Friday, April 5, 2024

Weekly Update

Thank you to everyone for the great job you did during testing week.  It definitely takes a village to make it all work!  Our teachers did an amazing job! A special thank you to Christy Naylor, Sara Taylor, Kelly Bowles, and Kelly McGough. Thank you to our specialist teachers for pulling small groups and make-ups and for everyone who served as a hall monitor and proctor. A special thank you to Chelle Wallace and Kylee McCormick for serving as test administrators...and thank you to their teams for covering for them!  Also, thank you for our office staff who handled everything while we were testing.  
We have the most incredible team of people at Paine Elementary!

A Week - April 8-12, 2024

PE:  South PE will be outside this week (except Monday)
 (weather permitting)
Character Trait Focus: PATIENCE
 Paine Power Word: MODIFY
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Monday - Eclipse

Important:  We will not allow anyone to go outside between the hours of 12:00 noon and 3:00 on Monday for safety reasons! This is a consistent expectation throughout TCS.  Science teachers, please remember to use the previously provided online information to teach about the eclipse.

ACAP Makeup Testing

We will still be giving ACAP makeup tests starting Monday. We will let you know when they are complete. Please make sure students remain quiet in the hallways.

AimsWeb Spring Testing

Our TCS Testing Team will begin pulling the following students for AimsWeb Reading within the following windows: 1st Grade (April 8-11), Kindergarten (April 12-17), ORF for 2nd & 3rd (April 8-17). 

We will begin testing Kindergarten & 1st grade students in math beginning April 15th (more information to follow). 

Please administer the computerized portion of the reading and math tests within the following window:  April 22 - April 30. (Please do not give these assessments prior to 4/22).  This will include 4th & 5th grade (both assessments), 2nd & 3rd grade math & the computer portion of reading.

Wednesday - Collaboration

Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Teachers will have regular collaboration.  Teachers in grades 3-5, please use this time to prepare for Thursday EnRICh (yes, it is starting back on Thursday at 1:00).


We will resume our EnRICh sessions in grades 3-5 beginning this Thursday at 1:00.  That will give us six meetings before the spring EnRICh Showcase.


Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time

To Be Determined

Board Visit on 4/15

The TCS School Board will be visiting Paine Elementary on Monday, 4/15 around 10:00 am.

Paine Precepts (Patience)

  • “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saddi
  • “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
  • “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties appear and obstacles vanish.” – John Quincy Adams
  • “The strongest of all warriors are these two-Time and Patience.” — Leo Tolstoy
  • “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” – Moliere

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Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...