Saturday, September 29, 2018

Weekly News

A Week - Class of the Week

Our class of the week is Mrs. Perry's 5th Grade Class.  Please send 3-4 students each morning before 7:55 am.  The class of the week next week will be Mrs. Brook's 4th Grade Class
PACE Character Trait:  Contentment
POWER WORD:  Grapple

Monday Afternoon

We will have Literacy Turnaround Training in the Collaboration Room.  Please remember to sign in for professional development credit.

Assemblies this Week 

8:30 - 9:00 am
Tuesday - 4th & 5th 
Wednesday - 1st & 3rd 
Friday - Kindergarten & 2nd
Schedule Change Wednesday:  3rd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40
Schedule Change Friday: 2nd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40

Thursday - Data Meetings

We will have data meetings in the Collaboration Room Thursday.  At this time we will review all of our baseline data for this year and establish goals.

Fall Festival

Please include the following information about our Fall Festival in your skill agendas, S’mores, blogs, etc.
Duty Schedule

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Family News

Brian Cocke, Music Teacher, will be singing the Star-Spangled Banner with the Birmingham Community Wind Ensemble on Saturday at 3:00 pm at the "Celebrate Irondale Festival" in downtown Irondale on 20th Avenue.

Turn Trussville Pink

Information from Shayna Swann on Turn Trussville Pink:
Many of you already know that Turn Trussville Pink was started by my brother when he was a student here.  It's that time again and I wanted to fill you in on the details.  Feel free to check it out at

Turn Trussville Pink is going to be Wednesday, October 17, this year. If you would like a shirt, I will be happy to help by taking your orders and money and delivering your shirts to you. I will take up money this week  and next week through Wednesday.

You can find information on Tula j’s Instagram or simply ask me if you need help. Below is information copied from her site. 

Thank you for helping us Turn Trussville Pink. 
Shayna Swann 
2nd Grade 
North Campus 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Family News

Please keep Susan Brandon's father in your thoughts and prayers.  He is having knee replacement surgery on Wednesday.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Family News

Please keep Kay Shumate's mother in your thoughts and prayers.  She is very sick and in the hospital.

Weekly News

B Week - Class of the Week

Our class of the week is Mrs. Lackey's Kindergarten Class.  Please send 3-4 students each morning before 7:55 am.  The class of the week next week will be Mrs. B.Perry's 5th Grade Class

Fall Scantron Testing

We have completed all state mandated Scantron testing for grades 3-5.  A special thank you to Christy Naylor and Rhonda Loveless for serving as our test coordinators; they did an amazing job!  Thank you to all faculty and staff who helped with testing.  It is so appreciated!

Paine Power Word

Our Power Word for the next 2 weeks is grapple.  Please utilize the resources in the blog (link) and your student notebooks to engage your class with this word over the next two weeks.  Please introduce the word to students on Monday 9/24.

Faculty Meeting - Monday

In our faculty meeting on Monday, Dr. Faust will share our 2017-2018 Scantron results.  We will also talk about upcoming assemblies, parent/student conference day on October 9th, and how Husky Bucks will work this year.  Please remember to enter through the "south" door if you are in the "south" building, and the "north" door if you are in the north building.  The agenda for our faculty meeting may be found on our school calendar.  Also, we will have a cake to celebrate September birthdays, so please bring a drink.

Student Assembly - Fundraiser Kickoff

We will have an assembly Friday, September 28th to inform students about the upcoming PTO fundraiser that will take place during our Fall Festival. We will provide you with a map and seating chart for your campus to locate where your class will sit.  These will be available in our faculty meeting.  The time and location of each assembly is listed below.

South Campus/South Gym: 2:00pm
North Campus/North Gym: 2:30pm

Assemblies/Student Recognitions

We will have our first assemblies on October 2nd (Grades 4 & 5) , October 3rd (Grades 1 & 3), & October 5th (Kindergarten & 2nd) from 8:30 - 9:00 am.  We will provide detailed information in our faculty meeting on Monday, including any revisions to our daily schedule on assembly days.

October 9th - Parent Conferences

We will offer parents/students a time to come in for conferences on our teacher workday, October 9th.  We will discuss further in our faculty meeting on Monday.

Husky Bucks

Husky Bucks were placed in your boxes Friday.  Please hand them to students who are demonstrating exemplary behavior.  This year the process will look a little different.  We want to have a Husky Buck winner from every classroom.  In order to accomplish this we will recognize Husky Buck winners from Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th on the Friday of A Week, and winners from 1st, 3rd, & 5th on the Friday of B Week.  

Please designate a place for your students' earned Husky Bucks.  When a student receives one, he/she should write their name on it and put it in the designated place in their homeroom (box, basket, etc.).  On Friday morning of A Week, teachers in Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th should draw 1 name from the Husky Bucks and inform the office (using the Husky Buck link on the blog).  Please do not tell the student you drew his/her name, because we want it to be a surprise when the name is announced.  Then, you will empty the container and start accumulating them for the next drawing two weeks later.  Names will be announced over the intercom on Friday at 2:40.  These students will immediately go to the Husky Store to spend their bucks.  During B Week, this same process will be followed for 1st, 3rd, & 5th grades.

Fall Pictures

Fall pictures will be taken on Wednesday in the amphitheaters.  We will call your class at your designated time.

TAC Meeting

We have designated a mailbox in each teacher workroom for TAC Questions.  If you submit a question, please place it in a sealed envelope and put in the mailbox.  TAC questions are due by September 28th.

Duty Schedule

Please be considerate of colleagues by making sure you arrive at your duty on time.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

10 Book 10 Week Challenge - Update

Many of our students in the upper grades are reading lengthy chapter books (which of course we want them to do).  This is how we will count these books for the challenge:
If a book is 200 pages or less, it counts as a single book.
If a book is 400+ pages, it counts as 2 books.
If a book is 600+ pages, it counts as 3 books.
So, every 200 pages in a large book, counts as 1 book.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Our School Indicator: Differentiation

When we meet our students where they are, differentiate instruction, and believe in each and every child, we can truly make a difference!

Monday Afternoon - Leadership Team Meetings
There will be no faculty meeting Monday afternoon.  Instead, our leadership teams will meet from 2:15 - 3:30  in the following locations.  Please designate someone to type up meeting minutes and email to Dr. Lothspeich (copy Ms. Finkley & Mrs. Brumlow).  Thank you in advance for your work on these important school initiatives.

Our Fall Festival will be on Saturday, October 20th from 10:00-1:00.  Please save the date on your calendar.  More information is coming!

PST Meeting

PST (Problem Solving Team) Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 19th in Jenni Peters' room.  Please be sure you have entered information in Campfire and you bring all pertinent data to the meeting.

Please inform your parents that Fall Pictures will be on Wednesday, September 26th.

Lesson Plans

Please keep your lesson plan book in a visible spot on your counter.


Teachers, please make sure you are entering your professional learning (including Monday afternoon training and Thursday collaboration meetings) into STI-PD.  We don’t want anyone to come up short with hours or PLUs.  Please read about recent changes regarding certificate renewals (from our Curriculum & Instruction Department).  

In the past, all  Professional Educator/Leadership certificates were issued with a valid date beginning July 1 and ending June 30th.  This is no longer the case.  Certificates now have a valid date beginning the date the certificate is actually issued.  All certified personnel should use the Certification Search link to find the valid period of their certificate.  This is very important as all professional development used for renewal purposes must be earned during the valid period of the certificate. 
Renewal options for a Professional Educator Certificate are:
1.       3 full years of full-time professional educational work experience and 50 clock hours of allowable professional development.
2.       3 full years of full-time professional educational work experience and 3 semester hours of allowable credit.
3.       3 semester hours of allowable credit and  50 clock hours of allowable professional development.
4.       6 semester hours of allowable credit.
5.       Initial issuance of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification.
6.       100 clock hours of allowable professional development.
The application to renew a Professional Educator Certificate can be found on the state website.  This application provides detailed information on renewal requirements.
Professional Leadership Certificates and/or Professional Educator Certificates in areas of administration and/or supervision may be continued with 5 Professional Learning Units (PLUs).  Of the required 5 PLUs, at least 2 PLUs MUST be ACLD-approved.  Meeting the requirements to renew a leadership certificate will meet requirements to continue a Professional Educator Certificate.  The application to renew a Professional Leadership Certificate can be found here.  This application provides detailed information on renewal requirements.
To check clock hours earned during the valid period of your certificate, log-in to Chalkable PD.  Click on training history list, type in the valid period of your certificate as the start date/end date, click Filter by Date Range
The State Department usually opens the renewal portal the end of February or first of March.  The year your certificate is up for renewal, you will receive an email from Theresa Ray with detailed instructions on the renewal process.

A Week - Class of the Week

Our class of the week is Ms. Jacobs' 1st Grade Class.  Please send 3-4 students each morning before 7:55 am.  The class of the week next week will be Mrs. Lackey's Kindergarten Class

Duty this Week


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Book Fair

Our Book Fair is September 24th to September 28th
Family Nights September 25th and September 27th… 4pm to 7pm
  1. Please sign-up for a time to PREVIEW the Book Fair materials with your class.  I have the link to the Sign-Up for the Book Fair CLASS PREVIEW below.
  2. Please send home the Book Fair flyers… I have placed them in your box.
  3. Please forward all e-mails from me that are to be sent out through your distribution lists.  This is the only way I can communicate with parents.
  4. Please sign-up for a time and day that your CLASS will VISIT to shop at the Book Fair.  Please let your parents know what time and day your CLASS will VISIT the Book Fair.  Your student’s parents will check in at the front desk and meet them in the Library to shop with their child on that day.  I have the link to the Sign-Up for the Book Fair CLASS VISIT below.
  5. If you have any students that bring money feel free to send them throughout the week at a time that best fits your schedule.
Class Preview Sign-Up Link Below… Please sign up for a time to walk your class through the Book Fair.  Some teachers allow them to write wish lists, or for a math activity they create a Book Fair Budget as they preview the items.  The kids LOVE getting a sneak peek at all the ENCHANTING books!!!  Use the link provided in an email from Mrs. Ramer.

Class Visit Sign Up Link Below… Please sign-up for a time and day that your class will visit to shop at the Book Fair.  Please let your parents know what time and day your class will visit the Book Fair to shop.  Use the link provided in an email from Mrs. Ramer.

Family News

Please keep Angie Gulledge's dad in your thoughts and prayers!  He is ill and in the hospital.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Family News

Arrangement for Anne Owen's father, Ferris S. Ritchey, Jr.:
Visitation will be at St. George Melkite Greek Catholic Church on Thursday, September 13th, from 4-6pm with vespers at 6pm, and the memorial prayers at 6:30pm.  The funeral will be at St. George on Friday, September 14th at 10am, with internment to follow at Elmwood Cemetary.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Family News

Please keep Anne Owens, 3rd grade teacher, in your thoughts and prayers.  Her father passed away this weekend.  

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Weekly News

Class of the Week:  Mrs. Perry's 2nd Grade Class

Please send 3-4 students each morning to help with announcements by 7:55.  

The class of the week next week is Ms. Jacob's 1st Grade Class.

B - Week

Monday Faculty Meeting

We will have a Faculty Meeting Monday at 2:15.  We will have two sign-ins to make things more efficient.  If your room is in the North building, please use the North entrance to the Collaboration Room.  If your room is in the South building, please use the South entrance
Faculty Meeting Agenda
1.  United Way Kickoff
2.  PST Process Training
3.  PLP Process Overview
4.  Selection of My One Word

PLP (Professional Learning Plan)
PLPs are due by Friday, September 21st.

TAC (Teacher Advisory Council)

Thank you for voting for our Teacher Advisory Council for this year.  We will place boxes in both the north and south teacher workrooms for collection of any questions.
Chrissy Mauldin - PreSchool/Kindergarten/First
Kay Shumate - 2nd/3rd
Rachelle Taylor - 4th/5th
Amanda Hatcher - Sped
Amy Ramer - Specialists
Donna Griffith - Classified

Testing this Week

Our Fall State Testing begins Tuesday morning for grades 3-5.  Please remind students to be extremely quiet in the hallways.  We will conduct large group testing in the mornings, however, we will continue testing small groups throughout the day.  The testing schedule is shown below:
Tuesday, 9/11 - Reading
Wednesday, 9/12 - Math
Thursday, 9/13 - Science
Friday, 9/14 - Small Groups & Makeup Testing

Reminder:  There will be NO specials Tuesday - Thursday and we will be on a revised PE schedule (below).

Paine Power Word - SORT

Our Paine Power Word (9/10-9/24) is SORT.  Remember, there is a link on the blog with ideas/activities prepared by our academic coaches.  Please utilize the student notebooks we provided for work on our Paine Power Words.  

10 Week 10 Book Challenge

Our 10 Book 10 Week Challenge kicks off this week.  You should have received individual student tracking sheets in your boxes a week ago.  We will supply your larger teacher sheet this week.  This provides us with a great opportunity to show students we are also readers!

Duty this Week

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Revised Schedule for Tuesday 9/11 - Thursday 9/13 due to Testing

Our State Testing Days are Tuesday 9/11 through Thursday 9/13.  During these three days we will be operating under a revised schedule.  There will be no specials 9/11-9/13, and the PE schedule is listed below.  

11:15 - 11:45          4th Grade
11:50 - 12:20          Kindergarten
12:25 - 12:55          2nd Grade
1:00 - 1:30              3rd Grade
1:35 - 2:05              1st Grade
2:10 - 2:40              5th Grade      

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Family News

Congratulations to Jana LoPresti, 3rd grade teacher, for becoming a grandmother last night. 

Mary Brooks Royston was born at 9:19 pm on September 3, 2018.  She is beautiful!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Family News

Debbie Meacham's mother fell yesterday and broke her hip.  She will have surgery either Thursday or Friday.  Please keep her mother and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Weekly News

It is A-Week.
 Class of the Week - Owens 3rd

Please send 3-4 students each morning to help with announcements at 7:55.  The class of the week next week is Mrs. Perry's 2nd Grade Class.

Paine has a new Facebook Page.  Please include the link on your teacher web page and newsletter and invite parents to like our page.  We will begin placing all important information about our school on this page in addition to our web page.

Tuesday Walkthroughs

Tuesday morning, we will be conducting learning walkthroughs in some of our classrooms with the Currriculum and Instruction department.  The purpose of these walkthroughs is for the people doing the walkthroughs to "learn".  If your classroom is selected, most likely you will not receive feedback because our goal is for us to learn from what your students are doing. 

Please conduct your STAR testing Tuesday-Thursday if possible because all Chromebooks have to be turned in by Thursday afternoon for State Testing.

Parent Chat Nights
Tuesday - 2nd (5:00-6:00) & 3rd (6:15-7:15)
Thursday - 4th (5:00-6:00) and 5th (6:15-7:15)

Duty Schedule

Teacher Advisory Council Election

It is time for us to elect our TAC (Teacher Advisory Council).  The purpose of TAC is to have a vehicle to field questions about the school or district.  This year we will elect one representative from each of the following groups:

  • Preschool/Kindergarten/1st
  • 2nd/3rd
  • 4th/5th
  • Special Education
  • Specialists
Please click on the link below to vote for an individual in any or all of the categories above.  Please do this by Thursday, September 6th.

TAC Overall Procedures

Questions should be stated in a question format and submitted to one of the TAC committee members.  

  • Questions are due to representatives one week prior to when they are due to the principal.  
  • TAC questions and answers will be provided to the faculty after that. Due dates this year are below.

Questions Due to Principals
Questions Returned to Staff
September 28
October 5
November 30
December 7
February 1
February 8
April 5
April 12

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...