Thursday, July 30, 2020

Building Access Next Week

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.  Beginning Monday at 8:00 am, the building will be open next week for teachers to work in their rooms.  There will be no limit on the number of faculty in the building, but we must adhere to social distancing guidelines and the mask ordinance.  Family members will not be allowed in the building.

The hallways are being waxed this weekend, so we will need to sanitize the building early Monday morning before anyone enters.  Please do not come before 8:00 am to allow us time to do this.  You will need to enter through the front center door and sign and return the Procedures for Returning to Work Form (at the front table) before you advance past the front office.  Please do not open any side doors for anyone; everyone is required  to enter through the front door.  Listed below are the health guidelines on the Returning to Work Form (you will be signing).  Please read in detail prior to coming to the building.  There will be a follow-up blog post prior to Monday with health and safety guidelines for setting up your classroom.  

Our top priority is the health and safety of our faculty, staff, and students! 

August 1, 2020

These guidelines are based on the Governor’s health order that expires August 31, 2020. As employees return to work, the following guidelines must be communicated first.  Please be sure employees have this handout and that they practice this information:
1)     Be mindful of the 3 W’s. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently, watch their distance and stay 6 feet apart, and wear a mask.  
2)     NO employees should come in the building if they have experienced any of the following (in the past 10 days):
·        Were around someone who has tested positive for COVID19 or who has symptoms of COVID 19.
·        Have a household member who has tested positive for COVID19.
·        Have COVID 19 symptoms.
·        Are awaiting COVID19 test results from their health care provider.
·        Have tested positive for COVID 19.
·        Please remind employees that special leave is in place for employees to use if they have tested positive for COVID19 or will be taking care of a family member who has tested positive for COVID 19.  If you or a family member have tested positive for COVID 19, please report to your building principal (who will report this to Jim Kirkland).
·        Take your own temperature each day before reporting to the school.  If you have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, stay home and report the temperature to your supervisor.
·        Be self-aware of other symptoms such as cough, sore throat, trouble breathing, chills, muscle aches, headache, sudden lack of taste or smell, stomach ache, nausea or diarrhea before coming to work and stay home if you have any symptoms.
·        Masks will be required per the Governor’s health order.  Please provide your own masks.
·        Maintain a 6-foot physical distance.
·        Use hand sanitizer when you enter the building and anytime you enter/exit your work area.
·        Clean your work space (desktop, mouse, keyboard, door handles, etc.) when you arrive and before you leave each day.  Cleaning supplies will be provided to you.
·        Wipe down office equipment you use such as the copy machine, paper cutters, shredders, desk phones, etc.
·        Only 1 person in the group bathrooms at a time. 
·        Wash your hands regularly, use hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face.
·        In-person meetings shall be minimal.  Short meetings may be conducted as long as 6 feet of physical distancing is maintained.  Utilize Zoom as much as possible to meet with co-workers.
·        Use of the kitchen/faculty lounge shall be limited to one person at a time.  Note that water fountains, ice maker and coffee makers will not be available for use.
·        Non-essential visitors or family members are not allowed.  Essential visitors (as determined by the building principal) must follow our visitor protocols.

We look forward to a time when we can ease these restrictions, but for now, we must follow them to keep everyone safe and healthy.  These guidelines may change at any time upon release of additional directives by the Governor, Jefferson County Health Department, Alabama Department of Public Health or Alabama State Department of Education.   We expect additional information to be released before August 31, 2020 that will provide guidance for the month of September 2020.  Stay safe, wear your mask, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and social distance as we reopen.

______________________                                ___________________
Signature                                                             Date

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