Friday, January 7, 2022

Weekly Update

B Week (January 10-14)

Thank you for your participation in our Faculty Meeting on Thursday.  The research on the impact of the pandemic on teaching & learning was eye opening.  We discussed how we can refocus on what is most important (our big rocks), making sure every task is purposeful and contributes to learning, and the importance of making every moment count (teaching bell-to-bell).  Our refocus will help us overcome some of the challenges from the pandemic and move closer to achieving our vision...maximizing the potential of every student.  

The following is the link to the PowerPoint from our meeting:  
Note:  If you were unable to attend the faculty meeting, you will receive an invitation for a makeup session at 2:30 on 1/20 (following district PD time).

January Calendar

Classroom Schedule & Discipline Plan

Please remember to place your updated classroom schedule outside of your classroom by Friday.  Please make sure your classroom discipline plan is posted in your classroom and that it contains a component for when to contact a parent.

Place a copy of your schedule and your classroom discipline plan in Dr. Lothspeich's box by Friday.

Monday - 3rd Grade Spelling Letters

As part of the Alabama Literacy Act Requirements, we will be implementing new spelling lists and requirements for 3rd grade.  The office will be preparing parent letters along with the spelling lists.  These will be sent home with students on Monday.


We will participate in Professional Development on 5 of Hattie's High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS).  We will meet in our grade level collaboration rooms.


Early release time should be used for grade level collaboration.  Please be sure to upload/share your updates lesson plans.

AimsWeb Reading Testing Plan

We will continue with our AimsWeb Reading Assessment testing plan (below).  

 January 5th – January 7th – Interventionists will be assessing ORF for 2nd and 3rd grade.

Special Education Teachers:  Please work with testing teachers to ensure your students receive any accommodations outlined in the IEP.  

AimsWeb Math Winter Assessment

Our interventionists will finish up AimsWeb Math Testing for any K & 1 students who were not tested.  Teachers in grades 2-5, please make sure all of your students have completed this assessment.

STAR Testing Window

Our STAR testing window is this week.  Testing should be completed by Friday, January 14th.  All students in grades K-5 should complete this assessment.  You may use time during your IE block to complete this if needed.

Welcome - Mr. Meads

We would like to welcome Jared Meads to Paine Elementary.  He will be with us for the next three weeks as he completes the first half of the TCS Principal Mentorship Program.  

Board Appreciation Month

We will be constructing a tree for Board Appreciation Month.  We will place copies of a template of leaves in your boxes on Monday.  Please have each of your homeroom students decorate (color) a leaf and write a message of thanks, their name and grade.  Please return your classroom set of cutout leaves to the office by Friday, January 14th.

Paine Precepts 

M:  You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.  Remember that - Unknown
T:  I cannot trust a man to control others if he cannot control himself. - Robert E. Lee
W:  Mastering self-control, the act of restraining one's emotions is the true key to success. - Timothy Pina
T:  Silence is not always a sign of weakness; it's also a sign of strong self-control. - Unknown
F:  Self-control is a key factor in achieving success.  We can't control everything in life, but we can definitely control ourselves. - Jan McKingley Hilado

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