Saturday, September 18, 2021

Weekly News

A Week

Important - Specials/PE

Please make sure you visit the restroom as a class before going to specials/PE.  The students walk as a group from one to the other with specialist teachers supervising it the hallway.  If a student leaves the room to go to the bathroom during this transition, he/she is separated from the class.  We realize emergencies happen, but we have too many students having to leave specials or PE to go to the restroom.  Thank you for taking care of this.

Learning Targets

Please remember that learning targets (I can statements) should be written on the board in the classroom for all subject areas taught.  These should be discussed with the students at the beginning of the lesson, during the lesson for understanding checks, and to close the lesson.

TCS Mandatory Training

Please remember to complete the TCS Mandatory Training in Schoology by 9/25.  

TCS Roster Activity

This year more than ever we need to really “know” our students.  We have completed this activity for several years, but we want to reiterate the purpose.  Research shows if you KNOW the children in your care, you can help them feel more comfortable and positive about school. 

What do we mean by “know”? If you saw the student outside of school could you:

  1. Identify them by name

  2. Ask them about their hobby, pet, sibling, sport, etc.… by name

  3. Recall a specific event, memory, positive trait, or something special about that student. 

The purpose of the activity is to ensure that each student is known in this way by at least 5 staff members.  After every staff member has reviewed the list, the students who do not have five staff member names listed, are assigned a mentor teacher or staff member mentor.  We believe when students have at least one adult in the building they can depend on, confide in, and trust, they are less likely to have violent tendencies and more likely to have regular attendance.   

We find that many of the students without five signatures are new to our school. We will identify that area and work with counselors and other groups to host additional activities to help them establish friendships, feel more connected, and take away some of the anxiety associated with being in an unfamiliar environment. 

 Please have this completed by October 15, 2021.


Click on each tab at the bottom to show the lists of students for each grade.

  • Scroll through each list and type your name beside each student with whom you know well enough to recognize away from school and know some non-academic information about the student. (John loves his dog name Beau- he is a labradoodle; John also loves to skateboard).   

  • If all five spaces beside a name are filled out, you do not need to put your name, even if you know them well.  Remember, our goal is to see if all students are known by a minimum of five adults in the building. 

(FYI – Save time by copying and pasting your name as you scroll through)

Wednesday - Picture Day

Fall pictures will be taken on Wednesday in the gym during designated PE time.  All PE classes will meet in the gyms on that day.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will continue our data meetings during collaboration on Wednesday.  Please be sure to bring your laptops.

Thursday Afternoon

Teachers should utilize this time to meet with their grade level on lesson plans, catch up on mandatory training or district training, work on Educator Effectiveness, work on the Roster Activity, etc. 

The school leadership team will meet in Dr. Lothspeich's office after school.

Classroom Walkthrough Form

As a district we always gather data as we conduct classroom walkthroughs.  The form below is the one our Admin Team at Paine will be utilizing this year to gather our data.  We will share this data with you periodically to provide overall information about instruction in our school.  

PST Referral Link

The PST Referral link previously included in the blog will remain active until 3:00 pm on Monday.

Family News

Congratulations to Mica and Matt Nichols on the birth of their beautiful daughter, Charlie Grace!  She was born on Friday, September 17th at 6:09 pm.  She weighs 8 lbs 3 oz and is 21.5 inches long.  We are so excited for them!

Paine Precepts

  • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou, poet and author
  • “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein
  • “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, Third US President
  • "It's okay to not know.  It's not okay to not try." - Unknown
  • "There's a difference in not knowing and not knowing yet." - Sheila Tobias

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