Friday, October 25, 2024

Weekly Update

  B Week - October 28-November 1, 2024

North PE - Outside
Character Trait - Self Control

Important Events this Week
Down Syndrome Awareness Month - Blue & Yellow Day on Monday
Wed, 10/30 - PST Meetings during Collaboration
Fri, 11/1 - Blank Field Trip
Sat, 11/2 - PES Turkey Trot


Thank you to Mr. McAbee and all who helped to make our bookfair such a huge success!

Congratulations to Madison Blank, our 2024-2025 Paine Teacher of the Year.  She is pictured with former Paine Teachers of the Year!

Students in Mrs. Massey's 2nd Grade Class sharing their math strategies.

Veteran's Day Celebration 

Look for Veteran sign up link from our music teachers and send to parent distribution.

Wednesday PST Meetings

We will have our PST Meetings during collaboration on Wednesday. Please make sure all PST electronic files are complete.

Thursday - Brief Faculty/Staff Meeting

We will meet in the North Training Room for approximately 15-20 minutes.  Please bring your laptops because we will complete an online survey before we leave.

Paine Precepts 

Our Paine Precepts this week are about inclusivity - in honor of Down's Syndrome Awareness Month.
  • Everyone belongs here
  • “The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection.” – Thomas Berry
  • “Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day.” – Anonymous
  • In a world where you can be anything, be inclusive.
  • We are like a box of crayons, each one of us is unique, but when we get together, the picture is complete.” – Anonymous

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

EnRICh 2024-2025

 EnRICh 2024-2025

We will being our EnRICh sessions on each Thursday beginning November 7th from 1:00-1:50.  The first step in determining participation in these learning experiences is to have all students in grades 3-5 submit an application for the experiences they are interested in.  Listed below are the links to the application for each grade level.  Teachers, please provide students with access to the application for their designated grade level through your Schoology (by Thursday morning at 8:00).  Students will submit an application by the end of the day on Friday, October 25th.  Please provide students with time during morning meeting and/or IE block to submit their online application.  Listed below are important dates for your reference.

Friday, October 25 - Applications are due by the end of the day.
Thursday, October 31 - All EnRICh placements will be finalized.
Friday, November 1 - Preliminary rosters will be provided to Homeroom Teachers for their class
Monday, November 4 - Students will be notified of their EnRICh placement and EnRICh teachers will receive and EnRICh roster.
Thursday, November 7 - First day of EnRICh classes.

The links to the online student applications are listed below:

Friday, October 18, 2024

Weekly Update

 A Week - October 21-25, 2024

South PE - Outside
Character Trait - Self Control

Important Events this Week
10/21-10/25 - Red Ribbon Week & Book Fair
Tues, 10/22 - Wes Wyatt, Meteorologist to visit 3rd grade
Tues, 10/22 - Flu Clinic from 8:30-11:00
Wed, 10/23 - Grade Level Team Collaboration
Thu, 10/24 - PES Fall Festival from 3:00-6:00 pm
Fri, 10/25 - Choir Field Trip
Fri, 10/25 - Matos Field Trip
Our Teacher of the Year to be announced this week!


Mrs. McCormick dancing with her students on 50's day!

Mr. Margavio using his table to create a math model for a student!

Mrs. Trowbridge went "all in" for her book talk on "Giraffes Can't Dance".

Ms. Strange facilitating a discussion with her students!

Red Ribbon Week

Wednesday Collaboration

Please bring your teacher guides to unpack and plan upcoming lessons.

Thursday - Fall Festival

Downs Syndrome Awareness - Monday, Oct 28

Down's Syndrome Awareness Month is October. Please join us in wearing blue and yellow on Monday, October 28th to raise awareness.  Please encourage student participation and include parent communication.

Paine Precepts (Self Control)

M - Self-control is the ability to control the expression of our emotions and impulses. – Anonymous
T - Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most. – Abraham Lincoln
W - Self-control is a sign of inner strength. – Anonymous
T - Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. – John Quincy Adams
F - Self control is strength. The right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. - James Allen

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Teacher of the Year Nomination Form

 Teacher of the Year Nominations

It is that exciting time of year again...the teacher of the year selection process!  Please use the link below to nominate one of our amazing teachers!  The PES Teacher of the Year will be announced the last week of October.  Please have nominations submitted by the end of the day on Friday, October 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekly Update


  B Week - October 15-18, 2024

North PE - Outside
Character Trait - Self Control

Important Events this Week
Tue, Oct 15 - E-Learning for Students; Teacher and Staff PD
Wed, Oct 16 - Turn Trussville Pink
Wed, Oct 16 - Dyslexia Training for teachers
Thur, Oct 17 - Report Cards Published
Thurs, Oct 17 - Math PLC will meet
Thurs, Oct 17 - Grade Level Collaboration
Fri, Oct 18 - 1st Grade 50's Day; SockHop at 1:00 on Courtyard
(Friday, please change your recess location if you're scheduled for the courtyard between 12:45-2:45 so 1st Grade may use for their Sock Hop. Please let the front office know where your class will be.)


As we wrap up the first nine weeks of the school year, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for all that you do. Your dedication, passion, and relentless support have made a significant impact on every student in our building.  You have also had an impact on each other; together, we are better! Thank you for inspiring, challenging, and believing in the potential of your students. 
Your IMPACT does not go unnoticed!

Tuesday Schedule

Tuesday, October 15, 2024  - Agenda
Morning – PES
PES Leadership Team (North Training Room
3rd Grade Literacy – re: 3rd grade portfolios (Jenni Peters’ Room)
All other teachers will work with their teams or in their rooms
Faculty Meeting for all certified staff (North Training Room)
Please bring your IMPACT Binder.
Testing Training for all staff (North Training Room)
Digital Citizenship Training for all staff (North Training Room)
Transition Break
Math Teacher PD for all K&1 and all math teachers in 2-5 (North Training Room)
Literacy Teachers PD for 2-5 (STREAM Studio)
Lunch on your own
Afternoon – ALL TCS will meet at PES
Math Teachers (2-5) will be provided with an overview of the Alabama Numeracy Act by our OMI partner (North Training Room)
Literacy Teachers (K-5) will meet in the following designated rooms:

Kindergarten: Ms. Barrett Trowbridge- South Campus

1st Grade: Ms. Kylee McCormick- North Campus

2nd Grade: Ms. Shanya Swann- South Campus

3rd Grade: Ms. Jennifer Abney- North Campus

4th Grade: Ms. Holly Moore- South Campus

5th Grade: Ms. Hannah Foust- North Campus

TCS Elementary Science ONLY teachers (5th) will collaborate (Rashel Darnell’s Room)
Counselors will meet with Dr. Poovey (Kelly Bowles’ Room)
Specialists Teachers will meet:  Music (Lesley Roger’s Room, Art (Jamie Myers’ Room, STEM (North Conference Room)
All Sped Teachers will meet with Dr. Guilbeau and Erin Piper (Library)
Librarians/Media Center Specialists to meet with Rachel Brockman and April Chamberlain (North Conference Room)

Turn Trussville Pink - Wednesday

Please join us in wearing pink to raise awareness for finding a cure for breast cancer! A mass email was sent out to parents inviting students to wear pink on Wednesday.

Downs Syndrome Awareness - Monday, Oct 28

Down's Syndrome Awareness Month is October. Please join us in wearing blue and yellow on Monday, October 28th to raise awareness.  Please encourage student participation and include parent communication.

Wednesday Collaboration

All certified teachers will participate in Dyslexia Training (part 2) during planning time.

Thursday Early Release Time

TCS New Math Teacher PLC will meet in the North Training Room.  You should have received an invitation from Cynthia Weyerman to participate in this year-long PLC. It is going to be so beneficial and engaging!

All other teachers will participate in collaborative planning in the grade level chair's classroom.

Red Ribbon Week

Please communicate the upcoming Red Ribbon Week activities in future parent communication.

Paine Precepts (KINDNESS)

Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up. - JESSE JACKSON

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.- MOTHER TERESA

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.-dOLLY PARTON

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Library Newsletter & Important Information about Book Fair

Please find the link below to the library newsletter.  It contains important information about our upcoming book fair.

Library Newsletter

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Weekly Update

We wish Alyssa Vickers the best as she takes on a Math Coach position with Jefferson County. We want to welcome Taylor Federico to our team! Her first day will be 10/21!

Thank you to our custodians for taking care of our school.  We appreciate you Tim, Lisa, & Aubrey!!!

  A Week - October 8-12, 2024

South PE - Outside
Character Trait - Self Control

Important Events this Week
Mon, 10/7 - New Teacher Meeting at 3:15
Mon, 10/7 - PES Taco Mama Spirt Night
Tues,10/8 - Kindergarten Fire Dept visit 8:30-10:30
Tues, 10/8 - PES PTO Meeting at 5:30 PM
Wed, 10/9 - PD for all K-5 Math Teachers during planning
Wed, 10/9 - Vision Screening in South Conference Room
Thu, 10/10 - 3rd Grade Music Program (8:30N & 10:00S)
Thu, 10/10 - Faculty Meeting at 2:15 
Thu, 10/10 - Literacy Night for 2nd/3rd Grade Parents (5:30-6:30)
Oct 9 & 10 - Vision Screenings in South Conference Room
Fri, 10/11 - End of 1st 9 Weeks
Mon, 10/14 - No school
Tue, 10/15 - E-Learning Day for students

Ms. Myers models for students how to use complementary colors to enhance their art!

Ms. Proctor delivers a Friday Book Talk during morning announcements.

Kindergarten's Fairy Tale Ball Parade!

Wednesday Collaboration

All K-5 math teachers will participate in professional learning in the North Training Room. Any teacher who does not teach math will meet with their team to plan (in literacy chair's room).

Thursday Early Release Time

We will have a faculty meeting after school. 
Certified staff: please bring your IMPACT binders for an activity from 2:15-2:30. 
Classified staff: please join us for this meeting at 2:30.

Upcoming Literacy Night for Parents of 2nd & 3rd Graders

HTHS Mountain Bike Team

The HTHS Mountain Bike Team will be greeting our students on October 9th. 

Guidelines for Exact Path Usage & Math Progress Monitoring

The following are the math guidelines recently communication for your reference.

• Students in Grades 1-5 are expected to work on their individual Exact Path Learning Path 40
minutes per week until ALL grade level standards in Exact Path are mastered. It is recommended that this be completed during the IE block, twice per week for 20 minutes per session.

• The following are IE Block scenarios could be considered:
o Two days per week on Exact Path & two days on non-computer IE activities (Reading
and/or Literacy based on student needs). Example: Tech Tuesday & Tech Thursday
during IE Block.
o This will allow students to engage in independent reading up to 3 days per week.
o A 40-minute IE Block could be broken into two 20-minute segments. Two days per
week, students in Tier 2 Intervention could spend 20 minutes in small group with the
teacher and 20 minutes on Exact Path. On those two days, this would allow the teacher
to work with two different skill groups.
• We will begin looking at Exact Path Usage in future grade level data meetings.

• The following students must all be progress monitored in math each week:
o All students in the 40th percentile or below (NPR) on Exact Path
o All Tier 3 Math students
o All students on PST for Math
o All Students on IEP who have a math goal

• Students will be monitored by the classroom teacher using Exact Path. These students will be
assigned a lesson for independent review and assessment, following a week of intervention for
the teacher on that specific skill. Note: Weekly intervention must align to the skill assigned for
progress monitoring.
• In addition to weekly progress monitoring by the classroom teacher on Exact Path, Tier 3
students will be monitored by the interventionist on Do the Math.
• Special Education students – Students should be progress monitored by the Sped Teacher
providing math services on the following: 1) Sped goals, 2) Progress within each student’s path
as well ask skills they have learned in the classroom.
• All teachers will record their progress monitoring data on the grade level spreadsheet shared
with the team.

• The following students must all be progress monitored in math each week:
o All students in the dark orange (overall score) on Forefront.
o All Tier 3 Math students
o All students on PST for Math
o All Students on IEP who have a math goal

• Students will be monitored by the classroom teacher using Forefront. The district math
specialist will provide a link (per problem/skill) to remediate and assess students’ progress.
• In addition to weekly progress monitoring by the classroom teacher on Exact Path, Tier 3
students will be monitored by the interventionist on Do the Math.
• Students should be progress monitored by the Sped Teacher providing math services on the
following: 1) Sped goals, 2) Progress within each student’s path as well ask skills they have
learned in the classroom.
• All teachers will record their progress monitoring data on the grade level spreadsheet shared
with the team.

Red Ribbon Week

Please communicate the upcoming Red Ribbon Week activities in future parent communication.

Paine Precepts (Patience & Self-Control)

  • “Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you’re waiting.” –Joyce Meyer
  • “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saddi
  • “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
  • “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties appear and obstacles vanish.” – John Quincy Adams
  • “Our patience will achieve more than our force.” –Edmund Burke

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...