Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Updates & Family News

Family News

Please lift Nicole Jenkins and her family up in prayer.  Nicole's sister, Kimberly, passed away unexpectedly this morning.  Our heart goes out to Nicole and her entire family.


They are progressing quickly with the floor waxing.  I will let you know when you can come into the building.  Until we give you clearance, please do not enter the building unless you are scheduled to work a summer camp or have a scheduled PD in our building. The math PD tomorrow will be in the library.  Please enter from the North Boulevard only. They are currently working in the South bouleavard. If you have any questions, please ask the front office.

FYI...We are working with PTO to order floor protectors for all of our student chairs.  We want to keep our floors looking great all year! Once you are able to enter the building, please make sure all chairs have these protectors on them before they are used. Also, please do not drag any items across the floors.  

Summer is going by too fast!  Enjoy every minute of it!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Important Updates

Hope you are having a great summer!  We are working hard on preparations for next year!  Listed below are a couple of important updates.

Welcome Dr. Maggie Jensen, Assistant Principal

Please welcome Dr. Maggie Jensen, Assistant Principal, to our Paine Family.  She comes to us with a wealth of experience from Liberty Park/Vestavia Hills. Dr. Jensen will serve as Assistant Principal for the North Building (grades 1, 3, & 5).  Dr. Brumlow will serve as the Assistant Principal for the South Building (grades PreK, K, 2, & 4). Dr. Brumlow will be moving her office to the wellness room (which will be relocated...more information to follow).  This will make her more accessible to teachers and students in the South Building.  

Floor Waxing Update

They are beginning the process to wax our floors this week.  They will start with the 4th grade wing, so it will be off limits until further notice.  We will provide updates as they progress through the building.  If you are in the building and a wing/hall is blocked off you may not enter that wing/hall.  They will move from the front of the South Building to the back and then progress from the back of the North Building to the front.  When they are ready to wax the 5th grade wing, we will have to relocate the literacy camp to the 4th grade wing.

We are going to make every effort to keep our floors looking great all year.  Once a room or hall is waxed, please do not drag anything across the floor.  Ask for help if you need it.  Also, we will not put chairs down until we have floor protectors on the legs.  Our PTO is looking at ordering these for us.

We hope you are enjoying every minute of this summer!  We miss seeing you!

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...