Saturday, March 26, 2022

Weekly Update


 B Week (3/28-4/1)

I hope everyone had a restful, fun spring break and that you feel rejuvenated!  We have one more week until ACAP testing for students in Grades 2-5.  Please make sure you make adjustments in your schedule this week to ensure all standards have been taught.  You may use the IE block to do additional testing preparation and practice. 

Upcoming Events - March/April

Mon, 3/28: Courtney Stodgill's Birthday
Mon, 3/28:  PST Meetings
Tues, 3/29:  Class Pictures
Wed, 3/30:  HTMS to visit with 5th Graders during PE
Fri, 4/1:  Ellen Howard's Birthday
Fri, 4/1:  PST Meetings
Fri, 4/1:  AR Halfway Point for Trimester 3
Fri, 4/1:  Friday Freeze
Sun, 4/3: Lori Jackson's Birthday
Sun, 4/3: Becky Nichols' Birthday (CNP)
Tues, 4/5: Grades must be entered today for progress reports
Wed 4/6: ACAP ELA Part 1
Thurs, 4/7: ACAP ELA Part 2
Thurs, 4/7: Progress reports go home
Sun, 4/10: Hannah Puryear's Birthday
Wed, 4/13: ACAP Math
Mon, 4/18: Open House 4:30-5:30 - PreK, Kinder, Matos
Mon, 4/18: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 3rd Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 4:30-5:30 - 1st Grade
Tues, 4/19:  Open House 6:00-7:00 - 5th Grade
Wed, 4/20: ACAP Science (4th grade)
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 4:30-5:30 - 2nd Grade
Thurs, 4/21: Open House 6:00-7:00 - 4th Grade


Class Pictures - Tuesday

Please communicate to your students and parents that class pictures will be on Tuesday.  We will call you when it is time for your class to have their picture made.  Please make sure you all students, who go out of your room for any service on Tuesday morning, rejoin your class for pictures.

Paine Elementary Open House

Lunchroom Updates

We will be reorganzing the tables in the lunchrooms this week.  Once this is ready (by the middle to end of week) students will be able to sit next to eacother (without skipping a seat).  Teachers will continue to sit at the table with students.  
We will send our updated lunchroom procedures and rules before the end of this week for full implementation beginning on Monday, 4/4.

Lunchroom Visitors

We will resume parent lunchroom visits the week of April 25th (after ACAP testing is complete).  There will be designated Parent Visitor Tables; visitors will not sit at the classroom table.  ALL lunchroom visitors MUST sit at the VISITOR table with their child only (no other students will be allowed to sit at this table).  We expect a large number of lunchroom visitors, so we will be implementing a schedule based on the initial letter in student last names.  This will help us distribute the visits across the week so we have enough room in the lunchroom and enough parking.  We will send out the schedule soon.

 Courtyard - U.S. Map

We would like to thank Eagle Scout, Reagan White who painted a map of the United States on our courtyard for his Eagle Scout Project.
Our Art Teachers obtained a grant to create a sensory path in the courtyard, so expect more amazing things to be painted in this space soon.

Wednesday Collaboration

Please use this time to prepare your room for ACAP and/or catch up.

Thursday - Brief Faculty Meeting

We will meet at 2:15 in the media center.  We will briefly go over a couple of important items.  Then, Jim Kirkland & Jason Gaston will be speaking with our faculty and staff about the upcoming Trussville Tax Vote. 

Paine Precepts

  • Always stop to think whether your fun may be the cause of another’s unhappiness.” – Aesop
  • “To belittle, you have to be little.” – Kahlil Gibran
  • “Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, goodness is the greatest.” – Francis Bacon
  • “Goodness is the only investment that never fails.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Never be so busy as not to think of others.” – Mother Teresa

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Open House


Please put the following open house information in your upcoming newsletters.  

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Weekly Update - Part 2

 Teacher Observations

We will begin conducting observations using the new ATOT (Alabama Teacher Observation Tool) this week for those on the rotation this year.  This will entail an admin visiting your classroom for exactly 20 minutes and completing the form.  We will then set up a follow up meeting with you.

Correction:  Pictures

Correction:  We will NOT have make-up pictures on March 31.  This has been corrected in the original blog post.

March PST Referrals & Updates

All March PST New Referrals and Monthly Updates are due by Friday, March 18th before the end of the day.
PST New Referral Google link (for students who have NOT been brought up to PST this year):
PST Grade Level Update Google links (for students who have been referred to PST this year):
Grade 1-
Grade 2-
Grade 3-
Grade 4-
Grade 5-

Reminder:  Before Spring Break

Before you leave on Friday, please make sure you have done the following:
  • Unplug lamps, lights (including twinkle lights) and small appliances.
  • Be sure all trash has been removed from your classroom.
  • Make sure you have locked your classroom door before you leave.

Lost and Found

Please communicate to your parents that Lost & Found has been moved to the front lobby (inside the bathroom hallway). Students and/or parents may visit the lost and found if they are missing an item.  We will be donating lost and found items the week after spring break.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Weekly Update

A Week (3/14-3/18)

We have 10 schools days left before ACAP testing begins (5 this week and 5 after spring break).  Grades 2-5, please make sure you maximize every learning moment on those 10 days to ensure everything is covered before testing.  Please make sure students are working on ACAP practice during the IE block if they are not in your intervention group. 

We only have 47 days left this school year!  Please make every moment count for every student!  Thank you for all you do for our students!  Let's finish this year strong!!!  

Upcoming Events - March

Don't forget to move your clock this weekend!
March 14-18:  ACAP Alternative Testing all week
March 15 (Tues): Grade Level Assemblies (Front of School)
March 16 (Wed): ACAP Test Training during Collaboration
March 16 (Wed): 5th Grade Music Program (Group 1)
March 17 (Thurs): 5th Grade Music Program (Group 2)
March 20: Janea Rosenberg's Birthday
March 21-25:  Spring Break
March 22:  Kathi Wilks' Birthday
March 24:  Lisa Salem's Birthday
March 24: Reese Guthrie's Birthday
March 27:  Kari Drott's Birthday
March 28: Courtney Stodgill's Birthday
March 29:  Class Pictures
March 30:  HTMS to visit with 5th Graders during PE

Recess Expectations

We have too many behavior issues occuring during recess time.  This is one of the most important times to make sure students are carefully supervised.  Please be reminded of the following:

  • Please make sure your are watching and listening to student interactions during recess.
  • Please sit in close proximity of students; do not sit with your back to students.
  • Please refrain from using your cell phone during recess time.
  • Please address any issues immediately to avoid problems escalating.
  • If on courtyard and other areas, reinforce rules that students should not be out of your site (no playing hide-n-seek in bushes, etc.)

Tuesday - Grade Level Assemblies

Our assemblies for February student recognitions have been rescheduled to Tuesday. We are going to move our assembly location to the front of the school to see if it is a better option than the field. We will be out there to help you with the seating plan.  Please refer to the schedule below for your grade's assembly time.  

Important:  Due to ACAP Alternative Testing, we will not be able to do an all-call for classes on the intercom.  Be sure to have your class at the front of the school 10 minutes prior to your assembly time.

Kindergarten - 8:30-9:00
1st Grade - 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade - 10:30-11:00
4th Grade - 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade -  12:30-1:00
5th Grade - 1:30-2:00

Wed Collaboration & Thursday Afternoon

Our counselors will lead us in test security training during collaboration on Wednesday.  Please use this time to catch up, prepare lessons, and/or get your room ready for testing.

Important:  ACAP Testing Preparation

Task #1 – Initial Test Security Training: ALL STAFF, Certified & Non-certified


You should have received a packet of signature pages in your box.  Certified staff will have one packet and non-certified staff will have a different packet.  Everyone receiving this e-mail needs to…

  1. view the Google slides presentation by clicking on the link below. 
  2. After you have viewed the presentation, please complete the pages in your box and put the stapled packet back in Mrs. Naylor or Mrs. Howard’s box/office by Wednesday, 3/16
    1. Please make sure you initial the lines on the oaths as instructed, do not put a check mark or x.
  3. The Integrity Handbook was emailed to you by Ellen Howard if you need to reference it.

Link to Google Slides presentation:

Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers:  Even though your grade level does not test, remember you must be ready to serve as a test administrator, proctor, or hall monitor in case of a teacher absence.

Task #2 – Required Technology Survey: ALL 2nd – 5th Grade Teachers


This is a very important step in preparing for testing. It is your responsibility to ensure your students have all of the things listed below. This survey will verify that all students in your class have the following…

  1. a working Chromebook
  2. their Chromebook has the "DRC INSIGHT Online Assessments" app installed, updated, and running properly
  3. PLUG IN headphones that work (NO wireless, Bluetooth, air pods, etc.)

Any Chromebook issues need to be WORF’ed by you before the end of the day on Wednesday, 3/16.

Link to Required Technology Survey:


ACAP MANDATORY TRAINING for ALL teachers during Collab. on Wednesday, March 16th. Aides and Hall Monitors will be trained Thursday, March 17th at 2:15. Specialist Training will be Thursday, March 17th during the day. A time will be communicated to specialists soon.


And here is the link for ACAP Lesson #3! 

This lesson explains the ELA listening Assessment, ELA Session 1, and the importance of using headphones correctly -

Wed Collaboration & Thursday Afternoon

Our counselors will lead us in test security training during collaboration on Wednesday.  Please use this time to catch up, prepare lessons, and/or get your room ready for testing.

Paine Precepts

  • You should always be well and bright, for so you do your best work; and you have so much beautiful work to do. The world needs it, and you must give it!” – Marie Correlli
  • If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?” – John Wooden
  • “We have to do the best we can.  This is our sacred human responsibility”  Albert Einstein
  • “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” – Booker T. Washington
  • “If you try to do your best, there is no failure – Mike Farrell

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Family News

 Please keep Kristi Brooks and her family in your thoughts and prayers; her grandfather passed away.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Weekly Update

                B Week (March 7-11)

Tuesday, March 8th - Student Assemblies
Tuesday, March 8th - Heather Cates' Birthday

Team Member of the Month

Please use the link below to vote for Team Member of the month for showing COMPASSION.  We will announce the Team Member(s) of the month Wednesday morning.

Tuesday - Grade Level Assemblies

Our assemblies for February student recognitions will held on Tuesday (weather permitting).  We are going to move our assembly location to the front of the school to see if it is a better option than the field. We will be out there to help you with the seating plan.  Please refer to the schedule below for your grade's assembly time.

Kindergarten - 8:30-9:00
1st Grade - 9:30-10:00
2nd Grade - 10:30-11:00
4th Grade - 11:30-12:00
3rd Grade -  12:30-1:00
5th Grade - 1:30-2:00

ACAP Preparation Plan Link (2-5)

Tuesday - Skills/Enrichment Rotation Location

The same ACAP lessons will be provided to students whether they are in the skills or enrichment rotation week.  The following are locations for Tuesday, which will be different this week due to the bookfair being in the library.  
  • Skills Rotations (2-5) - Meet in North PE Room
  • Enrichment Rotations (2-5) - No change (meet in designated specialist room).
  • K&1 - No change
Note:  Please make sure all students bring their charged Chromebooks.

Wednesday & Thursday

Please use your Wednesday Collaboration Time and Thursday Early Release time for grade level collaborative planning.  Grades 2-5, please focus on ACAP Preparation and Practice during your planning time.

Thursday Afternoon - Math PLC

We will have a brief Math PLC Meeting (from 2:15-2:45).  During this meeting we will focus on number talks.

Lunchroom Update 

We have received feedback that the tops of the tables are being left much cleaner.  Thank you for making sure students are leaving their lunch table clean.  We are still having issues with the floors.  Please remind students to pick up their trash off the floor, and have 2 helpers sweep around the table when your class has finished lunch.

Paine Precepts

Focus:  Cooperation
1. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller
2. Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there. - Virginia Burden
3. A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skill of others. - Norman Shidle
4. If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. -  Henry Ford
5. Together ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results. - Becka Schoettle

Weekly Update

  A Week - January 21-24, 2025 South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Re...