Saturday, January 28, 2023

Weekly Update

              A Week - January 30-February 3

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

PACE Character Trait for February - KINDNESS
Please talk about this throughout the month in your morning meetings.

Paine Practice ... Best Practice

The words of affirmation you wrote on each other's plates were so inspiring!

Mrs. Trowbridge working with a small group. She is teaching students how to accurately verbalize sounds by "trimming them".  For example the correct pronunciation of the g sound is not /ga/ but /g/.

Each grade level met during collaboration to look at ACAP rubrics and guides. Thank you to Kelly McGough, Jenni Peters, and Jessica Bryant for your guidance and commitment to our learning!

1st Grade Teachers examining each other's student math notebooks during collaboration.

Important Reminders

Teachers, we need your help.  It is imperative that you get someone to cover your duty if you are not going to be there.  Also, please make sure you are there on time (7:20 if you have morning duty).  Duty is one of our job responsibilities and a crucial part of our safety ensure students are properly supervised, and therefore, safe.

Please use your pack-up time for any students requiring a bathroom visit before going to the buses. We have several students who are asking to go the bathroom when they get to the bus. We cannot send students back in, because we are trying to efficiently release the buses.  Thank you for you help.

Chewing Gum
Students are NOT allowed to chew gum at school. We have seen several students doing this; the gum ends up in place in our building.  This is a school rule, so please remove any gum from your treasure boxes and do not give gum as a reward.  If you find one of your students chewing gum, please have them throw it away and remind them of this expectation.
Thank you for helping us keep our school safe and clean!

Exact Path Pilot Program

TCS is piloting a program that will provide diagnostic data on students in reading and math. We have limited seats so our PST will determine which students will need this tool.  After a student's diagnostic assessment is completed, this system will determine a learning path to close gaps. We are hopeful this information will be helpful when planning and implementing interventions.  Since we have a limited number of seats, we will have students on IEPs or in Tier 3 complete the diagnostic at this time. Through PST we will determine if any additional students will be assessed.

We are asking IEP case managers to have your students take the diagnostic assessment this week when they are in your room.  If they have a math goal...take the math diagnostic, if reading goal...the reading diagnostic, if both...the students will take both diagnostics. The students are able to assess this in Clever.  Please make sure they complete the assessment in a quiet environment and completely independent so we have accurate data.

We are also asking our Tier 3 Interventionist to have their students complete in their rooms sometime this week.  If a student comes to the interventionist for math...they should take the math diagnostic, and so on.   If you have any questions please let us know.

We will provide additional information and guidance on using this tool once the designated student diagnostics are complete.

EnRICh, ACAP Prep, & Thursdays

We will not begin Semester 2 EnRICh (2-5) until after state testing.  Since we will be starting later, we will have two EnRICh sessions per week once it begins.  We will provide more information on this later.

This is going to provide teachers and students with more time before testing for test preparation. Literacy Teachers (grades 2-5) will designate Thursdays for writing, utilizing the ACAP rubrics to ensure student growth with writing. Math Teachers in those grades will use that time to ensure all math concepts have been taught and reviewed.


We are so excited to get our collaborative lessons in the STREAM Studio underway.  Teachers in grade 2-5, please consider signing up for this collaborative teaching opportunity with Mrs. McCauley.  Your students will engage in "You're the Teacher" where they will create a product that teaches others about the important math concepts for the year.  This is an engaging opportunity to deepen their understanding in math and serve as a review before testing.  Please look for the links to the specific documents for this experience in a subsequent blog post.

STREAM Studio Reservations

The STREAM Studio can accommodate up to 2 classes at once. Feel free to plan with your partner teacher so that we can make the best use of the space!


To Book the STREAM Studio (space only):

·        Please use the PES Room Scheduler (also on the Paine Peeps blog) to book the room itself.


To Book STREAM Studio Collaboration (with Hannah McCauley):

·        Sign up for times here and email me about what lesson you'd like to do. Please make sure to also book the space using the PES Room Scheduler (also on the Paine Peeps blog).

·        Time slots are listed in 15 minute increments to have as much flexibility as possible for the exact start/end times that you need.

·        If you need different times than what's listed, please schedule the closest available time and email me with the details of exactly what times you need! (For example, if you need your time slot to start at 8:20, but the schedule only shows 8:15, go ahead and book the 8:15 time and email me.)

·        Book as many slots as you need to cover the amount of time that your lesson will take!

·        If you have a specific lesson idea that you'd like to work on together, please email me so we can work on it together!

Collaboration Calendar for February

Air Purifiers

We wanted to let you know our school is getting 30 air purifiers.  We will strategically place them around the school as soon as they arrive!

Erin's Law Presentations for Kindergarten & 3rd

Just a reminder that our Erin’s Law presentations with the Exchange Club will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for all our Kindergarten and Third Grade classes.  Please check your email for a schedule sent by Mrs. Naylor.  Teachers you may use your classes' designated time to catch up (while your students are in the session), because our counselors will be in there with them.  Please make sure you drop-off and pick up your students on time because we have a tight schedule for these presentations.  If you have any questions about Erin's Law or the presentations, please let Mrs. Naylor know.

Upcoming Dates

2/10 - HTMS will be visiting 5th graders during PE classes.

Paine Precepts - Kindness 

“If you can be anything, be kind” – UNKNOWN

“A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men.” – Thomas Carlyle

“Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Period. No exceptions.” – Kiana Tom

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” - Plato 

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. ~ Henry James

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Weekly Update

               C Week - January 23-27, 2023

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Paine Practice ... Best Practice

100 Day Stations in Mrs. Stodghill's Kindergarten Class.

Mrs. O'Dell's class on the 100th day of school...EPIC moments in Kindergarten.

Mrs. Dillard leading a discussion with her Kindergarteners on what 100 looks like using various items.

Mrs. Felts rotating around the room questioning students during an investigation.

Mr. Margavio explicitly teaching a Sonday System lesson.

Mrs. Swatek's students constructing knowledge about mixed number and improper fractions.

Go Guardian Training

Go Guardian is a tool that should be utilized in every classroom to manage student usage of their Chromebooks.  Our technology department is offering Go Guardian training for teachers who need this.  Please consider this important training if you are not well-versed in Go Guardian, want to expand your knowledge, or need a refresher.

Maintain a Well-Managed Classroom with GoGuardian!

 Join Rachel Brockman and April Chamberlain
On Tuesday, January 24th
from 3:30 – 4:30
in the 2nd floor BOE Training Room

 Receive 1 hour of PD Credit in PowerSchool Professional Learning

Registration Link:

 Together we will learn how to utilize this powerful tool to:

  1. Access or create GoGuardian classes
  2. Maintain student focus on content using GoGuardian sessions
  3. Create and apply scenes that block or allow particular sites you choose
  4. Receive off-task alerts
  5. Differentiate GoGuardian sessions based on student needs
  6. Run class-wide timeline website usage reports
  7. Run individual student reports for conferences or documentation

Access Testing

Access Testing will continue on Monday and Tuesday of this week.   Mrs. Killmeyer will be testing these students in the North Counseling Suite.  Reminder:  We will be in state testing mode on these days until the testing is complete.  
This means we must be quiet in the hallways and will not come over the intercom for any announcements once testing is in progress 
Jan 23-24
Feb 14-15 (makeup testing)

Collaboration Calendar

Reminder: On Wednesday, Literacy Teachers (3-5) should bring a high, medium, and low student writing product from each unit of study.


Grade Level Collaboration

·       K-New Open Court Reading Curriculum

·       1st – Math Curriculum ‘

·       2-5 – ACAP Preparation (Coaches)

o   Review Writing Data

o   Bring samples (HML) of student writing from each unit.

o   Examine work based on rubrics



Faculty Meeting in the North Training Room.


ACAP – Test forms signed

STREAM Studio – Next Steps


Thursday - Lockdown Drill

We will have our second semester lockdown drill on Thursday at approximately 1:00.  Please review your safety protocols and script for you to use with students in your Teacher Handbook.  We will send a communication out to parents on Monday informing them of this drill.

Friday - Grade Level Assemblies

We will have our grade level assemblies on Friday in the SOUTH Gym.  We will present student recognitions for the month of December.  The schedule is as follows:

Kindergarten 8:30-9:00
1st Grade 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade 10:30-11:00
4th Grade 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade 12:30-1:00
5th Grade 1:30-2:00

Upcoming Dates

1/23-1/24 - ACCESS Testing/ELL
Thursday, 1/26 - Lockdown Drill
Friday, 1/27 - Assemblies/Recognitions

Paine Precepts 


Mahatma Gandhi


Rosa Parks


Don Galer


Spencer Johnson


R. C. Samsel

Friday, January 13, 2023

Weekly Update

                             B Week - January 17-20, 2023

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

No School on Monday - Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr!

Paine Practice ... Best Practice  

Ms. Jacobs leading a numeracy discussion on subitizing with her Kindergarten students.

Mrs. Stewart leading a 1st grade mini-lesson on equivalency.

Mrs. Dillard integrating science observations with the study of  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They cracked open two eggs that look different on the outside and found they were the same on the inside.
Mrs. Carlson leading a numeracy talk with her 1st graders.

Ms. Dyess' students sharing their work about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Student Math Journals in Mrs. Moore's Kindergarten Class

Access Testing

Access Testing will begin for our ELL students this week.  Mrs. Killmeyer will be testing these students in the North Counseling Suite.  Reminder:  We will be in state testing mode on these days until the testing is complete.  
This means we must be quiet in the hallways and will not come over the intercom for any announcements once testing is in progress 
The testing dates are as follows:
Jan 18-20
Jan 23-24
Feb 14-15 (makeup testing)

Collaboration Calendar - January

Please see changes to the Collaboration Calendar for the remainder of January.  
On January 25th, teachers in grades 2-5, we will begin a series of 3 to 4 ACAP Data Review & Training Sessions with our Academic Coaches.  Literacy Teachers (4-5):  You will be asked to bring samples of your final writing product from each unit in Amplify (a high, medium, and low from each).

Upcoming Dates

Mon, 1/16 - MLK Holiday
1/17-2/8 - Window for AimsWeb Reading Assessments
1/18-1/24 - ACCESS Testing/ELL
Friday, 1/27 - Assemblies/Recognitions

Paine Precepts 

Quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Life's most persistent and urgent question is, "What are you doing for others?"
  • If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
  • Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great because greatness is determined by service.
  • Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Family News

Congratulations to Rebekah Ferguson and her family!  Violet Jean Ferguson was born last night.  She weighs 6 lbs 12 oz and is 21 inches long.  She is absolutely beautiful!!!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Progress Reports

Progress reports (3rd-5th) go out this week. Teachers, please have grades entered before you leave on Wednesday, 1/11.   Cathy will run reports first thing on Thursday, 1/12.  Friday, 1/13 progress reports will go home. 

FYI...Progress reports will also be populated in the Parent Portal as a “green” option.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Weekly Update

Please take some time this week and revisit your classroom behavior plan and the importance of regular attendance with your students. As we begin 2023, please include this information in your parent newsletter:  1) Your classroom behavior plan, and 2) The importance of regular attendance and its direct impact on learning.  

                A Week - January 9-13, 2023

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

January PACE Character Trait is INTEGRITY!

Paine Practice ... Best Practice  

Mrs. Holly Moore meeting with a small group.
Mrs. Ayers meeting with a small group to construct knowledge of fraction equivalence.

Mrs. Weller leading an Open Court Phonics lesson with her students.

Mrs. Findley's students are "all in" during this phonics lesson.

Class Pictures on Wednesday, January 11th

We will call classes for class pictures throughout the day.  Please make sure you have all of your students when you proceed to the room for pictures.

Tentative ACAP Testing Schedule

Several of you have asked for a tentative ACAP schedule (for planning purposes).  Listed below is the latest schedule for Paine Elementary.  This is tentative as of right now.

March 23rd -  ELA (Session 3: Writing/TDW)
April 4th - ELA  (Sessions 1,2,4:  Phonics, Comprehension, Vocabulary)
April 5th - Science
April 12th - Math (Sessions 1 & 2)

Collaboration Calendar - January

Upcoming Dates

Wed, 1/11 -  Class Picture Day
Mon, 1/16 - MLK Holiday
1/17-2/8 - Window for AimsWeb Reading Assessments
1/18-1/24 - ACCESS Testing/ELL
Friday, 1/27 - Assemblies/Recognitions

Paine Precepts (Integrity)

  • “Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking.” – J.C. Watts
  • “When I do good, I feel good.  When I do bad, I feel bad.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Every time I’ve done something that doesn’t feel right, it’s ended up not being right.” – Mario Cuomo
  • “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” – Malcolm Forbes
  • “Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” -Henry David Thoreau

Monday, January 2, 2023

Important Update for this Week

Thursday Afternoon

We will NOT have early dismissal on Thursday since it is a 3 day week.  Please make sure your parents are aware.  We will also be putting this on our social media.  There will be no early release meetings on Thursday.

District PD - Action Items before January 11th

Please click on link below as a refresher and reminder of the action items to be completed before our next PD on 1/11.

District PD Action Items

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...