Friday, January 17, 2025

Weekly Update


A Week - January 21-24, 2025

South PE - Outside (Weather permitting)

Reminder: Each teacher should sign up to observe at least one other teacher each 9 weeks and complete the post observation reflection form.  

Important Events this Week
We will have an unplanned lockdown drill sometime this month.
Mon,1/20 - No school
Wed, 1/22 - PST Meetings
Thu, 1/23 - Collaborative Planning/Early Release
Thu, 1/23 - Math PST at CO

Mrs. Seeley is modeling a Text Dependent Writing for her students.

Mrs. Dillard is modeling sequencing and writing sentences for her Kinder students.

Our MTSS Team providing our turnaround training.

Ms. Cribb leading her students in daily sentence corrections as a part of our school writing plan.


We will have our quarterly grade level assemblies on Tuesday and Friday in the SOUTH Gym.  

Tuesday:  K-8:30, 1st-9:30 2nd 10:30

Friday:  3rd-8:30 4th-9:30 5th-10:30

Library Survey

One of our library goals is to diversity the library collection.  Please complete the Teacher Survey below to provide Mr. McAbee with information to help with this.

Teacher survey

Homeroom  Teachers in grades 3-5, please have your students complete the survey below sometime before January 31.

Student survey


Everyone did a great job this week on our TDW plans during collaboration. Thank you to Jenni Peters for leading us in these efforts.  I am so excited about our plans!!!  The revised overall plan is shown below.

Winter AIMS Web Testing

Our Winter Testing Window is open for Aims. Beginning 1/15, our TCS testing team will begin testing all 1st Grade, Kindergarten, and 2nd/3rd ORF only.  Teachers may begin administering the assessment for 4th & 5th and the computerized portion for 2nd & 3rd as soon as students return on 1/7. Our goal is to have all testing complete by 1/24 so we can have our data meetings the following week.

ACAP Practice Test

The ACAP Practice Tests will be administered to all students in grades 2-5 the week of  1/27 - 1/31.  We will adhere to the testing protocols following in the spring. 

Please include in your parent communication the following information:
  • Send in wired headphones for their child.
  • No lunch visitors the week of the practice test.

Wednesday - PST

Please come ready for PST during your planning time on Wednesday.

Thursday Early Release Time

We will use this time for collaboration and planning. Selected math teachers will have training at the CO (Weyerman's monthly group).

Paine Precepts (Resilience)

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.

Julie Andrews

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

Christopher Reeve

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela

Friday, January 10, 2025

Weekly Update: Library and PST

Library Newsletter

Please click on the link below for important information from Mr. McAbee in the library newsletter.

Problem Solving Team

PST will be on 1/22 this month.

Any new referrals:  the form needs to be completed by 1/16.

PST data documentation for students currently on PST needs to be complete by 1/20.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Weekly Update

 B Week - January 13-17, 2025

North PE - Outside (Weather permitting)

Reminder: Each teacher should sign up to observe at least one other teacher each 9 weeks and complete the post observation reflection form.  

Important Events this Week
We will have an unplanned lockdown drill sometime this month.
1/13-1/17 - Music Coin Drive
Tue, 1/14 - Wellness Screenings
Wed, 1/15 - Collaboration
Thu, 1/16 - EnRICh Resumes
Thu, 1/16 - PD on Positive Behavior Supports
Reminder: No school on Monday 1/20 (MLK Day)

Our MSIT (Math School Improvement Team) worked to develop a math vision statement for Paine.

Our Literacy Teachers collaborated with Jenni Peters to work on our Text Dependent Writing Plan!

Students in Mrs. Darnell's 5th grade class are learning about gravity and designing parachutes.

Mrs. Garrett facilitating a rich vocabulary discussion.

Mrs. Burns facilitating a thought-provoking number talk on fractions.


Thank you to everyone for your full participation on our Monday training on Text Dependent Writing.  Listed below is our skeleton plan for TDW, but I know some grade levels have already revised this to be more specific to their grade level.  Please continue to bring you TDW materials to collaboration each Wednesday up until spring testing.  

Winter AIMS Web Testing

Our Winter Testing Window is open for Aims. Beginning 1/15, our TCS testing team will begin testing all 1st Grade, Kindergarten, and 2nd/3rd ORF only.  Teachers may begin administering the assessment for 4th & 5th and the computerized portion for 2nd & 3rd as soon as students return on 1/7. Our goal is to have all testing complete by 1/24 so we can have our data meetings the following week.

ACAP Practice Test

The ACAP Practice Tests will be administered to all students in grades 2-5 the week of  1/27 - 1/31.  We will adhere to the testing protocols following in the spring. A mass email went out to our parents yesterday informing them of the digital device policy and asking them to send in wired headphones for their child.  They were also informed that we will not have lunch visitors the week of the practice test. 

Wednesday Collaboration

Math Teachers will participate in PD with Mrs. Weyerman.

Literacy Teachers will work on TDW Planning with Mrs. Peters.  Please bring all materials for upcoming unit and TDW materials provided in our training this week.

Thursday Early Release Time

All faculty & staff will participate in important MTSS training on Positive Behavioral Supports.  It will start at 2:15.

Paine Precepts

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” - Nelson Mandela

“Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas Edison

"If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - Martin Luther King Jr

“We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, December 30, 2024

Weekly Update


 A Week - January 7-10, 2025


South PE - Outside

Reminder: Each teacher should sign up to observe at least one other teacher each 9 weeks and complete the post observation reflection form.  

Important Events this Week
Mon 1/6 - Workday (No students)
Tues, 1/7 - Students Return
Tues, 1/7 - Class Pictures
Wed, 1/8 - Collaboration in North Training Room
Thur, 1/9 - PD at 2:15 (all faculty/staff)

January 6, 2025
Teacher Work Day Schedule

8:15 - 8:45        Faculty & Staff Meeting
8:45 - 10:00      Literacy PD for ALL certified teachers
10:00 - 10:30    Unified Insights Training (for any teacher who has not been trained)
10:30-11:30      Teachers to work with grade level teams or in rooms
11:30 - 12:30    Lunch on your own
12:30 - 3:15      Teachers to work with grade level teams or in rooms

Note:  The following teams will meet at the designated time below:
10:30 - 11:30    PES MTSS Team will meet to plan Thursday PD
1:00 - 2:00        MSIT (Math School Improvement Team) will meet


Congratulations on a great first semester of the school year! As we start the second semester there is always a sense of much left to teach and learn.  At Paine Elementary, I know that we make every day count and value every instructional minute.  So let's be reminded to approach this second semester with a renewed and focused mindset, being purposeful in everything we do, being fully present and engaged, actively pursuing our goals, and knowing that everything we do greatly impacts our students and their success.  It's going to be an IMPACTFUL second semester!

Winter AIMS Web Testing

On Tuesday, 1/7 our window will open for winter AIMS Web Literacy Testing. Beginning 1/15, our TCS testing team will begin testing all 1st Grade, Kindergarten, and 2nd/3rd ORF only.  
Teachers may begin administering the assessment for 4th & 5th and the computerized portion for 2nd & 3rd as soon as students return on 1/7. Our goal is to have all testing complete by 1/24 so we can have our data meetings the following week.

ACAP Practice Test

The ACAP Practice Tests will be administered to all students in grades 2-5 the week of  1/27 - 1/31.  Please mark your calendars and factor into your lesson planning.  We will adhere to the formal testing process (followed in the spring) for the practice test.  More information will be provided in our faculty meeting.

Wednesday Collaboration

Bring teacher materials for current/upcoming unit. We will meet in the North Training Room.

Thursday Early Release Time

All faculty & staff will participate in important MTSS training on Positive Behavioral Supports.  

Family News

Please keep Janet Curlee and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Her father passed away this week.

Congratulations to Jamie Myers on her wedding. She is now Jamie Brown. We are so excited for her!

Note: Please let me know of any family news you want included in the blog.

Paine Precepts

The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

A year from now you may wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb'

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” – Melody Beattie

Friday, December 13, 2024

Weekly Update


B Week - December 16-20, 2024

Character Trait - Service
North PE - Outside
Important Events this Week
Mon 12/13 - Matos/Blank Holly Jolly Christmas
Mon 12/13 - PES Choir Performances
Tues/Wed - Class Christmas Parties
Fri 12/20 - Early Dismissal for Students
Fri 12/20 - Faculty/Staff Christmas Party

The Holiday Shop was such a huge success. Our students loved it!  Thank you to our PTO!

Our MSIT (Math School Improvement Team) had our first meeting.

Our first grade teachers collaborating this week.

PES Choir Performances - Monday

Our PES Choir will be performing for our students on Monday in the North Gym.  Please see schedule below for performance times:

1:00 PM - Kindergarten, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade

2:00 PM - 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 4th Grade

Wednesday Collaboration

Thursday Early Release Time

The District Math PLC will meet at central office. 

Early Dismissal for Students on Friday
We will dismiss students at 12:00 on Friday, December 20, and will be operating under the following early dismissal schedule.  There will be no specials on Friday; look for your adjusted PE and lunch times. 

Update:  We will do grab & go lunches, so please coordinate with your partner teacher to avoid all students having to walk to the lunchroom..  Plan to eat in your classrooms or and outside spot (possibly in the courtyard) if weather permits.  Let the front office know where you are if you do not eat in the classroom.

Room Cleanup

Please have students get trash and unnecessary items out of desk and lockers before leaving on Friday.  Please make sure any food/candy bagged securely and placed in a high cabinet. Please make sure lamps, twinkle lights, etc. are turned off before you leave on Friday.

Faculty/Staff Christmas Party
Our Faculty/Staff Christmas lunch/party will be on Friday 12/20 (right after students are dismissed at noon).  Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring our party!

Paine Precepts (Service)

  • “For it is in giving that we receive.” – Francis of Assisi
  • “Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.” – John D. Rockefeller
  • “You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
  • “Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” – Ben Carson
  • “Never get tired of doing little things for others, sometimes those little things occupy the biggest parts of their hearts.” – Unknown

Friday, December 6, 2024

Weekly Update

A Week - December 9-13, 2024

Character Trait - Service
South PE - Outside
Important Events this Week
12/2-12/13 - Exact Path Math Screener
12/10-12/13 - PTO Holiday Shop in No Training Room
Tues, 12/10 - PreK Meeting at 1:15
Wed, 12/11 - Collaboration/PD
Thu, 12/12 - MSIT (Math Imp Team) Meeting 2:15
Thu, 12/12 - Collaboration for all other Teachers
Fri, 12/13 - PES Choir Field Trip

Building professional relationships contributes to collective efficacy!

Thank you to everyone who worked on our school spelling bee and congratulations to these students!

Our math teachers examined student math journals during collaboration.

EnRICh Book Club in the Library

Exact Path Mid Year Math Assessment

Please be sure to have students take their mid-year Exact Path assessment between by 12/13.  We will be analyzing student growth in math from this data.

Wednesday Collaboration

Math Teachers will participate in Professional Development with our Mrs. Weyerman.
Literacy Teachers will meet with Mrs. Peters.

Thursday Early Release Time

Our newly formed MSIT (Math School Improvement Team) will meet in the STREAM Studio at 2:15.

All other teachers will collaborate in grade level chair classrooms.

PES-PTO Holiday Shop - December 10-13

We are so excited about our PTO sponsored Holiday Shop for students on December 10-13 in our North Training Room. Teachers should have signed up for a slot to take their class shopping (link was sent an in email prior to Thanksgiving). 

Students will come shop for parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. All items will range from $2-$12. PTO will send home a blank form this week so that parents can list who they want their child to shop for and how much etc. 

Faculty/Staff Christmas Party

Our Faculty/Staff Christmas party will be on Friday 12/20 (right after students are dismissed at noon).  Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring our party!

Paine Precepts (Service)

  • Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.” -Booker T. Washington
  • “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” -Albert Schweitzer
  • “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” -Ghandi
  • “People will forget what you said, people may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou
  • “The willingness to serve makes you a better person…and the world a better place.” -Anon

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Weekly Update

We hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!
We are so thankful to work in a school where we are passionate about making a difference in the lives of our students, from their social/emotional well-being to every student's academic growth.  This all-encompassing commitment is reflected in our school report card grade.  Congratulations to PES Faculty & Staff!

B Week - December 2-6, 2024

North PE - Outside
Important Events this Week
12/2-12/13 - Exact Path Math Screener
Tues, 12/3 - PreK Meeting at 1:15
Wed, 12/4 - Collaboration (K-5)
Thu, 12/5 - EnRICh for 3-5 at 1:00
Thu, 12/5 - Faculty Meeting at 2:15
Thu, 12/5 - PES Choir Concert at 6:00
Fri, 12/6 - PES Spelling Bee

Students in Mrs. Strange & Mrs. Rice's 3rd grade classes created Generosity Jars and delivered to teachers right before Thanksgiving!

Jaime Anderson, City Council Member, talked with our 2nd grade students about community.

PES Faculty & Staff felt the love from our PTO with a delicious apple bar!

Our PES Art Show was a huge success. The student work was beautiful! Thank you to Mrs. Culp and Ms. Myers for your hard work!

EnRICh sessions started right before Thanksgiving. This is our GEMS group (Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science).

Exact Path Mid Year Math Assessment

Please be sure to have students take their mid-year Exact Path assessment between 12/2-12/13.  We will be analyzing student growth in math from this data.

Wednesday Collaboration

Please come prepared to unpack upcoming lessons.  Please bring your teacher materials for upcoming lessons in December.  

Thursday - Faculty Meeting

More information to be provided this week.

PES-PTO Holiday Shop - December 10-13

We are so excited about our PTO sponsored Holiday Shop for students on December 10-13 in our North Training Room. Teachers should have signed up for a slot to take their class shopping (link was sent an in email prior to Thanksgiving). 

Students will come shop for parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. All items will range from $2-$12. PTO will send home a blank form this week so that parents can list who they want their child to shop for and how much etc. 

Paine Family News

Congratulations to the following Paine Family Members; we are so happy for you!
  • Abby Ayers and her husband are expecting a baby!!!
  • Jamie Myers will be getting married in December!!!

Paine Precepts (Empathy)

  • “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from his angle as well as your own. ”  – Henry Ford
  • “I think we all have empathy. We may not have enough courage to display it.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”-  Simone Weil
  • “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.” –  Turkish Proverb
  • “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein

Weekly Update

  A Week - January 21-24, 2025 South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Re...