Sunday, May 19, 2024

Weekly Update

A Week - May 20-23, 2024

PE:  South PE will be outside this week
 (weather permitting)
 Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

There will be no PE or Specials on Thursday!

Upcoming Important Dates

5/20 - Assemblies (K-2)
5/21 - Assemblies (3-5)
5/23 - Last Day for Students (12:00 dismissal)
5/23 - End of Year Faculty/Staff Celebration (after 12:00)
5/24 - Faculty/Staff Workday/Flex Day

EnRICh Showcase

The EnRICh showcase was so good! Our parents really loved seeing what our students do in EnRICh. Thank you to the teachers and students for their hard work and flexibility. The products were incredible!!!

Student Birthdays

We will announce student birthdays for the May 21 through the end of summer onTuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday based on the following schedule. Please send those students to the office for announcements.
  • Tuesday - Remainder of May
  • Wednesday - June
  • Thursday - July-end of summer

End of Year Assemblies

We will have our grade level assemblies on Monday and Tuesday in the SOUTH Gym.  

Monday:  K-8:30, 1st-9:30 2nd 10:30

Tuesday:  3rd-8:30 4th-9:30 5th-10:30

Kindergarten Orientation

Please spread the word about our upcoming Kindergarten Orientation Sessions.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 – 8:30 AM or 6:00 PM 
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 – 8:30 AM or 6:00 PM

Thursday - Lunch Schedule
We will pick up lunches at the times below and either eat outside or in our classrooms. Please bag trash and place outside your door before you leave for the day.

Thursday - 5th Grade Last Walk

Please stand outside your classrooms at 9:00 in the morning.  Our 5th graders will talk their last walk through the halls of Paine Elementary!  Please cheer them on as they take their next steps to the middle school!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Weekly Update


B Week - May 13-17, 2024

PE:  North PE will be outside this week
 (weather permitting)
 Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Upcoming Important Dates

5/15 - End of Year Data Meetings
5/16 - HTMS Band Performance at PES
5/16 - PES Retirement Celebrations
5/17 - EnRICh Showcase
5/20 - Assemblies (K-2)
5/21 - Assemblies (3-5)
5/23 - Last Day for Students (12:00 dismissal)
5/23 - End of Year Faculty/Staff Celebration (after 12:00)
5/24 - Faculty/Staff Workday


We need for our Special Education Student and Tier 3 student to complete the Exact Path Diagnostic for this last testing window.  We will compare this data to the upcoming Fall Data to analyze regression over the summer.  Case Managers: Please make sure you coordinate this for your students for the subject areas where there are deficiencies. Teachers, please do the same for any student receiving Tier 3.  If you have any questions please let us know.  We would like to have this completed no later than mid-May.

End of Year Student Information Sheets for Rolls

We had planned to have this spreadsheet to teachers by May 6th, but due to unforseen circumstances it is taking a little longer than expected. We will have this to you  by Wednesday, May 15th.

Wednesday - Collaboration

We will have our last MTSS Turnaround training and our year end data meetings in the North Training Room.


We will have EnRICh for grades 3-5 Thursday at 1:00. Please use this time to put finishing touches on work for EnRICh showcase.

EnRICh Showcase - Friday, May 17

Parents will be invited to visit our EnRICh Showcase on Friday based on their child's grade level. Please plan to leave your display up for the entire time (8:30-11:30).  Be sure to have your students available to discuss their EnRICh products during their designated time below.

3rd Grade - 8:30-9:30
4th Grade - 9:30-10:30
 5th Grade - 10:30-11:30

Homeroom Teachers in grades 3-5, please send email out to your parents inviting them to this event.

Retirement Celebration - Please join us on May 16th.

EnRICh Showcase - Friday, May 17

Parents will be invited to visit our EnRICh Showcase on Friday based on their child's grade level. Please plan to leave your display up for the entire time (8:30-11:30).  Be sure to have your students available to discuss their EnRICh products during their designated time below.

3rd Grade - 8:30-9:30
4th Grade - 9:30-10:30
 5th Grade - 10:30-11:30

Homeroom Teachers in grades 3-5, please send email out to your parents inviting them to this event.

Paine Precepts

  • “I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest.” –Venus Williams
  • “Dare to dream; then, decide to do.” –Annette White
  • “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach the stars to change the world.” –Harriet Tubman
  • “Everything you can imagine is real.” –Pablo Picasso
  • "Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts." –Albert Einstein

Friday, May 3, 2024

Weekly Update


A Week - May 6 - 10, 2024

PE:  South PE will be outside this week
 (weather permitting)
 Paine Power Word: Declare
Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Teacher Appreciation Week

We want to thank our teachers for their incredible dedication, passion, and hard work you put in every single day. Your commitment to shaping the minds and hearts of your students is inspiring. During this week dedicated to celebrating you, please know that you are loved and valued! Your tireless dedication has a lasting impact! We are so thankful for our Paine Teachers! You are the best there is!

Upcoming Important Dates

5/7 - 4th Grade field trip
5/8 - 3rd Grade field trip
5/8 - Mrs. Killemeyer to meet with teachers during Collaboration
5/10 - 5th Grade Extravaganza
5/15 - Tentative Date for End of Year Data Meetings
5/16 - HTMS Band Performance at PES
5/16 - PES Retirement Celebrations
5/17 - EnRICh Showcase
5/20 - Assemblies (K-2)
5/21 - Assemblies (3-5)
5/23 - Last Day for Students (12:00 dismissal)
5/23 - End of Year Faculty/Staff Celebration (after 12:00)
5/24 - Faculty/Staff Workday


We need for our Special Education Student and Tier 3 student to complete the Exact Path Diagnostic for this last testing window.  We will compare this data to the upcoming Fall Data to analyze regression over the summer.  Case Managers: Please make sure you coordinate this for your students for the subject areas where there are deficiencies. Teachers, please do the same for any student receiving Tier 3.  If you have any questions please let us know.  We would like to have this completed no later than mid-May.

Wednesday - Collaboration

We will meet in the North Training Room. 


We will have EnRICh for grades 3-5 Thursday at 1:00.

 Thursday Afternoon - Early Release Time

Faculty Meeting & MTSS Turnaround Training

Retirement Celebration - Please join us on May 16th.

Paine Precepts (Empathy)

  • “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” – Alfred Adler
  • “The opposite of anger is not calmness.  It’s empathy.” – Mehmet Oz
  • “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” – Dolly Parton
  • “I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.” – Roger Ebert
  • “Empathy grows as we learn.” –  Alice Miller

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...