Sunday, September 27, 2020

I.E. (Intervention/Enrichment) Block


The Intervention/Enrichment Block for ALL students is 8:10-8:40 every single day!  The IE Block should begin promptly after morning announcements and last until 8:40 (30 minute block).  The teacher should always be working with a small group during this time.  

Please remember:  Tier 2 reading intervention is mandated in The Literacy Act for all students with reading deficiencies in grades K-3, and all plans and progress must be documented.
All PES students (K-5) must be engaged in one of the following during the IE Block:

1) Sonday System or Essentials Group
2) Reading Skills Intervention Group
3) Math Intervention Group
4) GaTE Schoology (for ALL GaTe students)
5) Classroom Enrichment Activity (based on students needs)

Due to current health and safety guidelines, students should remain in their homerooms for intervention.  Please remember only 3 students may sit at a kidney table (as far apart as possible), and a partition should be used.  If you have 6 students who require intervention, please consider the first 15 minutes for a group of 3, and the second 15 minutes for the second group of 3.  This will ensure each child receives some intensive intervention everyday.

Note: If your schedule will allow, you could do 40 minutes (instead of 30); 20 minutes with your first group and another 20 with your second group.  If you are departmentalized, you may want to consider each teacher providing intervention to  your switch class for the 2nd 20 minutes.

We will be working on our IE tracking sheets during Collaboration on Wednesday.  These should be updated weekly with plans and progres

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