Saturday, April 27, 2024

End of Year Parties

End of Year Classroom Parties will be on Wednesday, May 22nd.  Please be sure to invite room moms ONLY (if you need help), due to limited parking.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Weekly Update


B Week - April 29-May 3, 2024

PE:  North PE will be outside this week
 (weather permitting)
 Paine Power Word: Persuade
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Upcoming Important Dates

4/26 - 5th Grade field trip
4/30 - Timothy Alexander to visit 3rd, 4th & 5th students
5/1 - Kinder Music Programs
5/2 - Constitution Program for 5th Graders
5/2 - PES Choir Performance for 1st & 4th (9:30)
5/2 - PES Choir Concert at 6:00 pm
5/3 - PES Choir Performance for K & 2 (8:30)
5/3 - PES Choir Performance for 3rd & 5th (9:30)
5/7 - 4th Grade field trip
5/8 - 3rd Grade field trip
5/8 - Mrs. Killemeyer to meet with teachers during Collaboration
5/10 - 5th Grade Extravaganza
5/15 - Tentative Date for End of Year Data Meetings
5/16 - HTMS Band Performance at PES
5/16 - PES Retirement Celebrations
5/17 - EnRICh Showcase
5/20 - Assemblies (K-2)
5/21 - Assemblies (3-5)
5/23 - Last Day for Students (12:00 dismissal)
5/23 - End of Year Faculty/Staff Celebration (after 12:00)
5/24 - Faculty/Staff Workday

Certified Formal Observations

Our admin team is still working on formal observations for semester 2.  We plan to have all of them completed by May 8th.

AimsWeb Spring Testing

Please administer the computerized portion of the reading and math tests within the following window:  April 22 - April 30.  


We need for our Special Education Student and Tier 3 student to complete the Exact Path Diagnostic for this last testing window.  We will compare this data to the upcoming Fall Data to analyze regression over the summer.  Case Managers: Please make sure you coordinate this for your students for the subject areas where there are deficiencies. Teachers, please do the same for any student receiving Tier 3.  If you have any questions please let us know.  We would like to have this completed no later than mid-May.

Wednesday - Collaboration

Please meet with your grade level teams to plan.  This week you may meet in grade level chair classrooms.


We will have EnRICh for grades 3-5 Thursday at 1:00.

PES Choir Performances

Our PES Choir will perform for our students. Please see the schedule below for day & time.

THURS, 5/2 9:30AM - 1st, 4th

FRI, 5/3 8:30AM - K, 2nd

FRI, 5/3 9:30AM - 3rd, 5th

 Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time

Faculty Meeting & MTSS Turnaround Training

Timothy Alexander Visit on April 30th

Timothy Alexander (remember his inspirational story from TCS Institute) will be here on April 30th to speak to our 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students about hard work, perseverance, etc.  Meetings will be held in the North Gym and the scheduled is listed below:

8:30 to 9:20 - All of 3rd & the half of 4th who go to specials on the North side
9:30 to 10:20 - All of 5th & the half of 4th who go to specials on the South side

Paine Precepts (Perseverance)

  • “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.” – Julie Andrews
  • “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas A. Edison
  • “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth
  • “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – Newt Gingrich
  • “Be like a postage stamp, stick to something until you get there!” – Josh Billings

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Family News

This post contains DOUBLE the blessings, with the following additions to our Paine Family!

Congratulations to Carter and Kelly Anne Pharis on the birth of their beautiful baby girl!  Margot Page Pharis was born last night. She weights 7 lbs 4 oz and is 19.5 inches long.  

Congratulations to Alyssa and Corey Sellers on the birth of their beautiful daughter. Alaina Clare was born this morning and weighs 8 lbs 3 oz.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Weekly Update


A Week - April 22-26, 2024

PE:  South PE will be outside this week
 (weather permitting)
Character Trait Focus: PATIENCE
 Paine Power Word: Conclude
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Upcoming Important Dates

4/24 - Admin Assistant Day
4/22-4/25 - Spring Book Fair
4/26 - E-Learning Day for Students & PD Day for Teachers
4/30 - Timothy Alexander to visit 3rd, 4th & 5th students
5/1 - Kinder Music Programs
5/2 - Constitution Program for 5th Graders
5/2 - PES Choir Concert at 6:00 pm
5/10 - 5th Grade Extravaganza
5/15 - Tentative Date for End of Year Data Meetings
5/16 - HTMS Band Performance at PES
5/17 - EnRICh Showcase
5/20 - Assemblies (K-2)
5/21 - Assemblies (3-5)
5/23 - Last Day for Students (12:00 dismissal)
5/23 - End of Year Faculty/Staff Celebration (after 12:00)
5/24 - Faculty/Staff Workday

Paine Practice - Best Practice

Mrs. McCormick's 1st grade students are estimating lengths using cubes.

Mrs. Puryear's students KNOW their classroom routines which maximizes their learning!

Mrs. Wilks used an incredible "hook" to get students interested in their upcoming story!

Mrs. Cantrell is developing readers in her room one lesson at a time!

Outside Food in Lunchroom

It is Alabama law that we cannot bring fast food in it's original packaging into our lunchrooms. The only way fast food can be brought into our lunchrooms is if it is packed similar to a lunch from home.  We put our lunchroom in jeopardy when we do not adhere to this rule.  Teachers, this continues to be a concern communicated to me.  We have to fix this.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

PES Bookfair

Please remind your parents of our bookfair this week and encourage your students to visit. Some of the funds from the last bookfair were used to update our library with new furniture, rugs, shelving, etc., and I know the students are loving this space!  We also use these funds to purchase books for our library.

AimsWeb Spring Testing

Please administer the computerized portion of the reading and math tests within the following window:  April 22 - April 30.  

Wednesday - Collaboration

Please meet with your grade level teams to plan.  This week you may meet in grade level chair classrooms.


We will have EnRICh for grades 3-5 Thursday at 1:00.

 Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time


Timothy Alexander Visit on April 30th

Timothy Alexander (remember his inspirational story from TCS Institute) will be here on April 30th to speak to our 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students about hard work, perseverance, etc.  Meetings will be held in the North Gym and the scheduled is listed below:

8:30 to 9:20 - All of 3rd & the half of 4th who go to specials on the North side
9:30 to 10:20 - All of 5th & the half of 4th who go to specials on the South side

Plan for April 26th Workday

April 26th is a workday for faculty & staff.  We will have required MTSS Turnaround Training and a Technology EdCamp that day. You can also use a portion of this day to catch up on your PlanBook and get a head start on your end of the year packet (we will have this to you before then).  A more detailed schedule will follow Monday or Tuesday.

Family News

Congratulations to Jennifer Hunt & family on the birth of Helena Anne.  She is precious!

Paine Precepts (Finishing Strong Quotes by Gary Ryan Blair, (Author and Motivational Speaker)

  • Greatness will not accept anything less than a strong finish.
  • What kind of competitor sees the finish line and slows down...always finish strong.
  • Finish Strong. Two words. One powerful philosophy!
  • Every task, goal, race, and year comes to an end...therefore, make it a habit to FINISH STRONG.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Weekly Update

B Week - April 15-19, 2024

PE:  North PE will be outside this week
 (weather permitting)
Note: We will need for 5th Grade & 3rd Grade to trade Specials/PE times on FRIDAY 4/19 because 5th graders will be traveling to HTMS in the morning.
Character Trait Focus: PATIENCE
 Paine Power Word: Demonstrate
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Upcoming Important Dates

4/15-4/18 - American Fidelity in South Conference Room
4/15 - TCS Board to Visit PES
4/18 - Progress Reports for 4th 9 weeks
4/22-4/25 - Spring Book Fair
4/26 - E-Learning Day for Students & PD Day for Teachers
4/30 - Timothy Alexander to visit 3rd, 4th & 5th students
5/1 - Kinder Music Programs
5/2 - Constitution Program for 5th Graders
5/2 - PES Choir Concert at 6:00 pm
5/10 - 5th Grade Extravaganza
5/15 - Tentative Date for End of Year Data Meetings
5/16 - HTMS Band Performance at PES
5/17 - EnRICh Showcase
5/20 - Assemblies (K-2)
5/21 - Assemblies (3-5)
5/23 - Last Day for Students (12:00 dismissal)
5/23 - End of Year Faculty/Staff Celebration (after 12:00)
5/24 - Faculty/Staff Workday

Paine Practice - Best Practice

Mrs. Burns leads a brainstorming session about data with our Math Team.

Mrs. Trowbridge leading a small group during the reading block.

Students engaged in EnRICh/Paine Fashionistas with Mrs. Lang & Ms. Vickers.

Ms. Barker is working with students during EnRICh/Experimental!

American Fidelity

American Fidelity will be here April 15 through April 18 in the South Conference room.  Every employee must check in with them sometime during the week

Board Visit on 4/15

The TCS School Board will be visiting Paine Elementary on Monday, 4/15 around 10:00 am.

AimsWeb Spring Testing

Our TCS Testing Team will continue pulling the following students for AimsWeb Reading within the following windows: 1st Grade (April 8-11), Kindergarten (April 12-17), ORF for 2nd & 3rd (April 8-17). 

We will begin testing Kindergarten & 1st grade students in math beginning April 15th (more information to follow). 

Please administer the computerized portion of the reading and math tests within the following window:  April 22 - April 30. (Please do not give these assessments prior to 4/22).  This will include 4th & 5th grade (both assessments), 2nd & 3rd grade math & the computer portion of reading.

Wednesday - Collaboration

  • Work on ELearning Day student assignments for 4/26.
  • Please also use this time to make sure you lesson plans in PlanBook are completely up to date. This year it will be on our year-end checklist that your individual plans are up-to-date in your PlanBook.


We will have EnRICh for grades 3-5 Thursday at 1:00.

 Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time
Faculty Meeting at 2:15.

Timothy Alexander Visit on April 30th

Timothy Alexander (remember his inspirational story from TCS Institute) will be here on April 30th to speak to our 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students about hard work, perseverance, etc. More information to follow!

Plan for April 26th Workday

April 26th is a workday for faculty & staff.  We will have required MTSS Turnaround Training and a Technology EdCamp that day. You can also use a portion of this day to catch up on your PlanBook and get a head start on your end of the year packet (we will have this to you before then).  A more detailed schedule will follow soon.

Family News

Please keep Sara Wilks and her family in your thoughts and prayers; her precious grandfather passed away today.

Congratulation to Bailey Killingsworth on the birth of her beautiful baby, Stetson.  He was born onn April 10th, weighing 4 lbs 10 oz and is 18 inches long.  

Paine Precepts 

  • “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – a.a. milne
  •  “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” Marie Curie
  • “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” thomas jefferson
  • “Many of life’s failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” Thomas Edison
  • "If you want love and abundance in your life, give it away."  Mark Twain

Friday, April 5, 2024

Weekly Update

Thank you to everyone for the great job you did during testing week.  It definitely takes a village to make it all work!  Our teachers did an amazing job! A special thank you to Christy Naylor, Sara Taylor, Kelly Bowles, and Kelly McGough. Thank you to our specialist teachers for pulling small groups and make-ups and for everyone who served as a hall monitor and proctor. A special thank you to Chelle Wallace and Kylee McCormick for serving as test administrators...and thank you to their teams for covering for them!  Also, thank you for our office staff who handled everything while we were testing.  
We have the most incredible team of people at Paine Elementary!

A Week - April 8-12, 2024

PE:  South PE will be outside this week (except Monday)
 (weather permitting)
Character Trait Focus: PATIENCE
 Paine Power Word: MODIFY
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Monday - Eclipse

Important:  We will not allow anyone to go outside between the hours of 12:00 noon and 3:00 on Monday for safety reasons! This is a consistent expectation throughout TCS.  Science teachers, please remember to use the previously provided online information to teach about the eclipse.

ACAP Makeup Testing

We will still be giving ACAP makeup tests starting Monday. We will let you know when they are complete. Please make sure students remain quiet in the hallways.

AimsWeb Spring Testing

Our TCS Testing Team will begin pulling the following students for AimsWeb Reading within the following windows: 1st Grade (April 8-11), Kindergarten (April 12-17), ORF for 2nd & 3rd (April 8-17). 

We will begin testing Kindergarten & 1st grade students in math beginning April 15th (more information to follow). 

Please administer the computerized portion of the reading and math tests within the following window:  April 22 - April 30. (Please do not give these assessments prior to 4/22).  This will include 4th & 5th grade (both assessments), 2nd & 3rd grade math & the computer portion of reading.

Wednesday - Collaboration

Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Teachers will have regular collaboration.  Teachers in grades 3-5, please use this time to prepare for Thursday EnRICh (yes, it is starting back on Thursday at 1:00).


We will resume our EnRICh sessions in grades 3-5 beginning this Thursday at 1:00.  That will give us six meetings before the spring EnRICh Showcase.


Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time

To Be Determined

Board Visit on 4/15

The TCS School Board will be visiting Paine Elementary on Monday, 4/15 around 10:00 am.

Paine Precepts (Patience)

  • “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saddi
  • “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
  • “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties appear and obstacles vanish.” – John Quincy Adams
  • “The strongest of all warriors are these two-Time and Patience.” — Leo Tolstoy
  • “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” – Moliere

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...