Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Weekly Update

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!  We are so thankful for our amazing school, colleagues, and students!  Wishing all of you many blessings!

A Week - Nov 27 - Dec 1

South PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)

Important Upcoming Dates

The next 3 weeks will be extremely busy. The events are listed below for a quick reference. 
11/27 (Mon) - Work on MUSH Grants
11/29 (Wed) - Collaboration in North Training Room                            
11/29 (Wed) - 1/2 of 4th Grade (Sloss Furnace)                                          
11/30 (Thur) - Collaboration in Grade Level Chair's Classroom
11/30 (Thu) - MUSH Grant Applications are Due 
12/1 (Fri) - AimsWeb Math Testing Begins (Complete by 12/15)        
12/1 (Fri) - Matos Field Trip                                                          
12/2 (Sat) - PES Spirit Night @ Chicken Salad Chick                          
12/4 (Mon) - 1/2 of 5th Grade (AL 4H Science Center)                        
12/5 (Tue) - 1/2 of 5th Grade (AL 4H Science Center)                          
12/6 (Wed) - Collaboration in North Training Room                          
12/6 (Wed) - 1/2 of 4th Grade (Sloss Furnace)                                    
12/6 (Wed) - 1/2 of 1st Grade (Canaan Acres)                                      
12/7 (Thu) - 1/2 of 1st Grade (Canaan Acres)                                  
12/7 (Thu) - PES Choir Christmas Program                                          
12/11 (Mon) - Student Grade Level Assemblies (K-2)                            
12/11 (Mon) - TCS Board Meeting @ 5:00                                            
12/11-12/13 - Grade Levels to work on proficiency scales (see scheduled half day)                  12/12 (Tue) -  Student Grade Level Assemblies (3-5)                              
12/12 (Tue) - Christmas Parties (PreK, Kinder & 1st)                            
12/13 (Wed) - PES Teacher PD during Collaboration                              
12/13 (Wed) - Christmas Parties (2nd & 3rd)                                          
12/14 (Thu) - Christmas Parties (4th & 5th)                                            
12/14 (Thu) - PES Faculty/Staff Christmas Party @ 2:15                      
12/15 (Fri) - End of 2nd 9 Weeks                                                            
12/15 (Fri) - Student Dismissal at 12:00 Noon                                        
12/18 - 1/1 - Christmas Break                                                                
1/2 (Tue) - Faculty & Staff Workday                                                    
1/3 (Wed) - Students Return         


Paine Elementary Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Hannah Lutz, our 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year! 
We are so proud of you!

Revised EnRICh Calendar (3-5)

EnRICh (3-5) - Thursdays from 1:00 to 1:50 - November 16 through January 25
ACAP Review & Prep (2-5) - Thursdays from 1:00-1:50 - February 1 through April 4.
EnRICh Will Resume - Thursdays from 1:00 to 1:50 - April 25 through May 2nd
EnRich will meet on Thursday, May 9th from 1:00-1:50 to prepare for Showcase.
Enrich Community Showcase will be on Friday, May 10th.

Protecting Instructional Time

One of the most important things we can do to ensure our students are learning is to protect instructional time!  Did you know there are only 900 instructional hours per year to teach students EVERYTHING they need to learn?  That is if EVERY moment is utilized...180 days x 5 hours a day (2 hours per day are spent on specials, pe, lunch, recess, & transitions). Let's make every moment count (because it does).  Listed below are a few important reminders to ensure our continued path to greatness at Paine!
  • Be Ready....preparation is crucial to ensure every moment is maximized.
  • Please do not enter someone's classroom and interrupt instruction unless it is urgent.  If it can wait until planning time, please wait. 
  • Reminder to demonstrate withitness during instructional time.  Our phone/email should not be a distraction during this time.
  • Adhere to your recess schedule.

Teacher Attendance & Coverage

We all know the most important factor regarding student learning is the TEACHER!  We will continue to look for ways to recognize our teachers for great attendance (including the monthly drawing of parking spaces among other things in the future).  We will be making a few changes regarding coverage in the event of a teacher absence, but first I want to share some information with you.

We can clearly see the impact teacher & student attendance during the pandemic had on student learning because we are still trying to close the gaps.  In November 2022, the Alabama State Department of Education issued a resolution declaring the critical importance of teacher and student attendance.  Listed below are key points mentioned in the resolution regarding teacher attendance.
  • Teachers remain the most important in-school factor for student learning.
  • Teacher chronic absenteeism can translate into students not being ready to read by the third grade, a negative impact on overall student achievement, and students not being on track to graduate on time.
  • As part of the ALSDE's commitment to improving student and teacher attendance in Alabama, this data will be analyzed and included in school accountability metrics.

PES Updates

  • We will NO LONGER split classes among the grade level if a teacher does not have a sub.  We only started doing this during the pandemic when there was a sub shortage. TCS relaxed the guidelines for subs and there is no longer a shortage.  Splitting students among classes is not in the best interest of our students and it is disruptive to instruction for the teachers impacted by having additional students.  
  • Please make sure you put your anticipated absence in both systems (time system & sub system) as soon as you know about it.  Remember: If you have an outside appointment that doesn't require an entire day off, we will work with you to prevent losing the entire instructional day.  Just let us know ahead of time.
  • If you have an unexpected absence and are unable to secure a sub, your recess partner teacher may be required to teach both classes. We will provide a larger space if necessary and try to find some assistance. This will ensure students are continuing to receive the instruction that was planned for the day, keep them with their classmates, and ensure it doesn't disrupt the entire grade level.
  • I will be reviewing our teacher attendance data for the first half of the year and meeting with teachers individually if there are any we can work together on this.  (This does not apply to leaves of absence.) I am here to support you and our students.
  • Please be mindful of the timing of outside trainings (such as LETRS) if you already had to be out for another reason close to the date of the training.  
Thank you for your commitment to your students!  You truly have the MOST IMPORTANT job in the world!

MUSH Grant Applications

MUSH Grant Applications are due by 11/30.  If you requested some time to work on this, you should have received the schedule for Monday, 11/27.

AimsWeb Math Testing

The AimsWeb Math testing window will open on Friday, 12/1.  All students should be tested by Christmas break. We will pull Kinder and 1st Grade students beginning 12/1 until all are tested. Teachers in grades 2-5, please make plans for your students to complete their online tests in your classrooms.  Remember to follow testing accommodations outlined in 504s & IEPs (please get with your case managers).

December Dress-up Days

We will have school dress-up days the week before Christmas break.  Please communicate with your parents 1-2 weeks before.

Christmas Party

Our faculty/staff Christmas party will be on Thursday, 12/14 from 2:15 to 3:15.  Our personal children may attend. More information to follow.

Paine Precepts (Kindness & Empathy)


Jesse Jackson


Barack Obama


Dolly Parton


Albert Schweitzer


Margaret Mead

Friday, November 10, 2023

Weekly Update


B Week - November 13-17

North PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)

Paine Practice...Best Practice

We are continuous learners at Paine! Our faculty and staff participated in AL-MTSS Training on Thursday lead by Dr. Shelley Bailey.  

Mrs. Lang's 4th grade students are so proud of their personal narratives. Their final products are hanging outside their classroom and they are really good!!!

Veteran's Day Program

A special thank you to Taylor Knuppel and Lesley Rogers for the incredible work they did on our Veteran's Day Program.  Just when we think it couldn't get any better than the year before, IT DOES!  Our 2nd graders did a beautiful job!  We are also thankful to our PTO parents for decorating and helping us greet our guests!  It was truly a memorable program where our veterans were honored in such a special way!

Paine Food Drive

Our Paine Food Drive will run until Friday.  There are collection boxes for all the donations in the back hall areas as you come in from the car lines on both north and south side. 

EnRICh Update (3-5)

EnRICh will finally start this week.  Thank you for everyone for your hard work preparing for these experiences.  I want to extend a special thank you to Leah Morrison for her hard work on preparing the EnRICh rosters, etc.

Wednesday Collaboration

Please work with your grade level teams to plan and ensure all lesson plans are up-to-date in PlanBook.

Thursday Early Release Time

We will meet in the North Training Room at 2:30 to announce the Paine Elementary Teacher of the Year.  

Room Cleanup

Please have students get trash and unnecessary items out of desk and lockers before leaving this week.  Please make sure any food/candy bagged securely and placed in a high cabinet. Please make sure lamps, twinkle lights, etc. are turned off before you leave on Friday.

 Many of you have communicated issues with your rooms not being cleaned.  We are working on this issue.  In the meantime, our Admin Team is ready to serve!!!  We will be working 2 days the week of Thanksgiving and will dedicate our time to helping get our classrooms clean (dust, mop, vacuum, clean sinks, wipe down all surfaces, and clean vents). Please help us by organizing and putting things away before you leave.  

Time to Work on Proficiency Scales in December

Monday, 12/11 from 8:00-11:30 - 4th Grade Teachers
Monday, 12/11 from 11:30-3:00 - 5th Grade Teachers
Tuesday, 12/12 from 8:00-11:30 - 2nd Grade Teachers
Tuesday, 12/12 from 11:30-3:00 - 3rd Grade Teachers
Wednesday, 12/13 from 8:00-11:30 - 1st Grade Teachers
Wednesday, 12/13 from 11:30-3:00 - Kinder Teachers

Christmas Parties

Tuesday, 12/12 - PreK, Kinder & 1st
Wednesday 12/13 - 2nd & 3rd
Thursday, 12/14 - 4th & 5th

Family News

Please continue to pray for Destin & Cody Rice and baby Novah. The immediate specific prayer request is that they get a good report (no brain bleeds) from Novah's MRI this coming Tuesday.  If they get a good report, they will be able to discuss the possibility of moving her to UAB/Childrens in Birmingham.


Paine Precepts

  • “The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” Douglas Wood
  • “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” – JFK
  • “The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” – Mary Davis
  • “If you want to find happiness, find gratitude.” – Steve Maraboli
  • “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

Monday, November 6, 2023

Family News

Please continue to keep Susan Brandon's son, Seth in your thoughts and prayers.  He has been having health issues for a few weeks now.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Family News - Prayers Needed

Dear Paine Faculty & Staff,

Destin Rice was in Florence for her baby shower and ended up having her precious baby girl today at 27 weeks. Novah Cameron Rice weighs 2.5 pounds.  Destin is in hospital in Florence and Novah was taken to a hospital in Huntsville, because they are better equipped.  Destin and Cody are hoping to get her moved to Birmingham in about 10 days.  We will be coming together as a faculty to show our love and support to Destin and her family in various ways.  Please look for communication on this.

Everyone is invited to join us in the library Monday afternoon at 3:10 to pray for Novah, Destin, and Cody.  

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Weekly Update

We survived Halloween and a full moon last week!  Thank you for keeping our students engaged in learning and for persevering throughout the week!  When we are this tired, it is even more important to remember that we are making a profound difference with our students (and eachother).

A Week - November 6-9

South PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)

Remember:  No School on Friday! We are honoring our Veterans!

Paine Practice...Best Practice

Ms. Kerr is facilitating math connections during the teacher table rotation during workshop.
Ms. Taylor is keeping her students engaged during a focused phonics lesson.
Mrs. Jackson's 4th grade students are testing materials to see if they are insulators or conductors of electricity.
Mrs. Jenkins is using Kahoot to review and assess student knowledge of science concepts.

Veteran's Day Program

We will have two different Veteran's Day Program options this year:  Wednesday @ 8:30 OR Thursday at 8:30. It will be held in the North Gym. If a student(s) has a veteran attending one of the programs, please allow the student to attend that program.

Teacher PLP Evidence

Teachers, please make sure you have uploaded your first piece of PLP Evidence (the one due on October 30th)  for each of your indicators.  Leah Morrison sent an email outlining how to upload your evidence in Cognia.  The dates for the expected upload of evidence are:  October 30, January 31, and March 18.

Paine Food Drive

Please communicate our annual food drive to your parents. It will run for 2 weeks, November 6th-17th.  There will be collection boxes for all the donations in the back hall areas as you come in from the car lines on both north and south side. 

EnRICh Update (3-5)

EnRICh sessions will begin on Thursday, November 9th.  We will be working on rosters and will have them to EnRiCh teachers on Tuesday.  Student will be informed of their EnRICh session Wednesday morning.

Wednesday Collaboration - Analysis of Student Work

Each grade level will agree on a piece of student work to bring to the meeting.  Please bring a low, middle, and high piece of student work.  We will analyze the task and student proficiency based on this task.  We will also work on lesson plans so please bring your materials.  We will meet in the North Training Room.

Thursday Early Release Time

All Faculty & Staff will participate in required AL-MTSS turnaround training in the North Training Room at 2:15.  (Please talk with Dr. Lothspeich if it is necessary for you to miss this training).  The training will be facilitated by Dr. Shelley Bailey, our state implementation coach. Alabama Multi-Tier System of Supports (AL-MTSS) is a comprehensive and prevention-based framework that encompasses the academic, behavioral, and foundational wellness needs including physical and mental health to support the whole child and is aligned to the Alabama Achieves Strategic Plan. We have a TCS District MTSS Team (Dr. Lothspeich & Mr. Birdyshaw are representing Paine). Al-MTSS uses a proactive, team-driven approach that engages all stakeholders (state, regional, district, school community, family, and students) to ensure equitable access to opportunities that will improve outcomes for Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day.  


We announced this week that students are NOT allowed to bring any writing utensils to the courtyard (except for sidewalk chalk). We now have writing (that will not come off) on several bricks, one of the poles, and on one of our red picnic tables.  We have also discussed this with the YMCA after school care team.  In addition, students should use the sidewalk chalk ONLY on the sidewalk...not on the building!  Please help us take care of our beautiful school and  enforce this rule!

Time to Work on Proficiency Scales in December

We will be securing substitutes for our teachers for 1/2 day to work as a team on your Proficiency Scales. These meetings will be held in the North Training Room and Dr. Berry will be joining.  Lori Phillips is working on the substitute schedule.  The grade level meeting schedule is as follows.

Monday, 12/11 from 8:00-11:30 - 4th Grade Teachers
Monday, 12/11 from 11:30-3:00 - 5th Grade Teachers
Tuesday, 12/12 from 8:00-11:30 - 2nd Grade Teachers
Tuesday, 12/12 from 11:30-3:00 - 3rd Grade Teachers
Wednesday, 12/13 from 8:00-11:30 - 1st Grade Teachers
Wednesday, 12/13 from 11:30-3:00 - Kinder Teachers

Christmas Parties

Please see the schedule below for our Class Christmas Parties.  
Please remember: Only 2 room parent helpers per class.

Tuesday, 12/12 - PreK, Kinder & 1st
Wednesday 12/13 - 2nd & 3rd
Thursday, 12/14 - 4th & 5th


Paine Precepts

  • Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” – A.A Milne
  • “Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one’s voice.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin
  • “The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Gratitude and attitude are not challenges, they are choices.” – Robert Braathe

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...