Monday, July 29, 2024

Paine Family News

Please keep the following Paine Family Members in your thoughts and prayers:

  • Diana Richesin will be having knee replacement surgery on Friday and will be out for several weeks.
  • Heather Matos' father is experiencing several serious health issues.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Countdown to New School Year - One Week to go!

Dear Paine Family,

I hope you are enjoying your last week of summer break!  As we enjoy the last days of summer break, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for each one of you; you are all such a blessing!  We have the most incredible PES staff and we are so excited to welcome our new colleagues to the team. The start of a new school year is always an exciting time, I am confident we will make this year one of our best yet. In preparation for our students' return, please find the schedule for our workdays below. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out!   I look forward to seeing you all soon!  Enjoy the final days of summer break, and get ready for an amazing year ahead!

We will have your preliminary classroom rolls in your boxes by Monday 7/29 by 8:00 am. Please do not communicate your classroom roll to anyone; classroom assignments will go out through Powerschool based on the following schedule (Monday afternoon - 4th/5th, Tuesday afternoon - 2nd/3rd, and Wednesday afternoon - Kinder/1st).  

Thursday, 8/1
Flex Day for Teachers

Friday, 8/2
Work in rooms until time for institute.
10:00 - TCS Institute at HTHS. We will ALL be wearing our new PES faculty/staff t-shirts so please pick up from the office prior to institute.
12:30 - Faculty/Staff Lunch at PES (Meals by Misty); provided by Trussville Utilities
Work in classrooms remainder of day.

Monday, 8/5
8:00 - Staff Picture in Courtyard (Please wear our new faculty/staff t-shirt)
8:15 - Breakfast in the North Training Room
8:30 - Opening Faculty Meeting 
11:30 - Lunch on your own
Work in classrooms remainder of day.

Tuesday, 8/6
Spend day working in classrooms and collaborating with team.
9:00-11:00  K-3 teachers who did not attend Open Court Training this summer will train at the CO

Weekly Update

   B Week - March 3-7, 2025 North PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Remin...