Saturday, August 28, 2021

B Week

Team Member of the Month

Please use the link below to vote for our Team Member of the Month for demonstrating WISDOM.  Wisdom is finding out what you should do and doing it!  Two individuals will earn this recognition each month.  They will receive a certificate, Amazon Gift Card, picture on a new display wall, and will be published on our social media pages.  Please be sure to include the reasons you nominated the individual.  Certificates will contain excerpts from what peer wrote about them.  The Team Members of the Month will be announced the morning of 9/1.  Nominations must  be in by 8/31.


Aims Web Testing

We will continue with our Aims Web Testing this week.  The schedule for our testing team is shown below.  Teachers, if you are administering an Aims Web Test, please make sure these are completed no later than 9/10.  If you need any assistance, please let us know.

PST (Problem Solving Team) Meetings

PST Zoom meetings will be held on Monday, August 30th and Tuesday, August 31st.  See the schedule for both days below.  Students to be discussed were on an RTI Plan and a Student Reading Improvement Plan (SRIP) during the 20-21 school year. A Zoom link will be sent to these teachers prior to our meeting.

Wednesday Collaboration Meetings

We will meet in collaboration rooms to plan upcoming lessons.   Remember to think about how to create an EPIC Moment for students in one of your upcoming units or lessons!

Faculty/Staff Birthdays this Week

8/28-Chelle Williams, 8/30-Rachel Phillips, 9/2-John Freeman,     9/2-Shari Durrett, 9/3-Taylor Knuppel

Paine Precepts

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Family News

Please keep Carly Payne and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her precious grandmother passed away.  

Congratulations to Alyssa Vickers and Jennifer Hunt (and their families).  They are both expecting babies in March.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Family News

Please keep Karen Ekonen's grandmother, Anna Marie,  in your thoughts and prayers.  She is 104 years old and in the hospital.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Weekly Update

We had a great week!  Thank you for inspiring our students everyday! As we collaborate and plan our lessons for the next several weeks, let's work on including an experience the first trimester that includes an EPIC Moment for our students!

A Week:  8/23-8/27

Health & Safety Reminder
All TCS Employees are required to wear a mask while indoors and within 6 feet of another person.  We continue to follow the Health Department Toolkit for Schools.  It is recommended that students in K-5 wear masks when they are indoors and within 6 feet of another person.  All students must wear a mask while riding the bus.
Please make sure your students are following social distancing guidelines in the hallways by using the pawprints on the wall.  Double check to make sure your desks are arranged at least 3 feet apart.  Our goal is to keep each other and our students safe.  

AimsWeb Plus Testing Schedule

STAR Testing

Please make sure the STAR Reading Assessment has been given to all students by September 15th.

Wednesday Collaboration 

Our Academic Coaches will be training all teachers on AimsWebPlus.  We will meet in your respective collaboration rooms.

Lesson Plans

Please be sure to share your lesson plans with our Admin Team electronically.

Thursday Afternoon

We will have a faculty meeting in the library at 2:15 to go over our school safety plan.

Tuesday EnRICh & Skills Rotation

Our Academic Coaches provided Specialist Teachers with training for the various Skills Rotations!  We are excited about this opportunity for our students.  Skills rotations will always be held in the Media Center.

While we are working on plans for future EnRICh learning experiences, students will engage in a STEM activity during EnRICh time.  Your EnRICh location is listed below (until further notice):

Paine Precepts this Week

M: If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore.  
     - Michele Ruiz
T:  If you quit once it becomes a habit.  Never Quit!  Michael Jordan
W: No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.  - Paulo Coehlo
T:  One day or Day decide. Unknown
F:  If you can dream it, you can do it.  Walt Disney

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Weekly Update

Congratulations on the most amazing first week of school.  We started our week with a celebration of our dedicated and talented faculty and staff!  Our Meet the Teacher Event was a huge success!  Then, we had a great first three days with our students!  Our students are blessed with wonderful teachers and staff....and our teachers and staff are blessed with incredible students!  I heard so many students talk about having the best first week of school!  That is a constant reminder of why we are here and how important our work is.  You will make a profound difference in the lives of our students this year, and we are off to a great start! We are here to support you with whatever you need.

B Week:  8/16 - 8/20

Announcement Helpers

Students With Birthdays that Day

Please send students who have birthdays each day to the office BY 7:55 to help with announcements.  (Please have an adult assist the little ones to the office and we will bring them back.)This will begin Monday morning.  Students with birthdays on Sunday should be sent with Monday birthdays and those with birthdays on Saturdays should be sent with Friday birthdays.  Students should be wearing their masks when they come to help with announcements.


The latest version of the Master Schedule will be emailed out this weekend.  Please make sure everything is accurate for your homeroom class (recess, recess locations, etc.)  It is important that you stick to your exact recess time and specified location so we know where you are in the event of check-outs, emergency situation, etc.

Once you have your classroom schedule finalized, please post a copy outside of your door and email a copy to our admin team.

Testing Calendar

Below is the testing calendar for TCS Elementary/Middle School.  AIMs Web Plus will be utilized in K-5 for both Math and Reading this year.  We have testing teams coming in to assess students for some of the assessments.  If teachers are responsible for administering an assessment, we will provide training first.  It is not necessary to give Performance Series this year for reading and math.  

We will continue to administer STAR Reading to gather additional data.  This will also provide us with levels to select books in each student's range.   Your STAR Testing Windows are listed below:
September 1 - September 15 
January 3 - January 14 
May 2 - May 13 

We will provide a more detailed schedule regarding training, etc. as soon as we have it.

Wednesday Collaboration 

We will meet in your grade level collaboration rooms on Wednesday to work on lesson plan format and updates for the first few weeks of school.

Thursday Afternoon

Early dismissal begins on Thursday.  We will wait to see if we need a brief faculty meeting on any outstanding items.  If not, you will be able to use this time to work in your rooms or collaborate with your colleagues.  Please make sure you have coordinated with the YMCA if you need the special child care arrangement for Thursday afternoons.

Reminder - Assigning Points for Grades

Grades 3-5

As a grade level, please collaborate to determine “points possible” using the following ranges when assigning grades. If there are other types of assignments other than what is listed, collaborate and be consistent within your grade level regarding the “points possible” for that assignment. These are broad categories to use. Determine the area that best fits your assignment(s) and then work together to arrive at “points possible” for each assignment. Anything that is practice towards mastery (formative) should focus on the learning and therefore be assigned a lower number of points possible. Your summative focus is where the larger range of points should be. 

  • Mid Unit Assessment = 30-55 range of points possible 
  • End of Unit Assessment= 75-100 range of points possible 
  • Checkpoint= 10-20 range of points possible 
  • Grammar assignments= 10-20 range of points possible 
  • Writing (final product)= 100-200 range of points possible 
  • Spelling= 10-20 range of points possible 
  • Classwork/Practice (this is where AR)= 5-20 range of points possible 
  • Homework (includes Dreambox)- not graded

Tuesday EnRICh & Skills Rotation

We will be planning our EnRICh learning experiences over the next two weeks and will communicate more details soon.  In the meantime, If you have EnRICh this week your students will stay with their class and participate in a STEM activity in the room designated below (during EnRICh time).  If your students have Skills Rotation, they will go to the media center during this time on Tuesday.  

5-Burns - No STEM Room
5-Bryant - So Art Room
5-McLaughlin - No STEM Room
5-Brasher - So Art Room
5-Darnell - So STEM Room
2-Phillips - So Music Room
2-Weyerman - No STEM Room
2-Coshatt - So STEM Room
2-Seeley(2) - No STEM Room
2-Hunt - No Music Room
2-Wilks - So Music Room
1-Calvin - No Art Room
1-Inman - So Music Room
1-Farley - No Music Room
1-Lathem - No Art Room
1-Seeley(1) - So Music Room
K-Dillard - No Art Room
K-Findley - So Art Room
K-Cates/Landrem(PreK) - So Music Room
K-O'Dell - No Art Room
K-Dyess - No Music Room
K-Stodghill - No Music Room
4-Jenkins - No Art Room
4-Bennett - So Art Room
4-Felts - No STEM Room
4-Dahlke - So STEM Room
4-Lang - So Art Room
3-Kuhn - No Art Room
3-Barker - So STEM Room
3-Walters - No STEM Room
3-Abney - So STEM Room
3-Brechin- So Music Room

Paine Precepts this Week

M: I may not be there, but I am closer than I was yesterday. - Unknown
T:  Make yourself proud. Unknown
W: There is no elevator to success.  You have to take the stairs.  - Zig Zigler
T:  Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen. Conan O'Brien
F:  Act as if what you do makes a difference...It does!  William James

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...