Friday, September 2, 2022

Weekly Update

  A Week - September 6-9

We have had such a great week at Paine Elementary!  The level of instruction in our classrooms is top-notch!!! Thank you for all you are doing for our students and each other!  Enjoy your long weekend!


Due to the number of students eating breakfast in the lunchroom, we will open both lunchrooms up for breakfast beginning Tuesday, September 6th.  Students eating breakfast should go the lunchroom on the side of the building where their grade level is location (K, 2, & 4 - South Lunchroom & 1, 3, & 5 - North Lunchroom).

Educator Effectiveness

All certified staff must log in to LincSprings and complete your Self-Assessment & PLP (Professional Learning Plan) by the end of September.  Remember:  Our school indicator is Well-Managed Classroom.  You will select a second indicator based on individual developmental goals.  We will meet with each teacher on the evaluation cycle the first of October to review your PLP.  Please use the the link below for instructions on how to access in Lincsprings.

Parent Chat Night Schedule

1st Grade - Tuesday, September 6 from 5:30-6:30 pm 

5th Grade - Thursday, September 8 from 5:30-6:30 pm

2nd Grade - Monday, September 12 from 5:30-6:30 pm

3rd Grade - Tuesday, September 13 from 5:30-6:30 pm

4th Grade - Wednesday, September 14 from 5:30-6:30 pm

Kindergarten - Thursday, September 15 from 5:30-6:30 pm

September - School Attendance Awareness Month

Throughout the month of September, the Paine Elementary community will place a large focus on school attendance. We challenge both parents and teachers to discuss the importance and benefits of regular school attendance with students.

Paine Elementary will be tracking student attendance beginning after Labor Day, starting on September 6th, until September 30th. We have created special incentives for your student to "Pop Their Way to Perfect Attendance" this month!

Students with perfect attendance 9/6-9/30 will receive...

  • Admission to the Perfect Attendance Popcorn Party
  • Raffle entry for an invitation to a Pizza Party with the Principals
  • Popper Fidget Keychain

Students with only 1 absence 9/6-9/30 will receive...

  • Popper Fidget Keychain

Lunchroom Visitor Policies & Procedures

We will be opening our lunchroom for parent visitors after Labor Day, beginning the week of September 6th. Parents will have a scheduled day based on student last name to ensure we have the capacity in our lunchrooms and our parking lot. 

Lunchroom Visitor Schedule By Last Name:

Monday: A – E

Tuesday: F – J

Wednesday: K – O

Thursday: P – S

Friday: T - Z

Visitors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Visitors must bring a valid driver’s license and be on the student's check-out list.
  • If a visitor is not on the check-out list, we must have a note from the parent granting permission to eat lunch with the student.
  • Visitors must sign in at the front office, and sign out after lunch is over. They must wear a Visitor Sticker.
  • The parent and child must sit at the designated Visitor Table.  Students may not invite friends to this table to ensure we have enough capacity.  
  • Please note: It is a state guideline that food purchased outside of the lunchroom may NOT be brought in.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will finish our ACAP Data analysis in Grades 2-5, complete refresher training on how to set goals in AIMs, and begin working on intervention plans.  We will meet in north and south collaboration rooms.

Rhithm App Update

Based on feedback and reflection, our Counselors have developed a plan for implementation of Rhithm in your classrooms.  Please see the details below.

  1. We will put a temporary pause on Rhithm usage in the classroom until students and teachers are trained.
  2. Our counselors will teach students about Rhithm, feelings identification, etc. over the next 3 weeks in counseling classes.  We will also shorten the survey to 2 questions only (feelings & body) for all grade levels until all students have a better grasp on the concept.
  3. Counselors will train teachers on how to better monitor their students in Rhithm on September 8th.
  4. Once everyone feels more equipped, we will resume regular use of Rhithm during morning meeting times. We will build back in the additional questions for older grades as we see them master the concept.

Thursday - Early Release Time

Our counselors will train us on Rhithm.  This should only take about 20 minutes. Please spend the remainder of this time on any preparation for Chat Nights.

September: Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Paine Elementary will go GOLD on Wednesday, September 14th.  Please wear GOLD on that day.

Constitution Day

Constitution Day is September 17th.  Please collaborate with your team to design meaningful lessons about the constitution for that day.  Prior to September 17th, please provide your detailed plans. We look forward to seeing the lessons you have prepared.  If you take pictures during these lessons, please send to Ellen Howard to document this important day.  Reminder:  Please make sure you have detailed evidence of Constitution Day lessons in your plans for state monitoring.

AEA & ACOE Visits

A represenative from ACOE will visit Paine on Tuesday, September 6th from 7:00-8:00 am.  A represenative from AEA will visit on Friday, September 9th from 7:00-8:00 am.  They will be in the north conference room on the 4th grade hall if you would like to stop by.

Paine Precepts

  • “Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. ...
  • “When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.” – Harold Kushner
  • “The simple act of caring is heroic.” – Edward Albert.
  • “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop.

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