slides (K-2) -   Did you attend the Google Slides session last time and want more time to create independently or with others?  Here is your time.  This session is for both beginners and those that attended previously.

10.  Writing and Publishing with Google Slides (3-5) -   Did you attend the Google Slides session last time and want more time to create independently or with others?  Here is your time.  This session is for both beginners and those that attended previously.

11.  Writing with Technology - Learn how students are practicing their writing and keyboarding skills by writing letters every Friday to their teachers.  The teachers will demonstrate the template they created for each student's Friday Letters, assigning through Google Classroom, and feedback they give to students.

12.  Google Teacher Certification - Want to show your skills with Google tools?  Join either the Google Level 1 or Google Level 2 group as you refresh your Google skills, learn new skills taking tools to the next level in the classroom, and finish with taking either the Google Level 1 or Level 2 certification exam.  Exam fee will be paid for by the Technology Department.  Training resources will be self-paced using training plan by Google and/or participate in  online training course.  Additional face to face training will be offered after school and on a few Saturdays.  The expectation for joining this team is to complete Google Level 1 and/or Google Level 2 certification by the end of the school year.

School Leadership Team

Our School Leadership Team had our first meeting last week.  We will be meeting twice a month (on Precept Team meeting day & an additional Wednesday afternoon after school).  The following individuals are on the leadership team:
Penny Moore - Kindergarten
Chrissy Mauldin - 1st Grade
Cynthia Weyerman - 2nd Grade
Jana LoPresti - 3rd Grade
Kimberly Felts - 4th Grade
Cheryene McGuire - 5th Grade
Christa Campbell - Sped
Amy Ramer - Specialists
Ellen Ormond - Specialists
Admin Team

Paine Precepts this Week

M:  We know what we are, but know not what we may be. - Shakespeare
T:   We grow great by dreams. - Woodrow Wilson
W:  The time is always right to do what is right. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
T:   Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the ife you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau
F:  Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. - Hans Christen Andersen

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