Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Other Important Information

Master Schedule 

The master schedule will be sent out via email sometime on Friday.  We will go over it in detail during our opening faculty meeting.  

Staggered Start Schedule for Students

Wednesday, August 10th - Students with last names beginning with N-Z
Thursday, August 11th - Students with last names beginning with A-M
Friday, August 12th - ALL students attend

Student Lunch Information

We will not be using the scan cards this year; students will enter their lunch numbers.

For the past two years, the U.S. Congress funded a universal free meal program for all students as part of the federal COVID relief assistance plan.  This federal meal program expired on June 30, 2022.  

Trussville City Schools will resume its original prices for breakfast and lunch beginning August 2022.  If a student purchases a school breakfast or lunch, they will be charged according to their eligibility.

Prices for school meals beginning August 2022 are as follows:
Breakfast (all schools) $1.50
Elementary Lunch $2.50
Middle School Lunch $2.75
High School Lunch $2.75

Reduced-price breakfasts cost $0.30 and reduced-price cost $0.40 (all schools). If families believe they are eligible for free or reduced meals, resources are available on this website.

Note:  We will not have lunch visitors until after Labor Day.  A schedule will go out closer to date.

Welcome Back!

It is so hard to believe that summer break is coming to an end soon!  I hope you have used this time to relax and enjoy family & friends.  With the close of summer comes the excitement of a new school year!  Our purpose is clear and we have such important work to do.  We are looking forward to the best school year ever!  Listed below is the schedule for the first few days.  We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Classroom Rolls

Classroom Rolls will be placed in boxes on Friday, July 29th.  Please do not share who is in your class with anyone until teacher assignment emails go out.  They will go out based on the schedule below.

8/1 - 4th & 5th
8/2 - 2nd & 3rd
8/3 - Kinder & 1st

Schedule for Workdays

Friday, August 5th
Please use this day to work in your classrooms, review 504s/IEPs, etc. 

Monday, August 8th
We will have our opening faculty meeting at 8:30.  PTO will be providing breakfast at 8:00.

TCS Institute will be at HTHS at 1:00. Attendance is required and important.  If there is an issue, please email me directly before 8/8.

Tuesday, August 9th
Faith Community Church will be providing breakfast.

All certified staff will attend important training facilitated by Dr. Berry.  It will be from 8:15-10:15.  Location TBD.

Faculty/Staff Picture in Courtyard at 10:30.

Meet the Teacher Dates/Times

5th  Grade - Friday 8/5, 5:00-6:00

Kindergarten & Matos - Sunday, 8/7,  4:00-5:00

2nd Grade - Sunday, 8/7, 6:00-7:00

Pre-K & 4th Grade - Monday, 8/8,5:00-6:00

1st Grade & Blank -Monday, 8/8, 6:30-7:30

3rd Grade - Tuesday, 8/9, 5:00-6:00

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...