Friday, October 28, 2022

Weekly Update

 C Week - October 31-November 4, 2022

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Paine Practice...Best Practice
   Ms. Cowden's 5th Grade Class made up a song to remember key math terms. 
Click on Link below to hear their song!

Teaching our students compassion during Turn Trussville Pink Week (Ms. Phillips' 3rd Grade Students)

Mrs. McCauley has students engaged in her library lesson!

Mrs. Ayers using Kahoot to motivate her students and as a formative assessment tool!

Fall Festival - Saturday, November 5th

Thank you to everyone for your hard work to ensure our Fall Festival is a success.  This event is so much fun!  We look forward to seeing everyone there on Saturday!  Please be sure to include the Fall Festival flyer in your parent communication this week.

Important Reminder - Reporting of Threats

Any threat of violence reported by a student or witnessed by staff should be reported to the office/admin promptly.  Our administrative team will investigate and complete our threat assessment protocol immediately.  

Library Updates

  • Book Fair
    • Book Fair starts on Monday! Don’t forget to check this doc for information and to sign up to bring your class.
    • Set up your teacher eWallet so that parents can donate to purchase books for your classroom! One teacher has had $90 donated so far!
    • Please share our Book Fair website with your parents and encourage them to set up eWallet for their students!
    • Family Shopping Night for Book Fair will be on Tuesday, Nov. 1 from 3:30-6:30. Please communicate this with parents and make sure they know that students cannot stay after school for this.
  • Tuesday Library Classes during Book Fair
    • Library Classes on Tuesday, Nov. 1 and Tuesday, Nov. 8 will be in the STREAM Studio.
    • Students should not bring any library books to return since classes will not be in the library!
  • Library Hours during Book Fair
    • Library hours will be slightly different during Book Fair, so please make sure to check the Open Library Hours doc before sending students to the library.
    • Please only send 1 student at a time to check out books during Book Fair.
  • Library Doors
    • Beginning on Monday, the library doors will be locked until 7:50 every morning. Students should not be crossing through the library before school.


EnRICh will begin this Thursday, November 3rd for students in Grades 2-5.  We have so many exciting cross-curricular EnRICh experiences which will cover many standards.  Please see important information below:
  1. Monday - You will receive a roster of your homeroom students with their EnRICh sessions.  Please inform the students of the sessions they will participate in.  We had to limit the number of students in each session, so please inform your students if they did not get their first choice they will have another opportunity to sign up for a new EnRICh session second semester.
  2. Tuesday - Teachers will receive a copy of the student roster for the session they are teaching as well as the lesson plan outline. 
  3. Wednesday - Your will receive badges for your homeroom students to wear each Thursday to their EnRICh sessions.  In collaboration, we will finalize any missing pieces/answer questions.i
  4. Thursday Morning Meeting - Please use this time to talk your students about the behavior expectation regarding the transition to their EnRICh classroom.  We should be on Zone Zero in the hallway and students should be walking on 3rd street.  They should not pass each other but walk in a line until they reach their classroom (most sessions will be on their grade level wing).
  5. Thursday Afternoon at 1:00 - Have your students lined up to proceed to their sessions. Every teacher should in the hallway by their door to send students off and receive their EnRICh students.  It is imperative that we stick to the times on Thursday.  EnRICh begins promptly at 1:00 and ends right at 1:50.  (It is recommended you have students pack up on Thursdays before going to EnRICh.)
Note: You may need to make an adjustment to your Thursday schedule to accommodate EnRICh.

November Collaboration Calendar

Wednesday (Planning Time)

Thursday (2:15-3:15)

November 2nd

·        Grade Level Collaboration (No/So Coll Rooms)

November 3rd

·        Grade Level Collaboration


November 9th

·      Grade Level Collaboration (No/So Coll Rooms)

November 10th

·      Leadership Team Meeting (No Training Room)

·         STEM Leadership Team Meeting (STREAM room)

·         New Teacher Meeting (Library)

·         All other certified staff will collaborate

November 16th 

·        District PD with Dr. Berry (No Training Room)

November 17th

·        Grade Level Collaboration, Sped Meeting, STEM Leadership Team Meeting

November 30th

·       STREAM Studio PD with Dr. Lothspeich & Mrs. McCauley (STREAM Studio)

December 1st

·         Grade Level Collaboration

Upcoming Important Dates

Tuesday, November 1st - HTHS Basketball players to help with morning car & bus line
November 2 & 3 - Vision Screening for Kindergarten, 2nd, & 4th
Saturday, November 5th - Paine Fall Festival (9:00-1:00)
Sunday, November 6th - Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back)
Thursday, November 10th - Veterans Day Program
Friday, November 11th - Veterans Day/No School
November 21-22 - Remote Learning Days
November 23-25 - Thanksgiving Break

Paine Precepts

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody. - Kid President
To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world. - Dr. Seuss
People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did.  But, people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou
Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud. - May Angelou
It's cool to be kind. - Unknown

Friday, October 21, 2022

Weekly Update

B Week - October 24-28, 2022

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Paine Practice...Best Practice

Mrs.Calvin & Ms. Smith providing explicit, purposeful reading instruction to their small groups.

Ms. Proctor's 3rd grade students with "eyes on print"; they're building reading stamina. 

Mr. Margavio making every instructional minute count with his reading group.

Mrs. Moffet utilizing appointment cards for partnering students, saving instructional time and maximizing peer learning!

Ms. Barker's 3rd grade class utilizing interactive math notebooks as a key learning tool!

Red Ribbon Week

Grade Level Assemblies - Monday

We will have our grade level assemblies on Monday in the North Gym.  We will present student recognitions for the month of September.  The schedule is as follows:

Kindergarten 8:30-9:00
1st Grade 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade 10:30-11:00
4th Grade 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade 12:30-1:00
5th Grade 1:30-2:00

Courtyard - Monday, 10/24

Our 1st grade will be using the courtyard for their 50's Day Soc Hop from 2:15-2:45.  If your recess is scheduled on the courtyard during that time, please find an alternative location on Monday (and please let the office know where your class is).


Teachers in grades 2-5, please make sure all of your students have completed their EnRICh applications by Monday afternoon.  We will finalize EnRICh placements by the end of the week.  All EnRICh teachers will meet Thursday during early release time to review the lesson plans.  EnRICh will start on Thursday, November 3rd.

Collaboration -  Wednesday & Thursday

Wednesday - We will have grade collaboration in the north & south collaboration rooms.

Thursday (during early release time) - EnRICh teachers (2-5) & Specialists will meet to go over EnRICh lesson plans.  Grades K & 1 will collaborate.  Our STEM Leadership Team will also meet at this time..

Tornado Drill - Thursday

We will have our first tornado drill Thursday at 1:30.  Please review your tornado drill locations in advance. Remind students we are on a "Zone Zero" during a drill.  Please wait on the intercom announcement at approximately 1:30. 

Fire Safety Presentation - Friday

On Friday, 10/28 the Trussville Fire Department will be bringing a fire truck and talking with our Kindergarten and 1st grade students about fire safety.  This will be held in the South Carline at the following times.
Kindergarten - 9:00 am
1st Grade - 10:00 am

Rhithm App - Information from Counselors

Now that faculty & students have been trained on Rhithm, we hope everyone has a better understanding about the purpose, how to use it, how to monitor, and how it can benefit students as part of their daily morning routine.  So please see below:
  1. If you haven’t already, please begin using Rhithm again on Monday, Oct .24th   
  2. ALL students will be given the 2 question survey now – should only take a few minutes. 
  3. You can decide the best time for your class to log-in and “get into Rhithm,” but all Rhithm check-in’s should be done by 10am daily.   
  4. Please monitor your teacher dashboard each day to stay in the know about what your kids are submitting.
  5. You can set up your own risk alerts if you wish.
  6. If you have any questions, concerns about students, needs, etc. let us know!


Upcoming Important Dates

October 24-28 - Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday, November 1st - HTHS Basketball players to help with morning car & bus line
November 2 & 3 - Vision Screening for Kindergarten, 2nd, & 4th
Saturday, November 5th - Paine Fall Festival (9:00-1:00)
Thursday, November 10th - Veterans Day Program

Paine Precepts (Responsibility)

  • “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.” – Moliere
  • “Nothing will ever change while you point the finger of blame.  Out of responsibility comes possibility.” – Lisa Villa Prosen
  • “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.” – Mitt Romney
  • “Every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity and obligation, every possession, a duty.” – John D. Rockefeller

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Family News

Please keep Carter Pharis' wife, Kelly Anne in your thoughts and prayers.  She is in the hospital with a collapsed lung.

Congratulations to Sara Coshatt on her recent engagement!

Weekly Update

  A Week - October 17-21, 2022

South PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Best Practice...Paine Practice
Mrs. Weyerman working the room and checking in on student strategies!

Mrs. Swann engaging her students by giving them a few seconds to agree on a response!

Mrs. Knuppel directing the 1st grade music program (which was amazing)!

Mrs. Rogers directing the second 1st grade music program!  The program "Cookies" was the best!

1st Graders engaged in the Cookies Music Program!

Dr. Berry leading us in PD.  We are continuous learners at PES!!!

4th/5th Grade Skills - Important Changes

Beginning this Tuesday, the Rotation for 4th & 5th Grade Skills will be cursive handwriting.  Skills for 4th & 5th will now meet in the Counselor Classroom on the side of the building where your specials are held.


October Collaboration Schedule

We have made some necessary adjustments to the collaboration calendar for the remainder of the month.  

This week:  Wednesday we will have grade level/content collaboration.  Thursday we will have a faculty meeting; Board President, Kathy Brown will speak.



October 5th

·         Grade Level Collaboration (No/So Coll Rooms)

October 6th

·         Leadership Team Meeting (No Training Room)

·         STEM Leadership Team Meeting (STREAM room)

·         New Teacher Meeting (Library)

·         All oth/Per certified staff will collaborate

October 12th

·         District PD with Dr. Berry (No Training Room)

October 13th

·         Grade Level Collaboration (Grade Level Chair Classrooms)

October 19th

·         Grade Level Collaboration 

October 20th

·        Faculty Meeting: Board President, Kathy Brown to talk with faculty/staff

October 26th

·       STREAM Studio PD with Dr. Lothspeich & Hannah McCauley (STREAM Studio)

October 27th  

·         Grade Level Collaboration

EnRICh Update

EnRICh for students in Grades 2-5 will begin the first week of November.  We will have a 6-week experience for students this semester.  Each teacher in grades 2-5 will teach an EnRICh lesson on Thursdays from 1:00-1:50.  Please get with your grade level chair for more information on what this would look like on your hallway. We know how busy everyone is right now, so Hannah McCauley and I are working together to provide the inventory of learning experiences, along with the 6 weeks of plans.  We are working to tie in as many of your standards as possible so these experiences serve as additional exposure to your learning goals. Of course, if you want to do something that is not on our list and create the may do this.  Or, if you want to select something from our list and modify the plans, that will work, too. We are trying to eliminate any extra work for teachers at this time.  Listed below is our timeline to begin our sessions by 11/1.

1) Online applications will be ready by Tuesday morning, October 19th.  We will send you a link by Monday afternoon.  Please use your IE block time Tuesday or Wednesday for students to apply for the learning experiences they are interested in.  Their applications are due by Friday.
2) A summary of learning experiences will be sent to teachers on Tuesday.  Please look over these and see if something sparks your interest or passion.  We will talk about these on Wednesday to determine who would like to facilitate each session.  We will finalize who is doing what by the end of the week.
3) The week of October 25-28, we will go through student applications and finalize the rosters for each session.  We will make badges for students to wear to EnRICh each Thursday, with their session name & locations.  Students will be informed of their EnRICh session by Friday of this week.
4) October 31-November 2, teachers will be provided with the rolls for their EnRICh session & EnRICh badges for their homeroom.
5) Thursday, November 3rd - EnRICh begins!

Remember: We are just providing you with the details so you are aware.  We will provide you with step-by-step instructions at each point in the process.  I think you are going to love this hour on Thursdays and I KNOW your students are!  

Paine Fall Festival

Please save the date for our Fall Festival.  Include the save-the-date in your parent newsletters.  The official invitation with details will go out soon.

Red Ribbon Week

Please include the information below in your upcoming parent newsletters so they have time to prepare.



Upcoming Important Dates

October 17-21 - Bus Driver Safety Week
Wednesday, October 19 - Grade Level/Content Area Collaboration
Thursday, October 20 - Faculty Meeting/Board President, Kathy Brown to speak
October 24-28 - Red Ribbon Week
Saturday, November 5th - Paine Fall Festival (9:00-1:00)
Thursday, November 10th - Veterans Day Program

Paine Precepts (Responsibility)

  • “The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill
  • “Mistakes are always forgivable is one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee
  • “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” – Chuck Palahniuk
  • “Every person who has changed the world has taken responsibility for something that mattered not just to them, but to mankind.” – Mike Stutman
  • “With great power comes great responsibility.” – Voltaire

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Family News

Congratulations to Dominique Parker and family! Calloway Blair Parker arrived this morning at 7:31 weighing 8lbs 9oz.  Baby and mom are doing great!  She is beautiful!!!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Weekly Update

 C Week - October 11-14, 2022

North PE will be outside this week (weather permitting)

Best Practice...Paine Practice

Mrs. Jenkins providing deliberate and explicit instruction with a small group of 4th graders.

Mrs. Jenkins' Noise-O-Meter to guide discourse in her classroom.

A student in Mrs. Swatek's room building conceptual knowledge of area & perimeter.

Mrs. Moore working with a small group of 4th graders on literacy skills.

PES counselors organized and led a 5th Grade Leadership Rally focusing on how they are the leaders representing the 3 Rs in our school.

Tuesday - Schedule Change for 1st & 4th Grades

Our 1st Grade Music Program is Tuesday.  We will need to switch 1st grade specials/pe times with 4th Grade.  Each grade will go to their typical rotation, just at a different time.

1st Grade -  12:50-1:50
4th Grade - 10:20-11:20


October Collaboration Schedule

We will have our 2nd District PD with Dr. Berry this Wednesday in the North Training Room.  We will have collaboration on Thursday from 2:15-3:15 in grade level chair classrooms.

See October collaboration calendar below.



October 5th

·         Grade Level Collaboration (No/So Coll Rooms)

October 6th

·         Leadership Team Meeting (No Training Room)

·         STEM Leadership Team Meeting (STREAM room)

·         New Teacher Meeting (Library)

·         All oth/Per certified staff will collaborate

October 12th

·         District PD with Dr. Berry (No Training Room)

October 13th

·         Grade Level Collaboration (Grade Level Chair Classrooms)

October 19th

·         STREAM Studio PD with Dr. Lothspeich & Hannah McCauley (STREAM Studio)

October 20th

·         Grade Level Collaboration (No/So Coll Rooms)

·         Sped Meeting (Library)

October 26th

·         Grade Level Collaboration (No/So Coll Rooms)

October 27th  

·         Faculty Meeting/PLC Break-out Sessions/Collaboration


Important Library Updates

  • Updated Circulation Policy
    • 2nd through 5th grade students can now check out 3 books at a time!
    • They should choose 2 level books and 1 free choice book.
  • Updated Library Classes
    • 2nd through 5th grade classes will not have check out time during Tuesday library classes moving forward. We will use this time to build library and information literacy skills!
    • Please continue sending students to check out books during Open Library Hours.
    • You can sign up to bring your entire class to check out books. This folder has sign up sheets for upcoming months.
    • Kindergarten & 1st grade classes will continue doing book check out during Tuesday library classes.
  • Book Fair – Oct. 31-Nov. 10
    • Check this document to review important information and sign up for times to preview and shop!
  • All of this information (and more!) can be found on our Library for Teachers Schoology page! (Please let me know if you don’t have access)

Paine Fall Festival

Please save the date for our Fall Festival.  Include the save-the-date in your parent newsletters.  The official invitation with details will go out soon.

4th & 5th  Grade Skills Rotations

Due to the increased focus on writing with their new reading curriculum and the emphasis on cursive handwriting with our new ELA standards, we are making a change to the skills rotation focus for 4th & 5th grade.  We will be working on cursive handwriting during this time.  

This change will not begin until A Week (not this week but next).  Beginning A Week, 4th & 5th grade skills will held in the Art Room (instead of the Music Room) but taught by our music teachers.  This location change is necessary because students must be able to sit in a chair at a table/desk to engage in cursive handwriting.  

Red Ribbon Week

Please include the information below in your upcoming parent newsletters so they have time to prepare.



Upcoming Important Dates

Tuesday, October 11 - 1st Grade Music Program (8:30 & 10:00)
October 17-21 - Bus Driver Safety Week
October 24-28 - Red Ribbon Week
Saturday, November 5th - Paine Fall Festival (9:00-1:00)
Thursday, November 10th - Veterans Day Program

Paine Precepts (Responsibility)

Our PACE characteer trait for October is Responsibility.  Our precepts will be focused on this trait for the month of October.
  • “If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” – Les Brown
  • “Though I am not always responsible for what happens to me, I am responsible for how I handle what happens to me.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Winners take responsibility.  Losers blame others.” – Brit Hume
  • “In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.” – Michael Korda

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...