Friday, August 19, 2022

Weekly Update

 B Week - August 22-26

Morning Meetings

The morning meetings at Paine are going GREAT!  You are all investing in the social and emotional well being of our students through this process!  Remember:  Morning meetings should be held between 8:05-8:15. If it works better to have students do the Rhithm app right after your morning meeting, please make that adjustment.  Thank you for your dedication to your morning meetings!!!

Monday Afternoon

If you were unable to attend the School Safety Meeting on Friday, please make plans to attend the make-up session after school on Monday.  We will meet in the North Training Room at 3:10.

Lockdown Drill

Information was sent out to parents (in our Paine Post) today regarding our Lockdown Drill next week.  Please remember to use the script provided in your safety book to inform students about the drill that morning.  Listen for the announcement on the intercom (around 8:15) on your designated day below.
  • South Building - Wednesday, August 24th 
  • North Building - Thursday, August 25th
Due to the lockdown drill, 5th Grade PE on Thursday, August 25th will be moved to 1:00.

Wednesday Collaboration

This week we will briefly go over the Teacher Handbook (that we didn't get to on Thursday) as well as our PST (Problem Solving Team) Process.  Please bring your Teacher Handbook to collaboration.  In addition, we will focus on the following topics for the designated groups below:
  • Kindergarten - Baseline ESGI data & Intervention Plans
  • 1st Grade - Begin discussions of Math Unit 2
  • 3rd Grade Literacy - Next planning steps
  • 4th & 5th - Training on how to administer AIMs ORF 

Thursday - Early Dismissal

This time will be designated for faculty and staff to finish the online required training that is due by 9/8.  Please make sure you also complete the required EL training by that date.  Both links are provided below.

Below is the link to the 22-23 Annual Training Site for TCS. The site is restricted to Trussville City Schools. Please share this link with your staff.  The training is due on September 9, 2022 by 5 PM.

The link below will take you to the annual EL Training video. It contains general information about English Learners and some simple strategies that can be used in the classroom. Please have teachers watch the video and complete the quiz by following the link at the end of the video. Teachers may have to copy and paste the link to the quiz into their web browser. The quiz is due by September 9th.

STEM Leadership Team

Our STEM Leadership Team will meet in the STREAM Studio Room Thursday at 2:15.

Paine Precepts

M:  “Treat people exactly as you would like to be treated by them.” – Golden Rule
T:  “I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.” – Julius Erving
W: “It’s not so much the journey that’s important; as is the way that we treat those we encounter and those around us, along the way.” – Jeremy Aldana

T: “Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” – R.G. Risch
F: “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryan H. McGill

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Weekly Update

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