Friday, March 31, 2023

Weekly Update

Teachers & Staff,   

I hope everyone had a fun & restful Spring break.  The work you do is SO important!  Thank you for your dedication, passion, & commitment to our students. Let's continue to make every moment count!  We have less than 8 weeks left.  Together...we've got this!!!  

With love & appreciation,  Lisa

                         C Week - April 3-7

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Assistant Principal Appreciation Week

It is Assistant Principal Appreciation Week.  We have two of the best assistant principals!  Thank you to Donna Brumlow and Maggie Jensen for all you do for our students and staff!  

Paraprofessional Appreciation Day - Wednesday

Wednesday is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!  Thank you to the most amazing paraprofessionals at Paine Elementary!  You are unsung heroes and champions for the students you work with!  You make a difference every day!  Thank you!!!

ACAP Testing

Students in grades 2-5 will continue with the ACAP State Test on  Tuesday.  Thank you for your continued hard work to prepare our students.  The schedule for testing is below:

Please remind your parents of our testing schedule and the importance of our students being on time, getting enough rest and eating a good breakfast.  Please encourage students to do their very best!  During Monday morning announcements we will provide words of encouragement for students who will be testing the next morning.  Right after announcements please feel free to show students the ACAP video again in your morning meeting.  

ACAP Video Link: 

Important Testing Reminders

  • There should be no activity/traveling through the building beginning at 8:10 until you receive word that morning group testing is complete.
  • We will begin the PE schedule as soon as whole group testing is complete. We will get the word out, but will not make an intercom announcement due to continued small  group testing.
  • Travel in hallways should be limited and students should remain supervised and quiet.
  • Please avoid hallways that have "testing" signs.
  • K & 1, If you have morning recess we are asking you to move this to a later time when whole group testing is complete.  This is to ensure there is no traffic in the hallways.  
  • There will be NO lunch visitors on ACAP testing days.

Tuesday (Testing Day) PE Schedule

We will be on a modified schedule on Tuesday due to testing.  There will be no specials. We plan to begin PE at 10:50 (but please wait on word that testing is complete before proceeding to PE).  We will try to have outside PE if weather permits.  If we are able to do this, we will be using the north field and south playground.  Tuesday PE times are listed below.

11:00-11:30  - 2nd Grade

11:30-12:00  - 4th Grade

12:00-12:30   -  3rd Grade

1:00-1:30 - 1st Grade     

1:30-2:00  - Kindergarten    

2:00-2:30  - 5th Grade

Teachers in grades 2-5, please consider offering your students a 30 minute recess on Tuesday after testing is complete.  Be sure to inform the office of your recess time/location (since it will differ from our regular schedule).  

Collaboration Calendar

There will be no required collaboration this week due to ACAP testing.  

Thursday - Faculty Meeting

We will have a faculty meeting at 2:15 on Thursday in the North Training room.

Friday - Teacher Flex Day

There is no school for students on Friday.  Teachers, if you completed BOTH of your approved summer flex days...enjoy your flex day off on Friday!  I have emailed any teachers where there is a question about the flex day.  If you received an email, be sure to get with me asap.

4/3-4/7 - Assistant Principal Appreciation
Tues, 4/4 - ACAP ELA 
Wed, 4/5 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
Wed, 4/5  - ACAP Science (4th)
Tues, 4/11 - Kindergarten Music Program
Wed, 4/12 - ACAP Math
Tues, 4/18 - EnRICh will start back
Fri, 5/5 - Blanche's 3rd Birthday (Plans to be announced)
5/8-5/12 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/9 & 5/11 - STEM Certification Meetings with Review Team
Thurs, 5/11 - PES Musical (day & evening performances)
Fri, 5/12 - 5th Grade Extravaganza

Paine Precepts (working hard)

I find the harder I work the more luck I seem to have. 
- Thomas Jefferson
Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself. 
- Chinese Proverb
Genius is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration. 
- Thomas Edison
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. 
- B.B. King

Friday, March 17, 2023

Weekly Update


 B Week - March 20-24

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)
PACE Character Trait for March - Self Control

Paine Practice - Best Practice

Hannah Lutz actively listening to her students engage in Turn & Talk.

Reese Guthrie rotating around the room to assess student progress with an investigation.

Karen Ekonen leading students in a discussion to find the meaning in a poem.

Heather Cates leads students in a sound drill which includes blends, digraphs, short and long vowel sounds, etc.

ACAP Testing - Important

Beginning this week, students in grades 2-5 will be taking the ACAP State Test.  Thank you for your continued hard work to prepare our students.  The schedule for testing is below:

ACAP ELA Testing – Thursday, March 23, 2023

Grades 2 & 3

Session 4: Phonics & Vocabulary

Session 3:  ELA Writing & TDW

Grades 4 & 5

Session 1: Audio, Phonics & Vocabulary

Session 3: Writing & TDW

ACAP ELA Testing – Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Grades 2 & 3

Session 1: Audio, Phonological Awareness & Fluency

Session 2:  Comprehension

Grades 4 & 5

Session 2: Comprehension

Session 4: Comprehension

ACAP Science Testing – Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Grade 4

Sessions 1 & 2: Science

ACAP Math Testing – Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 Grade 2

Sessions 1 & 2: Math

Grades 3 - 5

Sessions 1 & 2: Math

Please remind your parents of our testing schedule and the importance of our students being on time, getting enough rest and eating a good breakfast.  Please encourage students to do their very best!

During Wednesday morning announcements we will provide words of encouragement for students who will be testing the next morning.  Right after announcements please show students the ACAP video (5th grade may want to show it after specials & pe).  We put the link to the video in the blog before Wednesday morning.

Important Testing Reminders

  • There should be no activity/traveling through the building beginning at 8:10 until you receive word that morning group testing is complete.
  • We will begin the PE schedule as soon as whole group testing is complete. We will get the word out, but will not make an intercom announcement due to continued small  group testing.
  • Travel in hallways should be limited and students should remain supervised and quiet.
  • Please avoid hallways that have "testing" signs.
  • There is no recess on Thursday so recess is not an issue for our first test session.  For future test days after spring break....if you have morning recess we are asking you to move this to a later time when whole group testing is complete.  This is to ensure there is no traffic in the hallways.  
  • There will be NO lunch visitors on ACAP testing days.

Thank you to Christy Naylor, Caroline Kidd, and Sara Taylor for all of the work you have put in to ensure we have a smooth process for testing.  Thank you to Taylor Knuppel, Catherine Cowden, Caroline Kidd, and Sara Taylor for spearheading the creation of our ACAP video.  Thank you to all Paine teachers and staff who participated in the creation of our testing video this year.  We cannot wait to see it!

Thursday (Testing Day) PE Schedule

We will be on a modified schedule on Thursday due to testing.  We plan to begin PE at 10:50 (but please wait on word that testing is complete before proceeding to PE).  We will try to have outside PE if weather permits.  If we are able to do this, we will be using the north field and south playground.  Thursday PE times are listed below.

10:50-11:20  - 2nd Grade

11:20-11:50  - 4th Grade

11:50-12:20  -  3rd Grade

12:20-12:50 - 1st Grade     

12:50-1:20 - Kindergarten    

1:20-1:50 - 5th Grade

Collaboration Calendar

There will be no required collaboration this week due to ACAP preparation & testing.  We will use our early release time on Thursday to ensure we have added all of our evidence to our PLPs.


Elizabeth Moffett collaborated with Rachel Brockman & Jessica Bryant to facilitate an amazing learning experience on area & perimeter using BeeBots. Eliabeth's students engaged in a read aloud of “Can I Be Your Dog?” which is about a dog named Arfy who is looking for his forever home. The class followed the Engineering Design Process (EDP) as they began working for a fencing company to design fences for Arfy's new home. Students drew a sketch of their fence including labeling the dimensions. After designing, students found the area and perimeter of their fence, then programmed the BeeBot to draw the fence as a blueprint. Students reflected on what went wrong when it was not perfect, made corrections, and retested with their BeeBot. They came up with some amazing blueprints to share with Arfy's new owners. This was such a fun and engaging activity, and there is no doubt that this group of kids will always remember area and perimeter! 

Free Books for Classroom Libraries

Out with the old, in with the new - we’re making room for over 600 new library books! Stop by the library workroom (where the laminator is) and take any books you’d like from the FREE BOOKS cart. We will be weeding the collection throughout the rest of the year, so keep checking back to see what’s on the FREE BOOKS cart!

Upcoming Dates

Thur, 3/23 - ACAP ELA Assessments
3/27-3/31 - Spring Break
Tues, 4/4 - ACAP ELA Assessments
Wed, 4/5  - ACAP Science (4th)
Tues, 4/11 - Kindergarten Music Program
Wed, 4/12 - ACAP Math
Tues, 4/18 - EnRICh will start back
Fri, 5/5 - Blanche's 3rd Birthday (Plans to be announced)
5/8-5/12 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/9 & 5/11 - STEM Certification Meetings with Review Team
Thurs, 5/11 - PES Musical (day & evening performances)
Fri, 5/12 - 5th Grade Extravaganza

Paine Precepts (Effort)

Continuous effort– not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.    --Winston Churchill  

All things are difficult before they are easy.”   --Thomas Fuller

Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Willing is not enough; we must do.”     --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   

Just try to bethe best you can be; never cease trying to be the best you can be.  That’s in your power.”   --John Wooden

If a task is once begun, never leave it till it’s done.  Be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all.”    --Author Unknown

Friday, March 10, 2023

Weekly Update

 A Week - March 13-17

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)
PACE Character Trait for March - Self Control

Collaboration Calendar-March

Upcoming Dates

Tues, 3/14 - PES Choir Concert at 5:30 in North Gym
Thur, 3/23 - ACAP Writing Assessment
3/27-3/31 - Spring Break
4/4 & 4/5 - ACAP Reading & Science (4th)
Tues, 4/11 - Kindergarten Music Program
Wed, 4/12 - ACAP Math
Tues, 4/18 - EnRICh will start back
Fri, 5/5 - Blanche's 3rd Birthday (Plans to be announced)
5/9 & 5/11 - STEM Certification Meetings with Review Team
Thurs, 5/11 - PES Musical (day & evening performances)
Fri, 5/12 - 5th Grade Extravaganza

Paine Precepts - Self Control

“By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character.” Grenville Kleise

“My super power is self-control.” Anonymous

 “Self-control is the ability to control the expression of our passions and emotions.” Anonymous

“You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how your feel. Remember that.” Anonymous

“Silence is not always a sign of weakness; it’s also a sign of strong self-control.” Anonymous

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Prayers Needed

 Paine Family,

Amy Inman had her precious baby girl this afternoon (at 24 weeks). The baby weighed 1.4 pounds.  Please join us in praying for both mom and baby.  We will meet in the library at 2:15 tomorrow for anyone who would like to join us in a group prayer.  

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Weekly Update

 C Week - March 6-10

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)
PACE Character Trait for March - Self Control

Paine Practice ... Best Practice

Paine Faculty learning about Exact Path; we're always exploring ways to support our students.

Ms. Cowden is "all-in" with her students. They are constructing a runway based on specified measurements.

Mrs. Felts using her Smart Board/math manipulatives to help students understand multiplying decimals.

ACAP Testing Dates

There has been one change to our ACAP testing plans for Literacy.  In addition to taking Session 3-Writing & TDW, students will also take an additional literacy test on the first day. This will reduce the test sessions from three to two on April 4th.  Please see the updated schedule below.

ACAP Alternate Testing

ACAP Alternate testing will be March 6-9.  We will be in testing mode on those days and will refrain from making any announcements as long as testing is going on.  Please remind students to be completely quiet in the hallways.

Leadership Trussville Visit - March 9th

Leadership Trussville will be visiting Paine Elementary Thursday afternoon.

Collaboration Calendar-March

We will have testing training during collaboration on Wednesday & Grade Level collaboration on Thursday.

Music in our Schools Month

March is "Music in our Schools" Month!  We are so blessed to have the best music and art program at Paine!  Friday, we will celebrate Music in our Schools month by dressing up to represent our favorite genre of music.  Please communicate this to your parents.  

ACAP Boot Camp

On March 9th & 10ths, we will have an ACAP Boot Camp to get 2nd-5th students comfortable with the ACAP online tools. Our original plan was to do this during Tuesday skills, but we realized it would not give us enough time.  Please look for your time below. This will be held in the STREAM Studio.  Please make sure your students Chromebooks are charged.  The boot camp will be facilitated by our counselors and other faculty, so classroom teachers will be able to use this hour to work on their ACAP review plans for their content area.  Please adjust your schedules accordingly.


Mrs. Weyerman's are working on the "You're the Teacher" STREAM learning experience.  They are creating products from the choice board to teach others about math concepts. They were placed in groups based on their ranking of the standards they wanted to emphasize.

Upcoming Dates

3/6-3/9 - ACAP Alternate Testing
Thurs, 3/9 - Leadership Trussville Visits PES
Tues, 3/14 - PES Choir Concert at 5:30 in North Gym
Thur, 3/23 - ACAP Writing Assessment
3/27-3/31 - Spring Break
4/4 & 4/5 - ACAP Reading & Science (4th)
Tues, 4/11 - Kindergarten Music Program
Wed, 4/12 - ACAP Math
Tues, 4/18 - EnRICh will start back
Fri, 5/5 - Blanche's 3rd Birthday (Plans to be announced)
5/9 & 5/11 - STEM Certification Meetings with Review Team
Thurs, 5/11 - PES Musical (day & evening performances)
Fri, 5/12 - 5th Grade Extravaganza

Paine Precepts - Self Control

To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt
You decide your own level of involvement. - Chuck Palahniuk
“If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future.” - Germany Kent
“Just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should.” - Hanya Yanagihara
“Your future is only as secure as your ability to say NO when it matters.” 0 Jonathan Heimberg

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Family News

Celebrating the life of our friend and colleague, Jana LoPresti on this two-year anniversary of her passing.  She continues to impact so many lives and her legacy lives on at Paine Elementary!

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...