Saturday, April 20, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

(This will be B week again due to no specials last week.)
Classes of the Week-McLaughlin & Brasher (5th)
Please watch PETV for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Hope
Paine Power Word:  Invert
Husky Buck Drawing:  (All classes will draw a name to cover the past two weeks)

State Testing this Week

Thank you to Mrs. Naylor and Ms. Loveless for the GREAT job you did with testing this week!  Also, thank you to Dr. Faust and our Technology Department for all of your support!

Thank you to all of our teachers for your hard work and dedication in preparing our students for these assessments.  It takes all of us, from Kindergarten - 5th, to prepare our students.  Their learning is cumulative!  Although, it is one test, the results stay with each child and they are one indicator of our school's performance.  So....THANK YOU for representing our school so well!  Now, it is time to get back to our normal schedule!  EnRICh for 4th & 5th will resume this week!

Monday Afternoons for the Remainder of the Year

4/22 - Open time to meet with grade level colleagues/catch up.
4/29 - Gizmos Training for Teachers in Collaboration Room
5/6 - District Collaboration at Cahaba
5/13 - Overview of Student Rating Cards (will be automated this year using Google)
5/20 - End of Year Celebration

Thursday Collaboration for the Remainder of the Year

4/25 - Topic:  Newsela Training for all teachers
5/2 - No collaboration/time to work on grades, etc.
5/9 - No collaboration/Teacher Appreciation Week
5/16 - Topic:  Year End Data Meetings

PST Meeting

Our final PST Meeting will be on 5/14 in the Collaboration Room.  This is considered a year end review meeting.  We will meet on all students to discuss year end data.  
There will be no new referrals to PST.

Scantron Assessment Schedule for K-2

4/29 - 5/10     Scantron (Math for K-2; 2nd Grade will also take the Reading Assessment)
We may be asking our upper grades to loan us some Chromebooks for a day or two to help our K-2 teachers complete this testing.

STAR Testing - All Grades

The window for our final STAR testing is 5/1 - 5/15.

Cursive Assessment - 3rd Grade

5/6 - 5/17 (Please see Ms. McGough if you have any questions)

Teacher Duty Schedule

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