Friday, August 25, 2023

Weekly Update

Congratulations to Paine Elementary on achieving our STEM Certification.  Please click on the link below to view our incredible STEM story.  We are in the process of getting our certificate framed; look for it in the front lobby soon!

A Week - August 28-September 1

South PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)
August Character Trait: Creativity

TCS Parent & Student Handbook

We will have grade level assemblies for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade (during IE Block) to briefly go over the Parent & Student handbook.  We will meet in the North Training Room on the designated days/times below:

Tuesday, 8/29 @ 8:15 - 3rd Grade
Tuesdayk, 8/29 @ 2:00 - 5th Grade
Wednesday, 8/30 @ 8:15 - 4th Grade

Faculty/Staff Mandatory Training

The link to our annual TCS Required trainings was sent out today.  Please make sure this is completed by 9/22.  We will allocate some time on Thursday afternoon to work on this.


AIMS Testing Schedule

AIMs Web Plus testing will resume this week.

Wednesday Collaboration 

We will meet in the north training room to plan. Please make sure you bring your teacher guides and laptops.  Christian Killmeyer will attend our meetings to go over EL plans with individual teachers.

We will begin planning for Thursday rotations, but will not start these until after labor day.

AEA Visit 

AEA will visit on Wednesday, 8/30.  They will be in the South Conference Room (4th grade hall).

Thursday Afternoon

All certified staff will meet in the North Training Room.  We will review how to set goals in  AimsWeb and we will work on completing our annual required trainings.

Parent Chat Night Dates

1st Grade - Monday, 8/28, 5:30-6:30
5th Grade - Tuesday, 8/29, 5:30-6:30

Paine Precepts

  • “Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.” – U. Thant
  • “Never judge someone by the way he looks or a book by the way it’s covered; for inside those tattered pages, there’s a lot to be discovered.” –  Stephen Cosgrove
  • “Leave everything a bit better then you found it.” Unknown
  • “We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same.” – C. JoyBell C.
  • “I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them.” –  Herbert H. Lehman

Friday, August 18, 2023

Weekly Update


We had a great first full week at Paine!  A special thank you to our TCS Maintenance Crew for taking care of us on Thursday!

B Week - August 21-25

North PE will be outside this week 
(weather permitting)
August Character Trait: Creativity

Announcement Helpers

Students With Birthdays that Day

Please send students who have birthdays each day to the office BY 7:55 to help with announcements.  (Please have an adult assist the little ones to the office and we will bring them back.)  Students with birthdays on Sunday should be sent with Monday birthdays and those with birthdays on Saturdays should be sent with Friday birthdays.  

Library Hours


AFT Visit

AFT will visit Paine on Tuesday, 8/22.  They will be in the conference room on the 4th grade hall.  

AIMS Testing Schedule

AIMs Web Plus will be utilized in K-5 for both Math and Reading again this year.  Please see important information below.

Math Testing:
  • K & 1 Math - We will begin administering those assessments as early as August 16th. Please look for Cindy Cornwell or Amy Meredith to pull students and administer the assessment for K & 1.
  • Math testing for 2-5 will be on Chromebooks (administered by teachers during this testing window beginning August 16th).  
Reading Testing

  • A testing team will be utilized to administer all reading to Kindergarten and 1st grade.  A testing team will administer the ORF portion for 2nd & 3rd grade.  Please see the TCS Testing Team Schedule below.

  • Students in grades 2-5 will take the other portion on their Chromebooks in the classroom (this can be done beginning August 16th.)

Wednesday Collaboration 

We will meet in the north training room to plan. Please make sure you bring your teacher guides and laptops.

Thursday Afternoon

We will have a faculty/staff meeting from 2:15-3:15 in the North Training Room.  We will go over general school safety information & the teacher handbook.  Please bring your copy of the teacher handbook.

Parent Chat Night Dates

Kindergarten - Monday, 8/21, 5:30-6:30
3rd Grade - Tuesday, 8/22, 5:30-6:30
2nd Grade - Thursday, 8/24, 5:30-6:30
1st Grade - Monday, 8/28, 5:30-6:30
5th Grade - Tuesday, 8/29, 5:30-6:30

Paine Precepts

M:  “Treat people exactly as you would like to be treated by them.” – Golden Rule
T:  “I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.” – Julius Erving
W: “It’s not so much the journey that’s important; as is the way that we treat those we encounter and those around us, along the way.” – Jeremy Aldana
T: “Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” – R.G. Risch
F: “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryan H. McGill

Friday, August 11, 2023

Weekly Update

Congratulations on a great start to our school year!  Our precious littles ones look so happy be here!  Thank you for all you are doing to create such a welcoming, happy, learning environment.  Our Meet the Teacher evenings were a huge success!  We had a great first three days with our students!  Our students are blessed with wonderful teachers and staff....and our teachers and staff are blessed with incredible students!  It is going to be the best year yet!!!

A Week - August 14-18

PE will be inside this week (due to heat)
August PACE Character Trait: Creativity

Announcement Helpers

Students With Birthdays that Day

Please send students who have birthdays each day to the office BY 7:55 to help with announcements.  (Please have an adult assist the little ones to the office and we will bring them back.)  Students with birthdays on Sunday should be sent with Monday birthdays and those with birthdays on Saturdays should be sent with Friday birthdays.  

Classroom Schedules

Once you have your classroom schedule finalized, please post a copy outside of your door and email a copy to our admin team.

AIMS Testing Schedule

AIMs Web Plus will be utilized in K-5 for both Math and Reading again this year.  Please see important information below.

Math Testing:
  • K & 1 Math - We will begin administering those assessments as early as August 16th. Please look for Cindy Cornwell or Amy Meredith to pull students and administer the assessment for K & 1.
  • Math testing for 2-5 will be on Chromebooks (administered by teachers during this testing window beginning August 16th).  
Reading Testing

  • A testing team will be utilized to administer all reading to Kindergarten and 1st grade.  A testing team will administer the ORF portion for 2nd & 3rd grade.  Please see the TCS Testing Team Schedule below.

  • Students in grades 2-5 will take the other portion on their Chromebooks in the classroom (this can be done beginning August 16th.)

Wednesday Collaboration 

We will meet in the north training room to plan.

Thursday Afternoon

Early dismissal begins on Thursday.  We need for all classified staff to cover carline duty each Thursday afternoon.  All certified staff will work with their grade level teams on Parent Chat Night Presentations and/or planning (from 2:15-3:15).

Parent Chat Night Dates

4th Grade - Tuesday, 8/15, 5:30-6:30
Kindergarten - Monday, 8/21, 5:30-6:30
3rd Grade - Tuesday, 8/22, 5:30-6:30
2nd Grade - Thursday, 8/24, 5:30-6:30
1st Grade - Monday, 8/28, 5:30-6:30
5th Grade - Tuesday, 8/29, 5:30-6:30

Paine Precepts this Week

M: "A winning effort begins with preparation." - Joe Gibbs.
T:  “I will prepare and someday my chance will come.” ― Abraham Lincoln.
W: "If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears." - Eleanor Roosevelt
T:  Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." - Alexander Graham Bell
F:  "Behind every brilliant performance, there were countless hours of practice and preparation." - Eric Butterworth

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Family News

 Family News

Please keep Dana Brown in your thoughts and prayers.  She has been in the hospital and they are running tests.  

Friday, August 4, 2023

Weekly Update

Welcome Back this Week!  It is so good to have everyone back in the building.  There is so much excitement preparing for our students to arrive next week.  
We are going to have a GREAT year!

Monday Schedule

8:00 Faculty/Staff Picture in the Courtyard
Wear your blue Paine Peeps shirt!
8:15 Breakfast in North Training Room provide by PTO
8:30 - 11:30 Opening Faculty Meeting in North Training Room
(The only thing you need for faculty meeting is a pen.  Please do NOT bring computers.)
After faculty/staff meeting lunch is on your own.


All TCS GenEd Teachers to attend session with Leslie Allen at HTHS
EITHER 8:30-9:30 OR 10:00-11:00
Lunch on your own.

Staggered Start for Students

Wednesday, 8/9 Students with Last Names (A-J)
Thursday, 8/10 Students with Last Names (K-Z)

Friday, 8/11 - ALL students attend school

Schedule for 8/9-8/11

We will follow the A Week Schedule and repeat Wednesday specials on Thursday.  We will begin our first full week (beg 8/14) on the A week schedule.


The cleaning crew has started back to work at our school. Please be sure to lock up any valuables each day.

Meet the Teacher Dates & Times

Sunday, 8/6 @ 4:00 - 1st Grade
Sunday 8/6 @ 5:00 - PreK, Kinder, & Matos
Monday, 8/7 @ 4:00 - 5th Grade
Monday, 8/7 @ 5:00 - 4th Grade
Monday, 8/7 @ 6:00 - 3rd Grade
Tuesday, 8/8 @ 5:00 - 2nd Grade

Classroom Schedules

Once you have your classroom schedule finished, please share with all 3 administrators via Google.

Family News

We are so excited to welcome two precious babies to our Paine Family this week!

Congratulations to Abby & Chuck Ayers on the birth of Eleanor Reid Ayers. She weighs 6 lbs 8 oz.

Congratulations to Julia and Sam Miller on the birth of Mia Miller!  She weighs 8 lbs 4 oz.

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...