Sunday, February 11, 2024

Weekly Update

We would like to thank our school counselors for the amazing job they do supporting our school. Last week was national school counselor week.  We are so thankful for our counselors: Christy Naylor, Sara Taylor, and Kelly Bowles.

Week - February 12-16, 2024

PE:  South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)
Character Trait Focus: Kindness
 Paine Power Word: Unify
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Paine Practice - BEST Practice
Rachelle Taylor using some amazing tools to discuss fraction concepts with her 3rd grade students.

Alana Dickie doing a read aloud in the Library with our PreK students.

HTMS teachers met with our 5th graders to discuss opportunities they will have next year to engage in the arts at HTMS. Our students made us proud!

National Board Teachers - Monday at 4:30

There will be a reception Monday, February 12th, 4:30 pm, at the central office (upstairs) to honor TCS National Board Certified Teachers.  We hope to see all PES NBCT teachers there. You are in for a treat!

ACAP Practice Testing

The ACAP practice testing for Grades 2-5 begins Monday am, February 12th. Please make sure you take your students to the restroom right after announcements so we will be ready to begin our testing promptly at 8:30.  Grades 2-5 will all test Monday-Wednesday; 4th grade will take science on Thursday. We will me on a modified schedule Monday-Wednesday due to testing.

Please remind your parents of our testing schedule and the importance of our students being on time, getting enough rest and eating a good breakfast.  Please encourage students to do their very best!  

Important Testing Reminders

  • There should be no activity/traveling through the building beginning at 8:10 until you receive word that morning group testing is complete.
  • We will begin the PE schedule as soon as whole group testing is complete. We will get the word out, but will not make an intercom announcement due to continued small  group testing.
  • Travel in hallways should be limited and students should remain supervised and quiet.
  • Please avoid hallways that have "testing" signs.
  • K & 1, Please make sure your classes are completely quiet if you have to travel to a locaiton. Please avoid any testing hallways.

Mon-Wed (Testing Day) PE Schedule

We will be on a modified schedule Monday - Wednesday due to ACAP practice testing.  There will be no specials. We plan to begin PE at 11:00 (but please wait on word that testing is complete before proceeding to PE).  We will try to have outside PE if weather permits.  If we are able to do this, we will be using the north field and south playground.  Monday-Wednesday PE times are listed below.

11:00-11:30  - 2nd Grade

11:30-12:00  - 4th Grade

12:00-12:30   -  3rd Grade

1:00-1:30 - 1st Grade     

1:30-2:00  - Kindergarten    

2:00-2:30  - 5th Grade

If you have to change your recess time or location due to testing on Monday-Wednesday,  please notify the office so we know when and where you will be.


There will be NO collaboration on Wednesday because of the modified schedule due to the ACAP practice test.

ACAP Practice Test

Teachers in grades 2-5: Please include in your parent communication that we will do our practice ACAP testing on February 12-15. We will simulate the real test, so we are asking that check-ins and check-outs be avoided in the morning if possible. I will provide a modified PE schedule for that week later on this week.  There will be no specials on the 12-14 so specialist teachers can test some of our small groups.

Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time

We will have data meetings for all certified teachers to discuss AIMS Web mid-year data.  We will start out in the North Training Room (whole group) and then have breakout sessions by grade level (in your grade level chair's classroom).

March 8th

March 8th is an E-Learning day for students, but a required workday for faculty and staff.  We will utilize March 8th similar to how we did October 10th ... as a day for you all to host parent conferences and participate in school PD/meetings.  This day will be great timing as report cards will go out the following week and will give you a chance to talk with parents in advance of that. We will be on a 7:45 - 3:15 schedule. Please schedule as many of your conferences as possible in the first portion of the day. We will plan to have PD and meetings in the 1:30-3:00 window.  Please be sure to schedule your parent conferences in the next couple of weeks.

Leadership Trussville to visit PES on 3/14

Leadership Trussville will be visiting our school on Thursday, March 14th.  More information to follow soon.  Please go ahead and update the student work outside of your classrooms. Let's show all of the incredible learning happening at Paine!

Paine Precepts

  • Never lose a chance of saying a kind word. - William Makepeace Thackeray (English novelist)
  • Great things are done be a series of small things brought together. - Vincent van Gogh (Artist)
  • The only way to have a friend is to be one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson (Author, poet, lecturer)
  • Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give. - Unknown
  • Never be so busy as to not think of others. - Mother Theresa (Founder Missionaries Charity)

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Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...