Friday, April 21, 2023

Weekly Update

 C Week - April 24-28

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Paine Practice...Best Practice

Our 3rd Graders' Biography Parade!

Our School Leadership Team PLC brainstorming improvement ideas!

Leah Morrison's GaTE students planting in the garden!

Jennifer Abney on the carpet reading Charlotte's Web with her class!

Lindsay Phillips & Elizabeth Moffett's students launching rockets while Officer Bowen tracks each rocket's speed.

May Matters - Let's Make it Count

As we approach the final month of school let's stay strong and stay the course.  We still have a lot of important work to do.  I received the following important reminder in an email to principals from the state.  It serves as a reminder that we still have time to make a difference!

MAY MATTERS! (From State email)

Did you know…….

· the month of May can be the least productive month for student learning?

· for most of Alabama’s public schools, May counts for 90-120 instructional hours

(depending on the last day of school - 6 hours x 3 or 4 weeks)?

· May can account for up to 40 hours of reading instruction (2 hours per day x 3 or 4 weeks)?

· a lack of instruction during the month of May will deepen the summer learning loss?

· May matters to student learning. Let’s encourage all schools to continue teaching reading during the month of May because May Matters.

AIMS Web Testing - This Week

  • Our window for AimsWeb Spring Testing is now open and our goal is to complete these assessments this week.  
  • Our Testing Team will pull Kindergarteners and 1st Graders for Literacy.  They will also be pulling 2nd & 3rd for ORF.  Cindy Cornwell will begin pulling K & 1 students for the Math Assessment.  
  • Teachers in 2nd - 5th:  You may go ahead and administer the assessment (on the computer) to your students.  Please complete this by Friday, April 28th.  Our plan is to have our final data meetings the first week of May.


EnRICh for grades 2-5 will meet on Tuesdays from 2:00-2:50 and Thursdays from 1:00-1:50.  

CNP State Site Review

The State will be conducting an on-site review of our lunchrooms on Wednesday, April 26th for both breakfast and lunch.  The following are a few reminders of things we should be following that day (and everyday):
  • No outside purchased food should be brought into the lunchroom.
  • Students have a fruit or a vegetable on their plate.  They only need 3 components and one of the three must be a fruit OR a vegetable.  This is the minimum required so of course students may get both vegetables and a fruit if they wish.  An example of a reimbursable meal would be a hamburger and an apple, because the hamburger has two of the three components.  
  • If students need a cup of water they should get it from the containers on the sides (and should not use the sink).  
  • We cannot allow lunches to be charged, so staff should make sure their accounts are up to date.  
  • I have ordered water containers to place on both sides so the students can get a cup of water without having to turn on the sink.  We are not allowed to let adults charge, so if the staff could make sure their accounts are up to date and please don’t ask us to charge
We have the best lunchroom around, so thank you for helping to ensure a successful review.

Also, as we approach the last month of school behaviors are escalated.  It is imperative that every teacher sit with their students at lunch.

Formal Teacher Observations

We have completed our ATOT observations.  Now, we will be focusing on spring formal observations for any teacher on the cycle this year.  You will see our admin team visiting classrooms to complete these observations beginning on Monday.

Collaboration Calendar

We will have grade level collaboration on Wednesday and a Faculty Meeting on Thursday during early release time.

Friday - Grade Level Assemblies

We will have our grade level assemblies on Friday in the NORTH Gym.  The schedule is as follows:

Kindergarten 8:30-9:00
1st Grade 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade 10:30-11:00
4th Grade 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade 12:30-1:00
5th Grade 1:30-2:00

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Week of 4/24 - State CNP Review at Paine
Wed, 4/26 - State On-Site CNP Review (Breakfast & Lunch)
Fri, 4/28 - Grade Level Assemblies
Wed, 5/3 - End of Year Grade Level Data Meetings
Thurs, 5/4 - Dr. Martin to meet with Paine Faculty/Staff at 2:45
Fri, 5/5 - Blanche's 3rd Birthday (Plans to be announced)
5/8-5/12 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/9 & 5/11 - STEM Certification Meetings with Review Team
Fri, 5/12 - 3rd Grade Scored Handwriting Assessments due back to Dr. Jensen
Mon, 5/15 - PES Musical (day & evening performances)
Thurs, 5/18 - Retirement (Brumlow) & End of Year Celebration
Fri, 5/19 - EnRICh Student Showcase
Mon, 5/22 - End of Year Assemblies
Tues, 5/23 - Kinder Orientation for 2022-2023 Students (8:30 am AND 6:00 pm)
Tues, 5/23 - Paine Field Day & End of Year Class Parties (more information to follow soon)
Fri, 5/12 - 5th Grade Extravaganza
Tues, 6/20 - Kinder Orientation for 2022-2023 Students (8:30 am AND 6:00 pm)

Paine Precepts (Perseverance)

  • “F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. – Og Mandino
  • “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” – Colin Powell
  • “I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t fail … a lot. The good, the bad, it’s all part of the success equation.” – Mark Cuban
  • “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” – Jesse Owens

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