Saturday, October 19, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Class(es) of the Week:  Perry & Vickers - 2nd
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)

PACE Character Trait:  Courage
Paine Power Word: Unify
Please utilize Powerpoint (from link on blog) to teach Power Word.
Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Paine Precepts this Week

M: No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something. - 365 Days of Wonder
T:  Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.-Ian Maclaren
W: If you don't know you should ask. - 365 Days of Wonder
T: If there is no struggle, there is no progress. - Frederick Douglass
F: Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance. - Samuel Johnson

Literacy Teachers (K-3) 

   LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling)

Teachers of Literacy in grades K, 1, 2, & 3.  Please read the email below sent by Mrs. McGough on 10/4. I am encouraging you to get your name on the waiting list for LETRS in the event funding becomes available in the future. I have included the registration link in this post.

As you know one of the requirements of the Literacy Act is that students are able to read on grade level by the end of third grade. All throughout the law, the terminology used to describe the comprehensive core reading program which develops foundational reading skills is referred to as the “science of teaching reading.” Alabama chose to train teachers on the science of teaching reading through a program called LETRS. Currently, there are over 3,000 teachers in the course and MANY on the waiting list. In TCS, we have 5 including myself currently taking the course.

After talking with Dr. Berry, we feel that our teachers (K-3) need to register for LETRS in the event more funding becomes available and additional cohorts are added this year. According to Dr. Mackey, he is proposing a request of 26 million from the legislature to train more teachers using LETRS and to assist with other funding needs of the new law.

I am including the link with more information about LETRS for you. Please take the time to read this regarding this training and to register. In the meanwhile, we will begin training K-3 teachers on various modules of an online course on the “science of reading” over the course of the year while we wait for more teachers to be added to LETRS. One session at our upcoming EdCamp will focus on this hot topic! More information to come…

Update on Ticket to Read

We now have a school license for Ticket to Read (so it is available for any student who needs it).  Our academic coaches are working with Technology on the setup file.  The coaches will let us know when this is ready and we should be up and running in the next few days.

Guidelines for STAR & EL Testing

This is a reminder that STAR and EL should be given to most students on the designated dates three times per year.  The students who are in PST/Sonday System should only take this test once a month as part of their progress monitoring.  We will have designated days on the school calendar for this testing in the future (beginning in November).  Our academic coaches have volunteered to assist us with this testing for our RS3 Tracking Group in 1st Grade.  More information to come.

Paine Partnership Fundraiser

Our PTO Fundraiser kickoff is this week!  Please take a minute to watch their video explaining the fundraiser.  We are so excited that 100% of the funds will be coming to our school.

Collaboration on Wednesday

Literacy Teachers:  Please bring your literacy standards.  You will be working with Mrs. Peters on writing rigorous, standards-based learning targets.  Also, please bring your upcoming end-of-unit common assessment (this is not the LC post-test, but your grade level common assessment).  We will begin the work to examine the linkage between standards and DOK levels in these assessments.
Non-Literacy Teachers:  Please bring you upcoming lessons.

Precept Team PD on Thursday

Our ACAP team will guide us on next steps to prepare for ACAP.  All teachers in grades K-5 should attend.  

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