Monday, April 29, 2019

Flex Day Signup

The following is the Flex Day information for this summer.  Deadline to sign up is before May 17th.

1)    All teachers/counselors must sign up for their two FlexDays on their following school document and include their PD titles. THEY MUST DO THIS BEFORE May 17th.  We will sign of on this via your end of year checklist.  When teachers/counselors return, they should send the Form B summaries, as well as sign in sheets, to Theresa Ray.  Theresa will then certify the attendance in the Google Drive.  Gloria will then put all PD into the time system at one time, so teachers are no longer required to input PD day in time system.  The following is our school link to sign up for your PD.  This must be done before May 17th.

2)    Teachers and counselors can hear/view this Screencastify for complete Flex Day instructions:

3)    The Flex Day Binder can be found via our Curriculum and Instruction site, or simply use this link to go straight to LiveBinder:

Points to Remember
1)    Teachers/counselors must sign by May 17 (Flex Days do not apply to 12-month certificated employees, nurses, or classified employees).
2)    Teachers/counselors must follow the process outlined on the Home page of LiveBinder: 
a.    If the PD title is in our LiveBinder, a Form A is not necessary.  A Form B will be due for some titles (but that will be indicated in the LiveBinder  PD “requirements” column. )
b.   If teachers/counselors want to submit additional PD requests, they need to complete a Form A to get principal approval.  If principal approves the request, then send to C & I for approval.  Theresa Ray will then include in the LiveBinder and assign an STIPD number.
c.    Form B and sign-in sheets should be sent to Theresa Ray in C & I.  She will then certify attendance on the Google Forms. 
d.   If the professional development is one in which teachers get paid, they may not use that forFlex Day PD.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Classes of the Week-Wainwright & Seeley (1st)
Please send students to the office by 7:55 with a post-it containing first names.
Please watch PETV for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Hope
Paine Power Word:  Invert
Husky Buck Drawing:  (Kindergarten, 2nd, & 4th)

Please remember your secret pal this month.  Also, we will be doing our big reveal at the end of the year.  Details to follow soon.

Paine Family

As we approach the last month of the school year, I am reflecting on the year we have had. We have the most amazing, creative, talented, and hard working faculty and staff at Paine!  I am SO proud to be at Paine and appreciate all you do for our students and each other!  Let's finish this year strong!  Love our Paine Family!

Year End Checklist

Your year-end checklist will be in your box this week.  

Monday Afternoons

4/29 - Gizmos Training for Teachers in Collaboration Room
5/6 - District Collaboration at Cahaba
5/13 - Overview of Student Rating Cards (will be automated this year using Google)
5/20 - End of Year Celebration

Thursday Collaboration for the Remainder of the Year

5/2 - No collaboration/time to work on grades, etc.
5/9 - Teacher Appreciation Activity in Collaboration Room
5/16 - Year End Data Meetings

PST Meeting

Our final PST Meeting will be on 5/14 in the Collaboration Room.  This is considered a year end review meeting.  We will meet on all students to discuss year end data.  
There will be no new referrals to PST.

Scantron Assessment Schedule for K-2

4/29 - 5/10     Scantron (Math for K-2; 2nd Grade will also take the Reading Assessment)
We may be asking our upper grades to loan us some Chromebooks for a day or two to help our K-2 teachers complete this testing.

STAR Testing - All Grades

The window for our final STAR testing is 5/1 - 5/15.

Cursive Assessment - 3rd Grade

5/6 - 5/17 (Please see Ms. McGough if you have any questions)

Teacher Duty Schedule

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Family News

Please keep Buffy Bland and her dad in your thoughts and prayers.  Her dad was recently diagnosed with early-onset dementia.  They could use our prayers as important decisions will be made about his care.

Monday, April 22, 2019

American Fidelity

American Fidelity will be in the South Gathering Space this week.  All employees must see these representatives at some point this week, so please stop by during your planning time.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

(This will be B week again due to no specials last week.)
Classes of the Week-McLaughlin & Brasher (5th)
Please watch PETV for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Hope
Paine Power Word:  Invert
Husky Buck Drawing:  (All classes will draw a name to cover the past two weeks)

State Testing this Week

Thank you to Mrs. Naylor and Ms. Loveless for the GREAT job you did with testing this week!  Also, thank you to Dr. Faust and our Technology Department for all of your support!

Thank you to all of our teachers for your hard work and dedication in preparing our students for these assessments.  It takes all of us, from Kindergarten - 5th, to prepare our students.  Their learning is cumulative!  Although, it is one test, the results stay with each child and they are one indicator of our school's performance.  So....THANK YOU for representing our school so well!  Now, it is time to get back to our normal schedule!  EnRICh for 4th & 5th will resume this week!

Monday Afternoons for the Remainder of the Year

4/22 - Open time to meet with grade level colleagues/catch up.
4/29 - Gizmos Training for Teachers in Collaboration Room
5/6 - District Collaboration at Cahaba
5/13 - Overview of Student Rating Cards (will be automated this year using Google)
5/20 - End of Year Celebration

Thursday Collaboration for the Remainder of the Year

4/25 - Topic:  Newsela Training for all teachers
5/2 - No collaboration/time to work on grades, etc.
5/9 - No collaboration/Teacher Appreciation Week
5/16 - Topic:  Year End Data Meetings

PST Meeting

Our final PST Meeting will be on 5/14 in the Collaboration Room.  This is considered a year end review meeting.  We will meet on all students to discuss year end data.  
There will be no new referrals to PST.

Scantron Assessment Schedule for K-2

4/29 - 5/10     Scantron (Math for K-2; 2nd Grade will also take the Reading Assessment)
We may be asking our upper grades to loan us some Chromebooks for a day or two to help our K-2 teachers complete this testing.

STAR Testing - All Grades

The window for our final STAR testing is 5/1 - 5/15.

Cursive Assessment - 3rd Grade

5/6 - 5/17 (Please see Ms. McGough if you have any questions)

Teacher Duty Schedule

Friday, April 12, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

Classes of the Week - (There will not be a class of the week for the week of testing.)
Please watch PETV for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Hope
Husky Buck Drawing:  (Drawings will resume after testing.)

Monday Afternoon

We will have a brief meeting at 2:15 for all 3-5 teachers, specialists, and classified staff who will be helping with state testing.

Tuesday - Friday Adjusted Schedule

There will be NO specials Tuesday - Friday.
The following will be our PE schedule.
11:15 - 11:45     4th Grade
11:50 - 12:20     Kindergarten
12:25 - 12:55     2nd Grade
1:00 - 1:30         3rd Grade
1:35 - 2:05         1st Grade
2:10 - 2:40         5th Grade

State Testing for Grades 3 - 5

Thank you to ALL Paine teachers, Kindergarten through 5th, for preparing our students!  
Student learning is cumulative, and every year is crucial in their preparation!

Tuesday, April 16th - Reading
Wednesday, April 17th - Math
Thursday, April 18th - Science
Friday, April 19th - Makeups

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade:  Please do not use your Chromebooks the first half of the day during state testing days.  We need to make sure we limit any internet issues during this time.

Please make sure your students remain completely quiet in the hallways this week.  We will be testing all over the school.

Duty Schedule

Thursday, April 11, 2019

TAC Questions and Responses

Question 1
A-honor roll students should receive a trophy over respectful bus riders as it should be a much higher honor and recognition.  They should be able to come shake the hand of the admin.
Response to Question 1
We will discontinue providing trophies for respectful bus riders next year.  We will be exploring other award options (such as ribbons) for next year.  In our efforts to keep assemblies to 30 minutes, we did not have all A-honor roll come to the front.  (There were over 100 students recognized for A-Honor Roll per assembly.)  This is our first year to do recognition assemblies and will be sending out a survey to teachers to determine necessary changes for next year.

Question 2
Assemblies should be for grade level only and once a trimester.  It’s too much on teachers, families, and instruction. 
Response to Question 2
The decision was made to conduct the assemblies monthly because a primary objective was to motivate students. (For example, a student may become motivated to spend more time on DreamBox based on peer recognitions, work toward becoming a millionaire, etc.)  The reason for combining grade levels was to limit the number of assemblies.  This is our first year to do recognition assemblies and will be sending out a survey to teachers to determine necessary changes for next year.

Question 3
Is it necessary to repeat the pledge and Star Spangled Banner after doing it in school? The videos are time consuming with the technical problems each time including the volume.
Response to Question 3
It is important that we model our patriotism at all school events, because our visitors did not participate during morning announcements.

Question 4
Special ed/inclusion team needs to rotate across the board.  More time and assistance needs to be given to those collaboration teams for whatever they need to be successful.
Response to Question 4
There are some teachers that prefer/request to be an inclusion classroom.  We give careful thought and consideration, which includes discussions with teachers, on placement of students to ensure student success.  Schedules were designed so the special education teachers would have the same planning times as the classroom teachers they are working with.  The teachers with inclusion classrooms this year were provided with a professional day per trimester to help with time spent on IEP meetings, etc. 

Question 5
There are constant changes here at Paine that are affecting the unity, foundation, and demeanor for us as a whole.  What does the next year and future look like for us in terms of consistency?  We are a student-focused school, but the teachers have needs too that need to be addressed to be the best us, and in return to meet the needs of students.
Response to Question 5
We are always learning and trying to improve so we can provide our students with the best educational experience possible, and our teachers with a positive work environment.  More information is needed to address this question in more detail.

Question 6
The professional opinions of teachers based on their experience and knowledge of their students are not being valued in regard to collaboration of discipline.  How do you plan to address this?
Response to Question 6
We must follow our district code of conduct and our school procedures for discipline to ensure it is applied consistently and fairly.  We had a discussion at one of our faculty meetings about gathering a team to work on a school-wide behavior expectations plan.  This will be initiated in May.

Question 7
Families are getting high priority over teacher discretion which is sending a clear message on the support of the teachers. How do you plan to address this?
Response to Question 7
Our goal is to work together with all stakeholders (including parents) to ensure we are fostering the learning and growth of our students.  Teacher input is crucial in all student matters; however, we must also apply policies and practices school-wide and some decisions are team decisions (such as retention, etc.).  Situations specific to individual students are resolved on a case by case basis. 

Question 8
Thank you for changing the morning announcements by giving students a minute to quiet down.  That has made a big difference in helping them have self-control and hearing the announcements.  Could the announcement volume be raised?
Response to Question 8
Yes, we will work on raising the volume on announcements.

Question 9
Teachers would like to go back to no duty lunch and students get to go play in the courtyard when they are finished eating.  Can we make this happen again?
Response to Question 9
The majority of our student discipline issues occur at lunch and recess, so it is crucial that students are carefully supervised during this time.  Many schools require teachers to sit with students during this time.  We have a separate lunch table for teachers where they can visit with colleagues, while also supervising students.

Question 10
Would it be possible to have a monthly Meeting schedule so that we have consistency and utilize our meeting times efficiently?  For example: 1st Monday: Faculty Meeting, 2nd Monday: Committee Meetings, 3rd & 4th Mondays: Training.  We need more consistency to help plan ahead, and this would prevent teachers from having to meet on other afternoons after school.
Response to Question 10
We will try to work on this for next year, factoring in district collaboration Mondays, etc.  There may be an issue if we have a Monday holiday, or if a meeting or training is time sensitive (i.e., testing training, data meetings, etc.).  We also moved a meeting or two to provide teachers with time to work on report cards (based on those deadlines).   When these situations occur, we will need to be flexible. 

Question 11
What is the point of having committees if they never get an opportunity to meet?
Response to Question 11
We will work on incorporating committee meetings into the Monday afternoon schedule for next year.  For example, if we only need a 30 minute faculty meeting, we may have committee meetings following.  There are some committees that do not require regular meetings (community events, EnRICh, Read Across America, etc).  For time sensitive initiatives, a committee meeting may need to be called at any time.

Question 12
Please send all email communication before the end of the school day.  I missed wearing my team colors on Monday due to not receiving the communication.  Please plan to give us at least 24-hours-notice about upcoming events.
Response to Question 12
The majority of faculty information is communicated through the weekly blog updates.  This is completed by Friday night for the upcoming week. 

Question 13
Please avoid scheduling after school meetings, especially if the meeting is scheduled without a seven day notice.  An EnRICh meeting was set with only a four day notice.  We were notified on Monday and the meeting was set for Thursday.
Response to Question 13
We understand there could be conflicts when it comes to after school meetings; inability to attend just needs to be communicated and a colleague can provide any information the following day.  We try to give as much notice as possible, but cannot always schedule meetings seven days in advance.

Question 14
What are we doing about class sizes next year, especially Kindergarten?  If we are supposed to be comparable to the other elementary schools in our district we are not keeping our promise to the community.
Response to Question 14
A similar question was presented through TAC in October.  Please reference the response on the blog.

Question 15
What is being done to address the shortage of subs?  Is there a way to plan professional development and data meetings in such a way that we have enough subs and don’t have to continually pull teachers to cover gaps?
Response to Question 15
We realize the difficulty in securing a group of subs for professional learning, so the majority of PD will be offered on Monday afternoons next year. 

Question 16
Most schools in surrounding areas are hiring part-time interventionists who are specifically trained and familiar with grade level standards.  Why hasn’t Trussville done this to stay competitive and proactive?
Response to Question 16
Our current master schedule has allowed us to utilize our specialist teachers for Tier 3 intervention.  They have been trained on our current Tier 3 intervention program, and additional training will be offered this summer.

State Testing - Important Information

Important:   Include in your weekly communication to your parents that there will be no visitors to our school (including lunch) during the week of state testing, April 16-19.  

Schedule for Testing Week - Specials & PE
All grades will be on a revised schedule Tuesday - Friday of testing week.  There will be NO specials, because we will be utilizing our specialist teachers for state testing.  We will have the following PE schedule for this week.

11:15 - 11:45     4th Grade
11:50 - 12:20     Kindergarten
12:25 - 12:55     2nd Grade
1:00 - 1:30         3rd Grade
1:35 - 2:05         1st Grade
2:10 - 2:40         5th Grade

State Testing Schedule for Grades 3 - 5

Tuesday, April 16th - Reading

8:30 - 11:00     -     3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades (and small groups)
11:30 - 2:00     -     Continue with small groups

Wednesday, April 17th - Math

8:30 - 11:00     -     3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades (small groups, 1:1's)
11:30 - 2:00     -     Continue with small groups & 1:1's

Wednesday, April 18th - Science

8:30 - 11:00     -     3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades (small groups, 1:1's)
11:30 - 2:00     -     Continue with small groups & 1:1's

Friday, April 19th (through the following week)

Continue with small groups 1:1's & make-up testing.  Testing will continue into the next week until all tests are completed.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Family News - Prayers Please

Please keep Rachelle Taylor in your thoughts and prayers.  Her CT was clear, but labs revealed her pancreas levels are really high.  They will repeat labs on 4/22.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sunshine Committee

If you have not joined the Sunshine committee, please consider making a $30 donation to our fund to support our faculty’s joys and sorrows!  Make checks payable to PE Sunshine.

Family News

Please keep Maddie Garrett and her family in your thoughts and prayers!  Her grandmother passed away Saturday night.

Family News - Congratulations!

Message from Donna Griffith:

I'm so excited to present little Miss McKinleigh Kate Griffith.   She is our first grandbaby. David and I are totally in love with her!

Sweet McKinleigh Kate arrived April 1, 2019 at 11:01am;   Weighing in at 8 lbs. and 20" long, she has lots of dark hair with a few tiny curls.  
Her proud parents are Andy and Brooke Griffith.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Classes of the Week - Walker & Jones (Kinder)
Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday with a post it note containing their first names.
Please watch PETV for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Hope
Paine Power Word:  Specify
Husky Buck Drawing:  Kinder, 2nd, & 4th

An AFT Representative will be visiting our school on Monday, April 8th.
Please feel free to stop by one of the teacher workrooms.

Monday Afternoon

Phonics Turnaround Training
We will have Phonics Turnaround Training for all Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade teachers, and ALL specialists (who may work with Tier 3 students).  This will be in the Collaboration Room beginning at 2:15.
Testing Make-up Training
Faculty and staff who were unable to attend testing training last Monday, must attend the make-up training Monday at 2:15.  This will be held in Christy Naylor's classroom beginning at 2:15.

PST Meeting will be held on Tuesday in the Coaches Room.

TAC Questions

TAC (Teacher Advisory Council) Questions are due by Monday at 2:00.  TAC Committee will meet Monday afternoon (after the training above) to review any questions.  This meeting will be held in the Media Center.

State Testing Preparation

Please make sure all Chromebooks are in working order for testing (please see Kelly's email for details).  Complete a WORF asap if there are any issues.  ALL Chromebooks designated for grades 3-5, STEM Labs, and North Art must be turned in to the Collaboration Room by 3:15 on April 11th.  Designated Chromebooks from K-2 & specialists should also be turned in (Kelly will let you know which ones).  We are trying to minimize the collection of K-2 Chromebooks.  Kelly sent you an email with a link to use once you have completed your Chromebook check.

Make Your Mark
Our theme for state testing this year will be "Make Your Mark".  Please have students listen to the message on PETV (Learning with Lothspeich) about what it means to "Make Your Mark" and how that relates to testing.  Making Your Mark is when you set yourself apart, do your best to succeed, and persevere! 

We will be communicating motivational messages about Making Your Mark this week and the week of testing.  Please use this theme (in any creative way you come up with) to motivate your students to do their best the week of testing!


Please remember:  All teachers should stand in the hallway and supervise students until all students have exited the building.  Our expectation is that students are exiting the building on 3rd Street and Zone Zero.
Please make sure students are not lingering in the classrooms after the bell rings, because it delays our buses and car line.

Duty Schedule

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...