Please keep Amanda Hatcher in your thoughts and prayers. She is having surgery tomorrow and will be out all of next week recovering.
Please continue to pray for Lynsey Phillips who is now out of the ICU but still in the hospital.
Please keep Amanda Hatcher in your thoughts and prayers. She is having surgery tomorrow and will be out all of next week recovering.
Please continue to pray for Lynsey Phillips who is now out of the ICU but still in the hospital.
Grade levels will meet to plan lesson, with a focus on including EPIC MOMENT(S) in Semester 1. Remember: These EPIC moments are part of our schoolwide indicator on student engagement.
Our assemblies for September student recognitions will held Wednesday on the PE Field. Please refer to the schedule below for your grade's assembly time.
We are so excited to announce that we will be having our Fall Festival this year (date TBD). Our school leadership team will be meeting on Thursday afternoon at 2:15 to begin making plans. We are inviting all faculty that would like to serve on the Fall Festival Planning Team to join us on Thursday. We will narrow down a date and come up with a preliminary plan, as well as look for volunteers to head up various sections.
Custodian Appreciation Day is Friday, October 1st. Thank you to our custodians for taking care of us and our building. We know it has been challenging this year. We appreciate all you do!
Congratulations to Anna and Austin Seeley. They are expecting a baby boy in April.
Also, congratulations to Angie Seeley (grandmother to be).
Please keep the Weyerman family in your thoughts and prayers. Cynthia's husband, Brian had a heart attack yesterday and is having surgery today.
IE Block Lesson Plans - Template
Please click on the link and make a copy with your name (see example below).
2021-2022 IE Block - Last Names of Team Teachers
Click to share with same people when you make the copy.
This year more than ever we need to really “know” our students. We have completed this activity for several years, but we want to reiterate the purpose. Research shows if you KNOW the children in your care, you can help them feel more comfortable and positive about school.
What do we mean by “know”? If you saw the student outside of school could you:
Identify them by name
Ask them about their hobby, pet, sibling, sport, etc.… by name
Recall a specific event, memory, positive trait, or something special about that student.
The purpose of the activity is to ensure that each student is known in this way by at least 5 staff members. After every staff member has reviewed the list, the students who do not have five staff member names listed, are assigned a mentor teacher or staff member mentor. We believe when students have at least one adult in the building they can depend on, confide in, and trust, they are less likely to have violent tendencies and more likely to have regular attendance.
We find that many of the students without five signatures are new to our school. We will identify that area and work with counselors and other groups to host additional activities to help them establish friendships, feel more connected, and take away some of the anxiety associated with being in an unfamiliar environment.
Please have this completed by October 15, 2021.
Open the link to the Google Form PES Roster Activity 21-22 (Must use your .org account)
Click on each tab at the bottom to show the lists of students for each grade.
Scroll through each list and type your name beside each student with whom you know well enough to recognize away from school and know some non-academic information about the student. (John loves his dog name Beau- he is a labradoodle; John also loves to skateboard).
If all five spaces beside a name are filled out, you do not need to put your name, even if you know them well. Remember, our goal is to see if all students are known by a minimum of five adults in the building.
(FYI – Save time by copying and pasting your name as you scroll through)
Please keep Karen Ekonen and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Her precious grandmother passed away this afternoon.
Thank you for a GREAT Week for our students! Have a wonderful, long weekend!
A Week: September 7-10
ALSDE has provided some resource links to help you in planning for that day:
You do not need to complete the survey to work. Just select the “X” to close.
IE (Intervention/Enrichment) Block
No student should visit the library their IE Block. During this time, all students should be working in the classroom on differentiated activities specifically to advance their individual learning, while teachers are working with their small groups.
TCS employees must complete the Annual Mandatory Safety Trainings required by the ALSDE. These trainings are located in Schoology. Employees will need to click on the TCS Logo labeled District Training and then click on in the green folder at the top of the page.
Please complete these trainings by 9/25/21. If you are unable to access, please contact Dr. Poovey.
Constitution Day Lessons
Weekly Lesson Plans
Work on Educator Effectiveness (if time permits)
Work on Mandatory Training (if time permits)
Generation Genius
Thanks to a generous donation, every teacher in our school now has access to both the science and math components of Generation Genius. This may be utilized to supplement instruction.
FYI: PowerSchool has the Citizenship grade built in to the courses. Teachers do not need to rename or create a course to provide this grade. Our citizenship grades will be placed in the HOMEROOM course.
To put in the citizenship grade teachers will need to:
This will only print on the report cards.
B Week - March 3-7, 2025 North PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Remin...