Thursday, February 28, 2019

Family Literacy Night

Thank you to everyone who participated in planning and hosting our Family Literacy Night.  Our school was transformed into a breathtaking Literacy Cafe. There were sessions where parents and students participated in reading lessons.  

The Literacy Cafe also included a Book Tasting Room where students could view book trailers and write reviews.  We also had a book swap, literacy breakout sessions, and a photo booth...and don't forget the Book Fair! 
It was an amazing evening!!!

Thank you to the following teachers who worked tirelessly to make this event such a great success:  Gina Lackey, Donna Walker, Susan Brandon, Courtney Holland, Buffy Bland, Penny Moore, Carla Dillard, Carissa Davis, Lee Swatzell, Amy Inman, Kim Dahlke, Shelby Martin, Joy Blackmon, Heather Findley, Kay Shumate, Jana LoPresti, Amy Kuhn, Destin Walters, Anne Owens, Kimberly Felts, Kristi Brooks, Rachelle Taylor, Jennifer McLaughlin, Dee Dee Brasher, Maddie Garrett.

Thank you to Catherine Finkley, Kelly McGough, Edra Perry, and Amy Ramer for leading Paine's Literacy Initiatives!


Friday, February 22, 2019

Assembly Recognition Submissions

Please submit your nominations for PACE, Champ, Reader Leader, etc. by Monday afternoon.  Thank you!

Weekly News

B Week

Classes of the Week - Brasher & McGuire (5th)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday) with a post it notes containing their first names.
Please watch PETV on Monday for announcements.
PACE Character Trait:  Service
Paine Power Word:  Explore
Husky Buck Drawing: 1st, 3rd, 5th 
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)

Note: We were unable to call out Husky Buck Winners Friday 2/22.  Those will also be called this week.

Please encourage students to bring non-perishable items for our Food Drive.  The last day is 2/22.

Faculty Meeting

We will have a faculty meeting on Monday at 2:15.  You do NOT need to bring anything.

Boosterthon Student Pep Rally                                       

Our Boosterthon Student Pep Rallies will be on Tuesday:  
1:30 for K-2 & 2:15 for 3-5.
We will wait on the weather to determine the location.
(EnRICh will be cancelled on Tuesday.)
The Fun Run will be on March 7th!

Boosterthon Teacher Kick-Off Meeting

Our teacher kick-off meeting will be Tuesday afternoon at 3:15  in the Collaboration Room.  We are so excited about this fundraiser!  Our ultimate goal is that every child in our school will have access to a Chromebook.  

Family Literacy Night

Our Family Literacy Night is Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:00.  We are so excited about this amazing event.  Please encourage your students and parents to attend!

Duty Schedule

Family News

Please keep Holly Bowlin's sister, Beth in your thoughts and prayers.  She has a rare form of stage 4 adrenal cancer that has moved to her lungs.  Please pray for her strength and that she gets the right treatment plan.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Classes of the Week - Moore & Dillard (Kindergarten)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday) with a post it notes containing their first names.
There will be no PETV this week.
PACE Character Trait:  Service
Paine Power Word:  Solution
Husky Buck Drawing: Kinder, 2nd, 4th
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)

Go Guardian Training

There will be mandatory Go Guardian training for all teachers on Thursday during your collaboration time.  
Please bring you laptops for this important training.

Make-up day for school pictures is Tuesday, February 19th.

Students Personal Devices Will no Longer be used at School

As discussed in our brief faculty meeting on Tuesday, we have been made aware of several inappropriate games and apps on the internet that target children.  One of which is the “Momo Challenge”, a dangerous game that encourages children to hurt themselves and others.  As these types of sites come to our attention, they are immediately blocked on our school devices.  

While digital venues such as these are blocked on school devices, we cannot control student personal devices.  For that reason, students' phone/IPADS will not be used at school for educational purposes. Students may leave phones or personal devices  at home, or keep them off and in their backpacks.  The safety of our students is always our number one concern.  

If a student does not adhere to this expectation, please collect the personal device and communicate to Mrs. Brumlow or Mrs. Finkley.  Depending on the infraction, parents may be required to come to school and retrieve the device.  Thank you so much for your help with this matter. 

IE Block

Paine teachers are doing an amazing job working on their IE Blocks.  Please make sure students know this is not the time to go to the bathroom or hang out in the hallway.  All students should be engaged in learning activities.
Thank you for demonstrating what differentiation looks like!  

You Are Amazing!

We are so proud of our Faculty and Staff here at Paine!  Our students are so lucky, and am I personally so blessed to work with such dedicated, passionate teachers and staff!  
Thank you for always striving to make things better for our students!
You are valued and appreciated!

Duty Schedule

Help Needed for Upcoming Literacy Night

Paine Elementary Family Literacy Night will be Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 5:30-7:00 PM.  Our “Recipe for Success” Night will include different entrees, sides and desserts. Can you help?

We are in need of teachers who are not leading sessions to help with various tasks such as greeting families, passing out the schedule for the night, monitoring the photo booth, and assisting in directing families to sessions, etc.  Please take a moment to answer the two questions from the link below. We will need as many teacher volunteers as possible. Thank you so much and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Family News

Please keep Ashley LyBrand and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her grandmother passed away this morning.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Paine Boosterthon Information


This year’s main fundraiser is the Paine Boosterthon!

Hosting a Fun Run means there is no selling or delivering products. Once our program begins on February 26, family and friends anywhere in the world can support our school by giving pledges toward the number of laps your students will run on the day of the Fun Run: March 7th.

Our Fun Run will be powered by the Boosterthon Fun Run, a fun organization that organizes Fun Runs all over the country. This year 2,900 schools like ours will run their fun run through Boosterthon. We’re excited for their expertise and making this EASY on everyone involved—including you!

Our Fun Run also comes with a world-class character theme. This year’s theme is MINDSPARK MYSTERY LAB, combining S.T.E.A.M skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) with character-building. While they're teaming up with the MindSpark Kids to solve mysteries, our students will learn five 21st-century character traits that will help strengthen themselves and our world.

Through this year’s Fun Run, our school goal is to raise $30,000 for Chromebook Carts and Chromebooks – Our 1-to-1 initiative. Teachers, we need YOUR help!

Teacher Action Steps during the program:

1. Check, daily
2. Email your parents, daily
3. Promote pledging, daily

You will learn more at the Teacher Meeting on February 26th.

Let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to a fantastic program!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Valentines Day on Thursday

Happy Valentines Day!

Please limit your valentine parties to 30-45 minutes, and restrict to 1-2 parents (room mom + 1) so parking is not an issue.

Thank you so much!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Mid-Year Data Meetings

We completed our Mid-Year Data Meetings this week.  Our learning targets were: 1) I can connect various data sources to effectively analyze student learning, 2) I can analyze overall student data to determine a plan that will lead to student growth, and 3) I can design/plan my IE (Intervention/Enrichment) Block to advance the learning of ALL students.

Our teachers worked diligently to analyze the data for each student and collaborated to determine how to grow every student in our building!  Thank you for taking risks and demonstrating such a growth mindset.  Your continuous dedication to each and every student is evident!  

I sincerely cannot thank you enough for your level of commitment to our students and our school!  You're passion and hard work are inspiring!!! 
 #PainePride  #YouMakeADifference #EachOneTeachOne

Celebrating our Counselors!

Last week was School Counselor Week.  Paine provided our amazing counselors with lunch on Friday from Edgars and a gift card to Cold Stone.  Mrs. Naylor and Mrs. Loveless are an integral part of our school community.  They provide a foundation for our students to succeed personally, socially, and academically.  We are so thankful for our counselors!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

Classes of the Week - Stewart & Mauldin (1st)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Service
Paine Power Word:  Solution
Husky Buck Drawing: 1st, 3rd, 5th 
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)

Thank you!

Thank you to our amazing faculty and staff for working together to cover classrooms this week.  We have an incredible team here at Paine!

Monday Afternoon

We will not have a faculty meeting to give classroom teachers time to work on report cards. 

We will have training on Sound Partners, a program we will use for Tier 3 Reading Intervention at Cahaba Elementary beginning at 2:30. The following individuals are required to attend this training:  All specialists (Art, Counselors, Library/Media, Music, PE, STEM) and all Special Education Teachers.  

Literacy Committee will meet in Paine's Collaboration room to work on Literacy Night.

Important Reminder 

Students must be supervised when walking to Specials/PE and returning back to the classroom from Specials/PE.   


We will have our KIndergarten and 2nd Grade Assembly on Tuesday, February 12th. 
2nd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40

Read Across America

Our Read Across America Celebration for Paine is right around the corner.  The National Education Association’s Read Across America Day is Friday March 1st, but we will have activities the week leading up to that day.  We will have the following activities available for our friends here at Paine.

·         Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast Friday March 1st, 2019
·         Sports Teams greet children in the car lines and on bus ramps on Friday March 1st, 2019
·         Special Guests will serve our Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast on Friday March 1st, 2019
·         Teachers invite Guest Readers to their class to read to students (Mayor, Businessmen, Board Members, Community Leaders, etc.)
·         Dress Up Days
·         Dr. Seuss Digital Breakout Birthday Bash on Friday March 1st, 2019
·         Daily Reading Suggestions
·         Daily Writing Suggestions
·         Literacy Night “Recipes for GREAT Readers” Tuesday Feb. 26th
·         STREAM Art Show Thursday Feb. 28th
·         Non-Fiction February Challenge Winners Receive Book Fair Gift Certificates
·         Scholastic Book Fair all week… Family Shopping Nights Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 7pm


Boosterthon - Upcoming Events

  • February 26th - Teacher Kick-Off Meeting
  • February 26th - We will have our Boosterthon Student Kick-Off Pep Rally.   Grades K-2 will be at 1:30 and Grades 3-5 at 2:15.
  • February 26th through March 7th - Team Huddles will be conducted the first 15 minutes of PE with a focus on movement and character.

                   March 7th - Fun Run Day!

Duty Schedule

TAC Questions & Responses

Question 1
How much money did the school receive from the Fall Festival baskets, and when will the classes see the money from the fundraiser?
Response to Question 1
We earned $11,000 from the baskets.  We are in the process of ordering 45 Chromebooks with this money, which will be distributed throughout the grade levels based on need.

Question 2
Will each class receive any money from the Boosterthon coming up in the spring?
Response to Question 2
Although, the majority of the money will be used to buy Chromebook carts and Chromebooks, there will be an incentive for classes to participate where a portion (TBD) of Day 1 collected funds will be allocated back to classrooms.

Question 3
Could we send Blog information before Sunday?  Most of us do not check email on Sunday.
Response to Question 3
We will begin updating the blog on Friday afternoon/evening before we leave the building.  If there is additional information over the weekend that needs to be communicated, it will be in a separate blog post.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Schedule Changes due to Student Assemblies

  • Wednesday, February 6th - 3rd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40.
  • Tuesday, February 12th - 2nd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40

Monday, February 4, 2019

Family News

Please keep Beth Copham and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her grandmother passed away this weekend.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Family Math Night

We had the most amazing Family Math Night ever on Thursday night!  This event was so well-planned and such a collaborative effort! It was one of the best math nights I have ever attended!  One of our 5th grade teachers received an email from a parent stating, "Thank you so much for all that you and the other teachers do to make learning math fun for the kids.  I must admit, I actually had FUN at Family Math Night."   Thank you to our Math Leadership Team and to the following individuals for working to ensure our math night was a success!
  • Kindergarten:  Buffy Bland, Carissa Davis, Carla Dillard, Donna Jones, Penny Moore, Lee Swatzell, & Donna Walker
  • 1st Grade:  Haley Jacobs, Chrissy Mauldin, and Lynne Wainwright
  • 2nd Grade: Joy Blackmon, Cheryl Enoch, Heather Findley, Dominique Neason, Cynthia Weyerman, & Kathi Wilks
  • 3rd Grade:  Julia Bickley, Julia Booker, Karen Ekonen, & Holly Howard
  • 4th Grade: Kristi Brooks, Wendy Cramer, Rebecca O'Dell
  • 5th Grade:  Jessica Bryant & Maggie Burns
  • Specialists:  Janet Benson & Susan Brandon

  • Academic Coaches:  Kelly McGough & Monica Bramlett
  • Christine Roberts prepared Chromebooks for our Survey Station.  
  • Courtney Holland made our sign for the front.  
  • Lori Phillips, Cindy Cornwell, and Debby Meacham prepared handouts and helped with decorations.  
  • Lee Swatzell prepared the most amazing snacks!  
  • PTO volunteers
  • Officer Lawrence
 Finally, thank you to Mrs. Brumlow for your tireless work and leadership! #PainePride

Weekly News

A Week

Classes of the Week - Swann & Weyerman (2nd)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait:  Service
Paine Power Word:  Infer
Husky Buck Drawing: Kinder, 2nd, & 4th
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)

PST on Monday

PST will meet on Monday.  Make sure all new referrals are completed in Campfire for students we have not met about this year and make sure reviews are completed in Campfire for students who are already on a plan.
  • Bring the following with you when we meet on your student(s): grades, STAR and Performance Series DATA, parent communication, etc. and any other pertinent information.
  • Please have something for your students to do while you are out of the classroom. This might include reading silently, working on the Chromebooks on Dreambox or other educational websites, listening to a read aloud, etc.
  • Please have everything for PST ready when the person covering your class gets to your room and come straight to the Coaches Room. Please do not go to the restroom or make any stops. This will help us stay on schedule.
  • Check your e-mail for schedule updates on Monday. We may run behind or we may be ahead so be ready. 
PST Schedule

Monday Afternoon

Paine will be hosting District Collaboration on Monday afternoon. We are looking forward to collaborating with our TCS colleagues.   Please see the agenda link below for the objectives and meeting locations. For K-1 teachers, please bring your copy of A Fresh Look at Phonics.  Literacy teachers in grades 2-5, please bring your copy of The Reading Strategies Book.


Tuesday, February 5th  - 4th & 5th Grades
Wednesday, February 6th - 1st & 3rd Grades
Tuesday, February 12th - Kinder & 2nd Grades

Spring Pictures

Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, February 6th.  Please communicate this to students and parents.

Mid-Year Data Meetings

We will complete our mid-year data meetings this week.  Fifth and fourth grade teachers met last week and it was so productive.  We have secured half-day subs to ensure we have ample time to analyze, discuss, and plan.  We will meet in the Collaboration Room.  Please bring your laptops and IE Plans.  The schedule for data meetings this week is listed below.  
  • 3rd Grade - Thursday, February 7th, 8:15 to 11:30
  • Kindergarten - Thursday, February 7th, 12:00 to 3:15
  • 1st Grade - Friday, February 8th, 8:15 to 11:30
  • 2nd Grade - Friday, February 8th, 12:00 to 3:15

           Trimester 2 Report Card Timelines

  • Friday, February 1st - Posting turned on
  • Friday, February 15th - Posting turned off at 8:00 AM & Grade verifications printed
  • Tuesday, February 19th - Teachers return signed grade verifications to office by 8:00 AM & report cards are printed.
  • Tuesday, February 19th/Wednesday, February 20th - Admin review of report cards
  • Thursday, February 21st - Report cards go home with students


Team Member of the Month

Congratulations to our Team Member of the Month, Christa Campbell.  She was recognized by her colleagues for demonstrating the PACE Character trait of self-control. 

Duty Schedule

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...