Saturday, November 4, 2023

Weekly Update

We survived Halloween and a full moon last week!  Thank you for keeping our students engaged in learning and for persevering throughout the week!  When we are this tired, it is even more important to remember that we are making a profound difference with our students (and eachother).

A Week - November 6-9

South PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)

Remember:  No School on Friday! We are honoring our Veterans!

Paine Practice...Best Practice

Ms. Kerr is facilitating math connections during the teacher table rotation during workshop.
Ms. Taylor is keeping her students engaged during a focused phonics lesson.
Mrs. Jackson's 4th grade students are testing materials to see if they are insulators or conductors of electricity.
Mrs. Jenkins is using Kahoot to review and assess student knowledge of science concepts.

Veteran's Day Program

We will have two different Veteran's Day Program options this year:  Wednesday @ 8:30 OR Thursday at 8:30. It will be held in the North Gym. If a student(s) has a veteran attending one of the programs, please allow the student to attend that program.

Teacher PLP Evidence

Teachers, please make sure you have uploaded your first piece of PLP Evidence (the one due on October 30th)  for each of your indicators.  Leah Morrison sent an email outlining how to upload your evidence in Cognia.  The dates for the expected upload of evidence are:  October 30, January 31, and March 18.

Paine Food Drive

Please communicate our annual food drive to your parents. It will run for 2 weeks, November 6th-17th.  There will be collection boxes for all the donations in the back hall areas as you come in from the car lines on both north and south side. 

EnRICh Update (3-5)

EnRICh sessions will begin on Thursday, November 9th.  We will be working on rosters and will have them to EnRiCh teachers on Tuesday.  Student will be informed of their EnRICh session Wednesday morning.

Wednesday Collaboration - Analysis of Student Work

Each grade level will agree on a piece of student work to bring to the meeting.  Please bring a low, middle, and high piece of student work.  We will analyze the task and student proficiency based on this task.  We will also work on lesson plans so please bring your materials.  We will meet in the North Training Room.

Thursday Early Release Time

All Faculty & Staff will participate in required AL-MTSS turnaround training in the North Training Room at 2:15.  (Please talk with Dr. Lothspeich if it is necessary for you to miss this training).  The training will be facilitated by Dr. Shelley Bailey, our state implementation coach. Alabama Multi-Tier System of Supports (AL-MTSS) is a comprehensive and prevention-based framework that encompasses the academic, behavioral, and foundational wellness needs including physical and mental health to support the whole child and is aligned to the Alabama Achieves Strategic Plan. We have a TCS District MTSS Team (Dr. Lothspeich & Mr. Birdyshaw are representing Paine). Al-MTSS uses a proactive, team-driven approach that engages all stakeholders (state, regional, district, school community, family, and students) to ensure equitable access to opportunities that will improve outcomes for Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day.  


We announced this week that students are NOT allowed to bring any writing utensils to the courtyard (except for sidewalk chalk). We now have writing (that will not come off) on several bricks, one of the poles, and on one of our red picnic tables.  We have also discussed this with the YMCA after school care team.  In addition, students should use the sidewalk chalk ONLY on the sidewalk...not on the building!  Please help us take care of our beautiful school and  enforce this rule!

Time to Work on Proficiency Scales in December

We will be securing substitutes for our teachers for 1/2 day to work as a team on your Proficiency Scales. These meetings will be held in the North Training Room and Dr. Berry will be joining.  Lori Phillips is working on the substitute schedule.  The grade level meeting schedule is as follows.

Monday, 12/11 from 8:00-11:30 - 4th Grade Teachers
Monday, 12/11 from 11:30-3:00 - 5th Grade Teachers
Tuesday, 12/12 from 8:00-11:30 - 2nd Grade Teachers
Tuesday, 12/12 from 11:30-3:00 - 3rd Grade Teachers
Wednesday, 12/13 from 8:00-11:30 - 1st Grade Teachers
Wednesday, 12/13 from 11:30-3:00 - Kinder Teachers

Christmas Parties

Please see the schedule below for our Class Christmas Parties.  
Please remember: Only 2 room parent helpers per class.

Tuesday, 12/12 - PreK, Kinder & 1st
Wednesday 12/13 - 2nd & 3rd
Thursday, 12/14 - 4th & 5th


Paine Precepts

  • Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” – A.A Milne
  • “Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one’s voice.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin
  • “The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Gratitude and attitude are not challenges, they are choices.” – Robert Braathe

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