Friday, January 26, 2024

Weekly Update

  A Week - Jan 28-Feb 1

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting); If the weather does not cooperate South PE will use the STREAM Studio through Wednesday, then the South gym.  North PE will be in the SOUTH gym through Wednesday.

Character Trait Focus: Responsibility


Paine Power Word: Construct
Monday - Say it, Spell it, Meaning 
Tuesday - Say it, Spell it, Meaning, Part of Speech
Wednesday - Say it, Spell it, Synonyms & Antonyms 
Thursday - Say it, Spell it, Picture it
Friday - Say it, Spell it, Additional Word study

Lesson Plan Checks - Monday Morning 

Paine Practice - BEST Practice
Ms. Breed unpacks the learning target with her 2nd grade students!
Mrs. Garrett teaching her 5th grade students all about poetry

Mrs. Snuggs teaching her students the proper way to make sounds during this amazing phonics lesson!

Mrs. Johnson unpacking the learning target with her 3rd grade class.

Paine Musical Theatre Department Presents 
Willy Wonka Kids!

Showtimes during the school day:
9:00 - Kindergarten & 4th
1:00 - 1st & 2nd
10:00 - 3rd & 5th

PreK, Matos, & Blank - select the show that works best for your schedule

Spring Pictures - Wednesday

Spring pictures will be taken during PE classes. Please remind your parents.

ACAP Practice Test

Teachers in grades 2-5: Please include in your parent communication that we will do a practice ACAP testing on February 12-14. We will simulate the real test, so we are asking that check-ins and check-outs be avoided in the morning if possible.


We will collaborate in the North Training Room. Teachers in grades 2-5, please bring ACAP binders.

Thursday Afternoon (2:15 - 3:15)

We will have mandatory ACAP test training in the North Training Room.

Family News

Please keep Jenni Peters in your thoughts and prayers as she is recovering from surgery.  

Paine Precepts (Containing the word "construct")

  • We are going to try to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country where no one is left out. - Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd President of the US)
  • A story is how we construct our experiences. - Doris Lessing (British author)
  • The greatest real thrill that life offers is to create, to construct, to develop something useful. - Alfred P. Sloan (Former CEO of General Motors)
  • I wanted to be an architect. I used to draw housing and buildings, and construct buildings on my own. - Boyd Holbrook (actor)
  • Historical facts are the vital framework around which non-fiction writers construct  their narratives; they are, quite simply, indespensable. - Saul David (British military historian and presenter)

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Weekly Update

  B Week - Jan 21-25

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting); If the weather does not cooperate we will use the STREAM Studio. (Our north gym is set up for our musical so it cannot be used until after the musical.)

Character Trait Focus: Responsibility

Paine Power Word: Cite 

Paine Practice - BEST Practice

Our 2nd Grade Math Teachers are engaging their students determine how big sharks really are in centimeters, meters, inches, and feet. The teachers showed an exciting video about sharks to spark student interest before beginning the investigation and it worked.  The students were SO engaged in this lesson on measurement!

Paine Specialists Teachers explaining how they can support our classroom teachers in preparing our students for the ACAP this year!  Thank you to our incredible specialists!

Paine Power Words

Our Paine Power words will be part of announcements and integrated into specialist classes beginning this week.  Classroom teachers, please look for opportunities to use the word of the week and celebrate when students use the word.  Invite students to share when they see the word in the books they are reading.  Listed below is the structure we will follow to discuss the words over announcements:

Monday - Say it, Spell it, Meaning
Tuesday - Say it, Spell it, Meaning, Part of Speech
Wednesday - Say it, Spell it, Synonyms & Antonyms
Thursday - Say it, Spell it, Picture it
Friday - Say it, Spell it, Additional Word study

Monday - Access Testing

Mrs. Killmeyer will be conducting Access Testing in our school on Monday. Please watch for signs and remind students to remain on Zone Zero in the hallways.

Math Challenge

Please submit your student's completed math challenge sheets to the front office first thing Monday morning.

Lesson PlanBook

Our APs will start reviewing your individual lesson plans in PlanBook every Monday morning for the week.  Please make sure your weekly plans are in "your" PlanBook by Monday morning for that week. Remember: If you do team plans, you must put them in your individual planbook.


District PD on Wednesday

We will meet in the North Training Room to continue our work on proficiency scales with Dr. Berry.  Please bring all necessary materials with you.

Thursday Afternoon (2:15 - 3:15)

PLCs will meeting in their content area chair's room to work on the following. Our admin team will be floating to each room to assist with anything you need.  
Kindergarten - Review next math unit
1st Grade - math & lesson planning
2nd - 5th - ACAP Prep (bring binders)
Specialists - ACAP support lessons

If you had to miss the "Stop the Bleed" training provided by our nurses last Thursday, you will be required to attend the makeup training in the North Training Room at 2:15. You may join your PLC once this training is complete.   

Paine Precepts (Responsibility)

  • “In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.” – Michael Korda (author)
  • “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” – Bob Dylan (musician)
  • “Every person who has changed the world has taken responsibility for something that mattered not just to them, but to mankind.” – Mike Stutman (author)
  • “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.” – Moliere (French playwright, actor, and poet from the 1600s)
  • “Winners take responsibility.  Losers blame others.” – Brit Hume (American journalist & commentator)

Friday, January 12, 2024

Weekly Update

A Week - Jan 16-19

Monday, Jan 16 - No school in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)
Character Trait Focus: Responsibility 
Paine Power Word: Cite

Paine Practice - BEST Practice

Mrs. Weyerman leads her 2nd grade students in a rigorous number talk; they love the challenge and rise to the occasion.

Mrs. Hunt's 2nd grade students are applying the skills learned in their reading unit!

Mrs. Wallace's Kindergarten students are invited to the "perimeter" of the carpet and they know exactly what to do.  Great use of vocabulary and classroom routines!

Kindergarten students in Ms. Cribb's class have fun with their counting to 100 practice!

A 4th grade student in Ms. Strange/Mrs. Swatek's room explain her comparing fractions strategy to peers.

Paine Power Words

We will be highlighting an academic vocabulary word per week in morning announcements and will integrate this word into our specialist lessons each week.  Classroom teachers, please look for opportunities to use the word of the week and celebrate when students use the word.  Invite students to share when they see the word in the books they are reading.

Intruder/Lockdown Drill

We will have our second lockdown drill for this year on Tuesday at approximately 1:15 pm.  Please use the script provided last time with your students.  Wait on the announcement over the intercom before beginning the drill.

Math Challenge

Please submit your student's completed math challenge sheets to your AP as soon as you get them.  We will enter them into the state website for participation in the drawing for basketball tickets.

Collaboration on Wednesday

We will meet in the North Training Room to work on the following:

Kindergarten & 1st Grade - Math Planning & Open Court Plans
2nd Grade - Math & ACAP Plans (please bring ACAP binders)
3rd - 5th Grade - ACAP Plans (please bring ACAP Binders)

Thursday Afternoon (2:15 - 3:15)

We have a required meeting for ALL faculty & staff (certified and classified) to participate in "Stop the Bleed" training conducted by our nurses.  
Everyone in our building must be trained. 

Family News

We would like to welcome Alana Dickie as our Library/Media Specialist. Please stop by the media center and say hello!

Please keep Buffy Bland and her father in your thoughts and prayers, as he continue to have health issues.

Paine Precepts (Responsibility)

  • “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.” – Moliere (French poet in the 1600's)
  • “Nothing will ever change while you point the finger of blame.  Out of responsibility comes possibility.” – Lisa Villa Prosen (Author & Public Speaker)
  • “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln (16th US President)
  • “Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.” – Mitt Romney (Business person & politician)

Friday, January 5, 2024

Weekly Update

We had a great first week back to school!

B Week - Jan 8-12

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Character Trait Focus: Responsibility

Math Challenge

We are so excited about the Alabma OMI (Office of Mathematics Improvment) Math Madness Challenge! We have a shared vision of students connecting math to the world around them.  As this happens, students will approach tasks with confidence and excitement. This positive connection will lead to positive classroom interactions.  

Please encourage your students to participate in the Math Challenge.  We will send you an email with information to forward to your parent distribution list.  Please send this out on Monday.  

When your students return their activity pages with parent signatures (due Jan 19), we will enter their information in the state Google form for a chance to win Alabama-Auburn basketball tickets.  Please send the returned activity pages to the front office.

Priority Kids

Beginning January 11th, Priority Kids will be hosting a Wednesday morning meeting for PES students who have signed up.  This will be held in the STREAM Studio each Wednesday morning before school.  Students who have signed up must be dropped off between 7:20-7:25. They must check in at the door of the STREAM Studio by 7:30.  No student will be allowed in if they are not on the list AND no student will be allowed in after 7:30.  If any parents have questions, the contacts are Hannah Holland and Lauren Tuggle.  

Collaboration on Wednesday

We will meet in the North Training Room to work on the following:

Kindergarten & 1st Grade - Math Planning & Open Court Plans
2nd Grade - 5th Grade - Work on ACAP prep planning (please bring your ACAP Binders)

Thursday EnRICh

This will be the last week for EnRICh classes until after spring testing.  The ony exception is students in Musical Theatre and Set Design. They will continue to meet until our performances at the end of the month.

Thursday Afternoon (2:15 - 3:15)

We will have a faculty/staff meeting in the North Training Room at 2:15.  Our nurses will provide training and we will go over other important information.

MUSH Grants

One of our MUSH grant recipients was left off of the previous blog post.  Congratulations to Kimberly McGinnis (1st grade)!  We are so excited about these grants and thankful to the TCS Foundation!

Paine Precepts (Responsibility)

  • “In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.” – Michael Korda
  • “The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill
  • “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” – Chuck Palahniuk
  • “Every person who has changed the world has taken responsibility for something that mattered not just to them, but to mankind.” – Mike Stutman
  • “With great power comes great responsibility.” – Voltaire

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...