Saturday, September 8, 2018

Weekly News

Class of the Week:  Mrs. Perry's 2nd Grade Class

Please send 3-4 students each morning to help with announcements by 7:55.  

The class of the week next week is Ms. Jacob's 1st Grade Class.

B - Week

Monday Faculty Meeting

We will have a Faculty Meeting Monday at 2:15.  We will have two sign-ins to make things more efficient.  If your room is in the North building, please use the North entrance to the Collaboration Room.  If your room is in the South building, please use the South entrance
Faculty Meeting Agenda
1.  United Way Kickoff
2.  PST Process Training
3.  PLP Process Overview
4.  Selection of My One Word

PLP (Professional Learning Plan)
PLPs are due by Friday, September 21st.

TAC (Teacher Advisory Council)

Thank you for voting for our Teacher Advisory Council for this year.  We will place boxes in both the north and south teacher workrooms for collection of any questions.
Chrissy Mauldin - PreSchool/Kindergarten/First
Kay Shumate - 2nd/3rd
Rachelle Taylor - 4th/5th
Amanda Hatcher - Sped
Amy Ramer - Specialists
Donna Griffith - Classified

Testing this Week

Our Fall State Testing begins Tuesday morning for grades 3-5.  Please remind students to be extremely quiet in the hallways.  We will conduct large group testing in the mornings, however, we will continue testing small groups throughout the day.  The testing schedule is shown below:
Tuesday, 9/11 - Reading
Wednesday, 9/12 - Math
Thursday, 9/13 - Science
Friday, 9/14 - Small Groups & Makeup Testing

Reminder:  There will be NO specials Tuesday - Thursday and we will be on a revised PE schedule (below).

Paine Power Word - SORT

Our Paine Power Word (9/10-9/24) is SORT.  Remember, there is a link on the blog with ideas/activities prepared by our academic coaches.  Please utilize the student notebooks we provided for work on our Paine Power Words.  

10 Week 10 Book Challenge

Our 10 Book 10 Week Challenge kicks off this week.  You should have received individual student tracking sheets in your boxes a week ago.  We will supply your larger teacher sheet this week.  This provides us with a great opportunity to show students we are also readers!

Duty this Week

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