The duty schedule is so
much better. Thank you for listening to our concerns.
Thanks for setting up
the Pack Groups! I love it and my students have been very excited to be a
part of this. It is a great idea.
Thanks for giving us the
time and support in setting up our Sonday System groups. I feel we did a
good job of identifying students who really need the help and I have enjoyed
teaching my groups so far. I am grateful to be a part of this pilot
Question 1
Why are incident reports
having to be filled out by people not directly involved with the incident?
1 Response
Assistant principals are
taking the information provided in the email (from the teacher) to complete a
discipline report. They are completing these because a copy goes home to the parents, and last year there
were often other students’ names, opinions versus facts, etc. in the
Can specialists please
be made aware of any student behavior plans?
2 Response
The classroom teacher
should inform specialists if one of their students is on a behavior plan. If a student is on a plan that requires
specialist training, the IEP team will arrange this.
Behavior is a major
concern. I thought we were going to have a behavior committee. We
need some assistance.
3 Response
The Paine Elementary
School-Wide Discipline Plan was reviewed at the opening faculty meeting. This included minor infractions that could be
handled by the classroom teacher, as well as major infractions that would need
an immediate office referral. We want to
keep students in the classroom for instruction if at all possible when there
are minor infractions that can be addressed by the teacher. Meeting with parents is always a first step
in addressing problem behaviors. When
there is an office referral our administrative team will follow the code of conduct
Why are teachers not
getting a copy of discipline form? Why are teachers required to call
parents after an office referral? Is
admin following code of conduct consistently for all grade levels?
4 Response
When an office referral
occurs, an administrator will conduct a thorough investigation. The TCS Code of Conduct is followed. Once the investigation is complete, the
administrators contact the parent via phone, and provides copies of the office
referral form to both the parent and the teacher.
Do we have a schoolwide calendar that already
lists dates that are set? (For example: Spirit Week, Red Ribbon Week, 50th Day
of School, 100th Day of School, assemblies, math night, literacy night, Read
Across America, etc.) Can this be sent every week as a friendly reminder as to
what is going on across all grade levels?
Question 5 Response
A school-wide calendar was
set up in Google the beginning of last year.
It contains all school events, field trips, teacher birthdays, etc. If you are unable to access this calendar
please let us know.
Question 6
The lunchroom is so
stressful. There are too many students in there at one time.
Walking through one lunchroom to go to another lunchroom is not working.
6 Response
We have lunches
scheduled between 10:40 through 12:55. It is crucial that every class arrive on
time and leave the lunchroom on time. It
will help when the courtyard construction is finished and we can begin the
schedule for the last 10 minutes of lunch on the courtyard. We received feedback from teachers on the preference
of you having the opportunity to eat with your entire grade level, which is the
reason for “walking through one lunchroom to go to another”. That can easily be changed where classes eat
in the lunchroom on their designated side.
We will collaborate immediately on ways to improve the flow of traffic
and lunchroom procedures.
Would it be possible for
admin to be more visible in the classroom, not for observations but in a more
hands-on capacity to show support for our teachers and what they are doing each
day in their classrooms?
7 Response
One of the top
priorities of our administrative team is to be visible in classrooms. We are not clear on what is meant by “hands-on
capacity”. More information is needed.
What is the turnaround
time for responses to emails sent to administration? Why are we not receiving
emails from Central Office in a timely manner?
8 Response
The standard turnaround
time for emails in TCS is 24 hours or an “out of office” message should be
How much longer until we
get the swipe on the North Purple hall doors? We have to go all the way around
to come back in from recess and this is really taking away more time from
our instruction and intervention?
Question 9 Response
The new fiscal year started October 1st, and the order has already beenissued for the access card reader. Installation is expected to begin October 4th.
Question 10
Would you consider
changing the weekly grade level collaboration day?
10 Response
Our grade level
collaboration was on Thursday last year.
It was moved to Wednesday this year because we felt it would be too much
to have collaboration and afternoon meetings (faculty, precept team, or PD) in
one day. Events this year, such as assemblies, have been scheduled around this day but we can decide as a faculty
for next year which day is best.
Teachers are not aware
of Fall Festival.
11 Response
Fall Festival is in the
early stages of planning. The only
information we had until this week is the “Save the Date” which was
communicated in our blog. We had a
meeting with our PTO president yesterday to create a list of tasks. This was communicated in the blog that
afternoon, along with a request for volunteers.
Will we have All Pro
Dads this year? If not, why not?
12 Response
The flyer for All Pro
Dads was sent in the parent blog on September 21st. We had our first breakfast meeting on October 3rd, with close to 300 families participating.
Math teachers get PD
days with their cohort. Why do reading teachers not get the same thing? Why is
our District PD not focusing on what we need?
Question 13 Response
math teachers have a one-year training experience (EMT – Elementary Math
Institute). This is designed to focus on
“how” to teach math in today’s world for understanding. This was developed three years ago and has
proven to be extremely successful. The Curriculum
& Instruction Department has dedicated district PD days coming up that will
focus on literacy. The dates are: 10-17-19, 12-12-19, 2-20-20,
and 4-9-20. Please feel free to reach out
to Kelly McGough and/or Jenni Peters about a specific topic you would like to
see included.
Question 14
Our special education
department desperately needs more teachers and/or para-professionals.
14 Response
analyze our IEPs prior to each school year, and allocate our staff according to
student needs. If necessary, we provide additional resources.
Question 15
Why are we having to
document why we are out for a sick day?
15 Response
When a future-dated sick
day is requested, we need a generic broad category (qualifying reason) to
approve this day according to policy.
These broad categories are outlined in TCS Policy. For example, if sick leave is requested, a generic
qualifying reason must be included in the request, i.e., doctor’s appointment,
child’s doctor’s appointment, etc.
Sonday System is requiring
a lot of planning and prep time. Please consider giving those teachers
sub time to support preparing for the program.
16 Response
Sonday System is an
explicit, scripted program so it should not require significant preparation
time. Please talk to an administrator or
academic coach if you have any questions about preparation.
Sonday Systems is great
for those who cannot decode, but we need a program that focuses on
17 Response
Lucy Calkins and Reading
Strategies by Jennifer Serravallo are our core curriculum resources for
classroom literacy instruction. The strategies outlined in the Serravallo book
are ideal for working with small groups/intervention groups. We are working with Curriculum &
Instruction to purchase a school site license for all teachers at Paine to
utilize Ticket to Read. This Tier 2
program focuses on foundational skills, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
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