Thursday, November 17, 2022

Weekly Update

Virtual Days are on Monday & Tuesday.  Be sure students know how to access their work. 

We hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!  We are so thankful for each of you.  We hope you will take the week to rest, have fun, and enjoy family and friends. 

C Week - November 28-December 2, 2022

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Paine Practice ... Best Practice

Even Blanche LOVES a good Read Aloud!

Mrs. Ferguson demonstrating Withitness as students gather text evidence.

Our 3rd Graders had a Book Character Parade for Kinder & 1st.

An EPIC experience:  3rd Grade Book Character Parade

Sub Folders

The sub folders will be placed in your boxes on Friday.  We have placed all information in there for you (rosters, schedules, classroom management plan, safety information, etc.).  There are a couple of forms in there you will need to complete asap; these are things that are specific to your students that a sub will need to know.  Please begin using these folders immediately.

MUSH Grant Deadline

The deadline to apply for the MUSH Grant is Wednesday, November 30th.  It does not take long to apply so please consider this.  If you need any assistance, please let us know.

Collaboration & PD

In December, we will begin PLC (Professional Learning Community) Monthly Meetings one Thursday afternoon per month. (Many of these meetings are already occurring.) Every certified employee will participate in the designated PLC based on descriptions below.  Meeting locations will be provided soon.
  • New Teachers - ALL new teachers; led by Dr. Brumlow or Dr. Jensen.
  • PES Leadership Team - Our leadership team will meet on each PLC day.
  • STEM Leadership Team - Our STEM leadership team will meet; Rachel Brockman, Susan Brandon, and Janet Benson will serve as facilitators.
  • Sped Teachers - All Sped Teachers will meet at this time; Amanda Hatcher or designee to facilitate.
  • Science of Teaching Reading - All K-3 literacy teachers (who are not participating in one of the PLCs above).  This will be facilitated by Kelly McGough and/or Jenni Peters.
  • Amplify - All 4-5 literacy teachers (who are not participating in one of the PLC's above); meet to preview and plan for upcoming Amplify lessons.
  • Math Best Practices - All 2-5 Math Teachers (who are not participating in one of the PLC's above); facilitated by Jessica Bryant.  
  • Enrichment - Any teacher not included above will meet to plan STREAM STudio experiences, EnRICh, etc.

December Collaboration & PD Calendar

Wednesdays (During Planning Time)

Thursday (Early Release 2:15-3:15)

Wednesday, 11/30/22

NO REQUIRED COLLABORATION on WED.  All teachers will participate in STREAM Studio PD on Friday, 12/2 instead.

Thursday, 12/1/22

Faculty Meeting:  Paine Teacher of the Year will be announced

Wednesday, 12/7/22

Grade Level/Content Area Collaboration in No & So Coll Rooms

Thursday, 12/8/22

PLC’s will meet (see information above). Locations TBD.

Wednesday, 12/14/22

Grade Level/Content Area Collaboration in No & So Coll Rooms

Thursday, 12/15/22

STEM Leadership Team Meeting

Sped Teacher Meeting

Everyone Else: Time to Work in Rooms or Collaborate (what your group needs

District PD

The district PD we are receiving this year has been so relevant and powerful! Special thanks to Dr. Berry!  Thank you all so much for the commitment to your professional growth!  I am so proud of all of you!
1) We are continuing to practice Withitness with the strategies we have learned! It is evident that the quadrant strategy has been implemented all over our building!  Great job!
2) QFT (Question Formulation Technique) - The creativity and purposeful QFT lessons you have designed are so impressive! 
3) This week we learned about Maintaining a Lively Pace through the following strategies:
Instructional Management Segments, Pace Modulation, and Motivational Hooks!  

We will have our next District PD on Wednesday, 1/11/23.  Please remember to complete the following NEXT STEPS before that date.

Christmas Parties

Wednesday, 12/14 - PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd
Thursday, 12/15 - 3rd, 4th, & 5th

Note: Each class may have their room mother help with their party.

Facility/Custodian Information

Teachers please email Tim if you need something specific for your room when it comes to custodial needs.  Please don’t stop the custodians in the hallway and ask them for desks, furniture etc. 
Also, now that our temperatures are dropped please ask your students to remember to grab their coats when leaving recess.  I know a lot take them off and hang them on the fence when they are playing.  Please have them check the fence before reentering the building.

Upcoming Dates

Mon & Tues, 11/21 & 11/22 - Virtual Days for Students
Wed-Fri, 11/23-11/25 - Thanksgiving Break
Wed, 11/30 - No required collaboration (will mr eet Friday instead)
Thurs, 12/1 - Faculty Meeting; TOY announcement
Fri, 12/2 - PD in STREAM Studio
Mon, 12/5 - PST will be moved to this day (instead of Fri, 12/2)
12/5-12/7 - Inclusive Schools Week
Fri, 12/9 - School Spelling Bee
Tues, 12/13 - Assemblies
Wed, 12/14 - Christmas parties for Prek, K, 1st, & 2nd
Thurs, 12/15 - Christmas parties for 3rd, 4th, & 5th
Fri, 12/16 - Half Day for Students
Fri, 12/16 - PES Faculty & Staff Christmas Lunch

Paine Precepts (Gratitude)

“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” Mary Davis
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Anonymous
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” Maya Angelou
“Gratitude and attitude are not challenges, they are choices.” Robert Braathe
“If you want to find happiness, find gratitude.” Steve Maraboli

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Weekly Update

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